Archive for May, 2013


You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life…. For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. (John 5:39, 40, 46)

The religious leaders flipped out when they heard Jesus say this, and then they blew a gasket when Jesus told them He existed before Abraham (John 8:56). This challenges us to dig deeper into our faith. John R.W. Stott was an English Christian leader and was very influential in the worldwide evangelical movement. He said it is the uniqueness of Christ that we defend:

“So, because in no other person but Jesus of Nazareth did God first become human (in his birth), then bear our sins (in his death), then conquer death (in his resurrection) and then enter his people (by his Spirit), he is uniquely able to save sinners. Nobody else has his qualifications.”

Most Christians don’t have a problem with the above assertions or Scriptures, but some have a hard time with being saved by grace alone. A few religions overemphasize good works – doing as much as you can to be accepted by God or to get to heaven – which is not what the Bible teaches. In Ephesians 2:8, Paul writes that we are saved only through faith because of God’s grace. Grace is undeserved favor. Grace has nothing to do with our efforts.

However, it is also important to balance out our faith and good deeds because faith without actions is useless. We are to live what we believe in full expression and demonstration of our faith. The Bible also teaches faith works through love (Gal. 5:6). But please do not miss the point that there is absolutely nothing you or I can do to get God to love us more or accept us more. Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of Christ (Rom. 8:38-39).

Then there are others who don’t think they need to put their trust in Jesus to go to heaven. They might say, “I am a good person. I have never murdered or raped anybody. I try to follow the Golden Rule. I love the planet and recycle, and I even volunteer.” I would ask them if they think Jesus was a good person.

As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him, and asked Him,

“Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone (Mark 10:17-18).

No one is good enough on their own to approach a holy God. He also made the point that we are incapable of keeping the commandments, so how can anyone be saved by trying to be good through their own efforts?

Have you ever lied, stolen anything, coveted something someone else had, hated someone in your heart (murder), or lusted after another person (adultery)? Have you always honored your mother and father? Have you ever idolized a person or a thing over God? (Like a Hollywood actor, rock star, sports team, athlete, celebrity, bike, car, boat, house, etc.) Have you ever taken the Lord’s name in vain? Not one of us is good, and it’s impossible for us to keep the laws and commandments of God on our own.

That’s why the gospel truly is very good news. Those of us who confess Jesus is our Lord and Savior, believing in our hearts, are forgiven, saved, set free, redeemed, restored, sanctified, and blessed. We have a bright future and an eternal hope!


I recently had a good conversation with a very liberal guy who is not a Christian. Though he didn’t believe the Bible is God’s Word or that Christ alone is Lord, he listened to what I shared. Sadly, the conversation left his heart unchanged. He complimented me on being a person of conviction even though he disagreed with me.

But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised (1 Corinthians 2:14).

The natural man may be wise according to the world’s wisdom and intellect, but that won’t get him very far when it comes to discerning spiritual things. His pride, earthly success, degrees and worldly education prevent him from admitting he needs God. Though this person I talked with hasn’t read much of the Bible, he had formed strong beliefs and negative opinions about Christianity and religion in general. Not only that, but he also taught this worldview to his children, and they now take bits and pieces from many religions.

I call it cafeteria Christianity. They choose what they want, when they want it, and avoid what they don’t like in the Bible. It is being dangerously mired in the mucky middle. But if you have an unwavering faith in Jesus Christ built on the solid foundation of God’s Word, your beliefs will not be shaken. Your faith will withstand the debates, opinions, talking points, arguments, and attacks of opponents. We don’t have all the answers, so we don’t need to pretend we do.

I love the Lord because He changed my heart. I am convinced about the truth of Jesus Christ because of massive evidence – archeological, biblical, and historical – and years of personal research and study. This other person was just as convinced in his views by his upbringing, by liberal friends, and higher education. We both believe our convictions are right and true. So what is the lesson? Don’t get discouraged when you talk to someone who simply doesn’t want to believe. Pray for them. The results are in God’s hands.

