Archive for August, 2019

Two more mass shootings over the weekend in Ohio and Texas sparked another frenzy as liberals in the media renew their campaign for gun control. Others demand solutions to the mental health crisis, still others say shootings occur because of the alienation of young men today or fatherless homes. Progressive politicians – including former president