The more I study the Bible, the more I realize I need to learn. Our responsibility is to always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence (1 Peter 3:15). Are you prepared to explain the reason for your faith in Christ? The Holy Spirit will instruct us and teach us. People may not know exactly what they’re looking for, but they are searching. Everyone has a void only Christ can fill. We are ambassadors for Christ commissioned to share the truth, so speak it with boldness.

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved… For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:9-10, 13 ).

[Excerpt from pages 23-25 in ERADICATE: Blotting Out God in America] by David Fiorazo


Who’s in charge here, anyway? The Obama administration is responsible for everything, but knows nothing. America is in ruins, scandal, and no one’s to blame. Evidently, the buck permanently stopped with George W. Bush.

The ever so smug White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, has had a tough go of it lately creatively answering questions saying he doesn’t know anything and the president had absolutely no knowledge or involvement – in anything. Apparently, ‘at no time was the Obama administration aware of what the Obama administration was doing.’ 

It’s funny, infuriating, and sad all at the same time. The most corrupt government in American history has not, is not, and will not be held accountable for their actions.

I hope I’m wrong; nothing will come from any of this.

With Americans as uninformed and disinterested as we’ve ever seen, consider the mounting information that continues to be brushed under the rug. If President Obama were a Republican, he never would have been reelected in 2012 and he’d be impeached in 2013.

But the media refuses to report the truth – unless they are practically forced to – about anything remotely negative on Obama, and four years of this has not only led to a well- insulated president, but also citizens who are not hearing many facts.

A CNN poll last week revealed 53% of Americans still approve of the job Obama is doing as president! Since it’s nearly impossible to estimate how many of these are die-hard liberals, progressives, Democrats, and college students, we should assume a majority of them have little interest or knowledge of Obama’s actual record. Gallup also has Obama’s approval right around 51%. So – what gives? His approval should be in the 30’s.

It’s been suggested that the media can tilt an election by approximately 8 points. I’d also say they can influence polls and approval ratings by making a devil seem like an angel.

America has reached a tipping point. While people are getting more frustrated, government is becoming more arrogant and evasive. Here are some stories that come to mind.

Who can forget the Obamacare monstrosity that was rushed through Congress and then crammed, forced, and stuffed down the American people’s throats? Nancy Pelosi infamously told us we’d have to pass the bill to find out what was in it, and now it’s old news. The lies have been told, the people have been deceived, and more than $1 trillion in new taxes and more than $2 trillion in new spending later, the Democrats have gotten away with their abuse of power – Scott-free.

Even HHS Secretary Sebelius admitted insurance premiums will increase and approximately 24 million Americans will lose their current coverage once Obamacare kicks into gear. Because of this, some employers are already cutting full-time workers hours so they won’t be forced to pay for as many employees’ insurance plans.

Blue Cross Blue Shield, for one, has proposed a 25% rate increase for many of their plans.

Insurance rates have gone up, people have lost health care coverage, employers have been forced to drop certain plans, and countless medical costs have gone up because of the upcoming changes in the law – forced upon the majority of Americans.

A few years ago, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was begging our own government for help protecting the U.S./Mexico border. Citizens were having property damaged or stolen, deaths were reported, and Mexican gun cartel activity was traced nearly 100 miles into Arizona. What happened? The Obama administration sued the state of Arizona for enforcing their immigration laws.

Next, when it came to the deaths of American and Mexican citizens, the reckless Fast and Furious gun-running operation was forgotten shortly after Obama protected Erik Holder and the (In)Justice Department by exercising his executive privilege – after it was confirmed Holder lied and was held in contempt of Congress.  

One scandal I thought would stick was Benghazi. The evasive runaround, the administration’s laughable talking points, and the complicit media silence kept people uninformed. The scandal didn’t stick, but it does stink. The spin and media puppet show shielded Obama and leading up to the 2012 Presidential Election, the Obama administration received extremely little scrutiny for the Benghazi incident and how it was mishandled back in D.C.

Remember the stimulus debacle? We’re talking about massive spending of taxpayer money on green energy scams; I mean “investments.” Jobs were promised and immediate economic growth was predicted and yet, one after the other, these companies failed miserably.

Solar Trust for America, declared bankruptcy after receiving $2.1 billion in loan guarantees from the Department of Energy.  First Solar blew through $1.46 billion, Solyndra wasted $535 million, Fisker Automotive received $529 million, Evergreen Solar spent $527 million, and the list goes on.

Now, we see the current, growing AP scandal involving information leaks as well as the DOJ seizing records of several Fox News employees while they targeted reporter James Rosen.

It’s also been confirmed the IRS has strategically targeted the Tea Party, Christians, and many conservative groups including Republican business executives that simply donated to the Romney campaign. (The IRS internal investigation was hidden from Congress and ended prior to the ’12 election)

Naturally, no one in the Obama administration knows anything.

To end with a ‘you just can’t make this stuff up’ storyline twist, the crony slated to take over Obamacare for the IRS, Lois Lerner, will apparently take the 5th in the ongoing investigation of IRS corruption.

I also faintly recall ongoing investigations regarding voter fraud in the 2008 and 2012 elections.

Geez, I hope the media or Obama Justice Department find some answers they’re not really seeking.

It’s all “ongoing.” Most of us are not holding our breath.

killing babies with scissors

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live babies, and involuntary manslaughter of a woman who died at his Philadelphia clinic. Eye witnesses testified Gosnell killed hundreds of babies born alive over the years, but physical evidence was only available to prove three of them. This is a guy that kept baby feet in jars as trophies.

Will this case lead to regulations being implemented in one of the least regulated industries in America? Gosnell is certainly not alone when it comes to seedy backroom abortion operations, unsanitary conditions, and untrained staff.

Right under our preoccupied noses and all across America; hundreds of abortion “providers” are making a killing in their completely legal, government approved businesses. Many are just living the American dream. Yes, it’s true some take advantage of confused and scared young girls, but with the average price of an abortion being around $1,300 per customer, delivering death adds up to big profits.

Various sources confirmed Gosnell performed thousands of abortions over a 30-year career, and his practice alone netted him about $1.8 million a year, much of it in cash. Authorities found $250,000 hidden in a bedroom when they searched his house. Gosnell also owned a beach home and several rental properties. 

Prosecutor Ed Cameron said “He created an assembly line with no regard for these women whatsoever.” For obvious reasons, many of the youngest customers end up paying cash.

Is Gosnell the only twisted abortionist killing babies born alive? Are we so naive to think his clinic was the only one operating in such horrific conditions? 

Susan B. Anthony List President, Marjorie  Dannenfelser insists Kermit Gosnell is not alone:

“Exploitation of women and complete disregard for their health and well-being are problems endemic to the entire abortion industry. There are numerous examples of negligence and even death in abortion facilities across the country. Now is the moment to realize that abortion is neither safe, nor rare. Abortion is a brutal, painful procedure, both for the child that it kills and the woman that it wounds.”

Gosnell’s radical pro-abortion views, similar to President Obama’s, clouded his respect for life causing a blatant disregard for one of God’s most basic laws: Thou shalt not kill. Obama even said, “God bless Planned Parenthood” in a recent speech, fully supporting their ‘work.’ 

When abortion was legalized via Roe v. Wade in 1973, at least the court had an (extremely weak) excuse that there was some confusion over exactly when life begins. With modern technological advances such as ultrasound however, and the fact that science proves a human heart begins beating at six weeks, this argument holds no weight whatsoever!

And yet, abortions that are neither safe nor rare continue every minute in America under the guise of ‘reproductive freedom,’ and ‘women’s health.’ A baby is aborted every 26 seconds. The media does their part by withholding the gruesome details and facts about killing our own and calling it a ‘right’. They hide the truth in part to protect the Democratic Party (abortion is a money-making platform), and most of us carry on with our busy lives without batting an eye. 

Apathy has spread like a heartless disease throughout the United States. We have become desensitized to sin.

The root of this depravity is pure evil and goes against what the Bible teaches, but for the average abortion practitioner, it’s just another day at the office. Abortionists don’t care about morals. We cannot expect unbelievers to live according to godly values.

To them, the Ten Commandments are merely ten suggestions. Their consciences have been seared and they are simply accommodating the desires of a selfish, depraved society. In today’s culture, they call it “choice.”

To Gosnell, he was just doing his job; helping young women, even underage girls, dispose of the growing lives within them at any stage of development.

To the generous taxpayers of America, we’re just helping fund the cause by generously providing Planned Parenthood with $11 every second through our tax dollars totaling over a half a billion dollars annually. The biggest abortion business in America just eliminated two more human lives since you began this article. They perform one abortion every 94 seconds totaling more than 335,000 abortions a year.

If you only care about money and you have no regard for God, the Bible, and life in general, it was a brilliant plan – and the devil is full of them. This dark agenda of death began with Margaret Sanger in the 1930’s and 40’s, which I expose in my book, ERADICATE, in a chapter called, “Planned Parenthood’s Buried History.”

A majority of American citizens believe abortion is wrong, and even say there should be more restrictions placed on abortion, so what now? It’s been over 40 years since the legalization of the destruction of human life in a Mother’s womb, supposedly the safest place on earth.

What about the women who walk into abortion clinics? Some have stomachs the size of basketballs. Should they escape any scrutiny? Why don’t we hear more about those who decided to kill the precious life inside them?

The root of this tragedy is a much bigger problem; we have a hyper-sexualized, promiscuity-approving culture from Hollywood to government-run schools to the mainstream media. Sadly, some Christians are conforming.

We continue tolerating depravity in America often leading to death, and we vote for those who support it. We allow abortionists to play God – and most of us say nothing. If such an appalling case as Gosnell’s doesn’t cause more folks to speak up, I’m not sure what will.

every abortion clinic offends God

gosnell philly clinic

Gosnell freezer

Gosnell Trial Proves Massive Media Malpractice  (Part 6)

“Did you ever think the media in America would get to the point where details, facts, and news about one of the most horrific killing sprees in recent history would be covered-up, minimized, or omitted altogether?

It should not take a conservative firestorm to hold the media accountable, but it does. During the Gosnell trial, concerned Americans and citizen journalists used blogs emails, Facebook posts, and a ‘Twitterfest’ to call attention to a tragic story that should break our hearts. The public deserves to know the truth, but in this day and age in America, we must actively demand it from the media.”  


The Audacity of Drones  (Part 5)

If drone killing isn’t controversial enough for the media to report on, either they don’t value life – including life in the womb – or they prioritize protecting the president they voted for over telling American citizens the truth. Congress must debate this controversial policy and set clear boundaries before it gets out of hand. I’m all for defending America, but not at the expense of increased government power and authority over the very citizens they’ve pledged to protect and serve.”


Gay Marriage and Media: A Match Made in America  (Part 4)

“It has been proven the media are generally opposed to the Bible and generally favor laws to redefine marriage. Three out of four ‘journalists’ believe homosexuality is acceptable and no different a lifestyle than heterosexuality…

The primary objectives of the Left are to eradicate Christianity in America and, in an effort to remove the Bible’s influence, take down the church. The good news is more people are paying attention, distrust of the media is at an all-time high, and approximately 92% of Americans use multiple platforms to get their news.”

march for life crowdOccupy vs. the Tea Party: Keeping Americans Uninformed  (Part 3)

These were two of the biggest public movements affecting America in years, but there was a stark difference in how the media reported on them. For example, Occupy Wall Street drew 24 broadcast network stories in the first nine days of coverage while the Tea Party drew only 19 in the first nine months! This isn’t journalism, folks. The media practically became OWS’s public relations department… Our freedoms are under attack. We know what side the media is on. Let’s keep exposing hypocrisy and sharing the truth.

Obama-Solar-Panels-3-2012Media Keeping Americans Uninformed: Green Energy Failures  (Part 2)

Concerned American citizens that don’t know the facts about how our government uses taxpayer dollars are being misled because the truth is not reported by the media. Before the massive economic stimulus bill passed in 2009, VP Joe Biden insisted, “We have to spend more money to keep from going bankrupt.” That was three and a half years ago and Americans are still paying the bills.

An entire month after Solyndra declared bankruptcy, a Pew survey found 43% of Americans “had never even heard of the scandal.” As for MSNBC, their primetime lineup went months without even acknowledging Solyndra. Bankruptcies and failures won’t diminish the Obama administration’s drive to keep spending our money as long as the media refuses to hold them accountable.

2013_March_For_LifeMedia Bias is Keeping Americans Uninformed: The Issue of Life  (Part 1)

The majority of Americans don’t believe that the mainstream media reports accurately and fairly. Polls also show distrust of today’s media is at a record high. It is important to understand where their loyalty lies and by their reporting, it’s extremely easy to see the elite media has an anti-Christian, secular-progressive worldview.

The new normal where journalism is concerned is if a story doesn’t fit their narrative and their politics, the mainstream media with their anti-biblical worldview simply refuse to report the honest facts to citizens they’re supposedly informing. Rather than telling people about problems in America that affect us, they ARE part of the problem in America. The media has too much power: power to influence people, affect public opinion, and sway elections – and they do. Know the truth, share information, and help change culture.

Eric-Holder-13-SCFast And Furious Scandal Revived By Gun Control Agenda

In June 2012, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in con­tempt of Congress by 259 members of the House of Representatives for stonewalling the investigation into the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. In all of American history, no sitting Cabinet member has been held in contempt of Congress until now. President Obama even stepped in and used his “executive privilege” to protect Eric Holder. If Holder did nothing wrong, why did he need protection and why not cooperate with the investigation? What’s Holder hiding?

We should now be seriously considering whether this current administration is above the law. Similar to the flagrant corruption over the Benghazi tragedy, even if the truth is finally exposed and Holder resigns over Fast and Furious, the media successfully protected the president. The media keeps glossing over corruption, and those of us who are informed have watched in astonishment.

United Socialist States Of America FlagFreedom Or Socialism? The Choice Is Still Ours

Thanks in part to the mainstream media, more Americans seem to be open to big government today than ever before, but do they really understand where it could lead? Apparently, we haven’t learned from the historic, epic failures of socialism throughout the world. Have the promoters of these policies ever been asked by the media to provide examples of one successful program they have presided over?

Norman Thomas once said, “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”

Do not allow today’s news or the agenda of the Left to cause you to lose your focus or your effectiveness for the Lord. This is all temporary. He is eternal. We are here for such a time as this and God has chosen us. Rally, stir up and strengthen fellow Christians. Regardless of the condition of culture and what is happening in America, we are responsible for using our time wisely while we’re here. Enemy forces want to blot out God and our freedoms, but He has entrusted this generation with His commission and to infiltrate society for Christ. 


Liars and Tyrants and Bureaucrats – AND the Media!

I hope I’m wrong; nothing will come from any of this.

With Americans as uninformed and disinterested as we’ve ever seen, consider the mounting information that continues to be brushed under the rug. If President Obama were a Republican, he never would have been reelected in 2012 and he’d be impeached in 2013.

But the media refuses to report the truth – unless they are practically forced to – about anything remotely negative on Obama, and four years of this has not only led to a well- insulated president, but also citizens who are not hearing many facts.

sebelius and obama

Media Forced to Report Truth about Obamacare: Yes, it’s that Bad

You know things are bad when the public outcry over the president’s signature legislation is so strong it forces the Democrats in the media to report the facts  – even though it reflects negatively on the president they’ve been protecting for five years.

And – you know it’s bad when atheist and progressive Bill Maher said, “I don’t think Obama should have lied to people.”

What did the president know and when did he know it? Expect the circus of chaos and corruption to continue. If this keeps up however; liberals, progressives, and the socialist agenda could take a major hit in America.

We simply want more truth and less bias. That’s not too much to ask, is it?

bias and propaganda

United Socialist States Of America Flag

Thanks in part to the mainstream media, more Americans seem to be open to big government today than ever before, but do they really understand where it could lead? Apparently, we haven’t learned from the historic, epic failures of socialism throughout the world. Have the promoters of these policies ever been asked by the media to provide examples of one successful program they have presided over?

Are American citizens aware of what will happen if we allow government to have even more control of our lives? The election of Barack Obama is the most glaring step toward socialism in United States history. But are there really more socialists among us today or are we being duped by an extremely progressive media?

Maybe a little of both.

The following is an excerpt from the chapter ‘It Could Never Happen In America’ taken from the book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA.

Shortly after President Obama was inaugurated in 2009, Newsweek ran a cover story for its February 16 issue declaring: “We Are All Socialists Now: The Perils and Promise of the New Era of Big Government.” The economic crisis was caused by too much govern­ment regulation, borrowing and spending, yet Newsweek claimed, “In the absence of a robust private sector, the government will fill in the gap.” The publication inferred that with the election of Barack Obama, America was becoming more like a European socialist country. I recently learned the writer of that article was Evan Thomas.

Thomas teaches journalism at Princeton University. He is also the grandson of Marxist Norman Thomas who joined the Socialist Party in America in 1918 and ran for president six times on the Socialist Party ticket! Norman Thomas once said:  

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”

And you wonder why kids going into journalism end up with hostile views of Christians and friendly views toward liberalism? In addition, on June 5, 2009, while being interviewed by Mr. “Thrill up my leg” on Hardball with Chris Matthews, Evan Thomas stated:

“I mean, in a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of god.”

Prior to Newsweek, Thomas also worked at Time Magazine. You can see his continued influence at Time as the 2011 Person of the Year cover story was – “The (Occupy) Protestor” with the socialist clenched fist representing the movement. ( Naturally, in 2008, Barack Obama was declared Time’s Person of the Year.)

Many conservative Americans stopped considering Time a legitimate magazine years ago. These and many other publications have sanitized socialism. The lengthy, eight-page cover story praised the European revolutions, focused on Occupy Wall Street, and dedicated just two descriptive sentences to the Tea Party calling it a “radical populist movement.”

Time’s cover story on Obama after just six months in office read, “Obama’s start has been the most impressive of any president since FDR.” Remember their cover story on Bush in the first 100 days of his presidency? There wasn’t one. In 2003, however, Newsweek did do a cover story called: “Bush & God – Why His ‘God Talk’ Worries Friends & Foes.” The nine-page article dissected Bush’s upbringing and ”questionable” Christian influences.

In October 2011, New York magazine published the results of a poll it had conducted with 100 committed OWS protesters in Manhattan, half of whom were in their twenties. Forty-five percent of respondents said capitalism “can’t be saved” and is “inherently immoral.”

In a different 2011 survey of OWS protesters by The Wall Street Journal, 65% said government has a moral responsibility to guarantee all citizens access to affordable health care, a college education, and a secure retirement – regardless of the cost. (Where do you suppose they get these ideas?)

It is imperative you and I recognize the enemy has been working through people willing to forge his devious plan in America. We must alert others to the wickedness because the time to sound the alarm is almost past. Thomas Jefferson’s words should inspire us today:

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them. And it requires no very high degree of education to convince them of this. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”

What an honor and privilege that God has chosen you and me to be alive during this trying and exciting time in America. We are not here to be spectators! We were born during this generation to be a voice and an influence on others in order to draw people to Jesus Christ, and to counteract what is happening in America.

Do not allow today’s news or the agenda of the Left to cause you to lose your focus or your effectiveness for the Lord. This is all temporary. He is eternal. We are here for such a time as this and God has chosen us. Don’t give up and don’t get tired of doing what is good because we will reap a harvest in due time (Galatians 6:9-10).

Rally, stir up and strengthen fellow Christians. Regardless of the condition of culture and what is happening in America, we are responsible for using our time wisely while we’re here. Enemy forces want to blot out God and our freedoms, but He has entrusted this generation with His commission and to infiltrate society for Christ.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinc­tion. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same.” – Ronald Reagan
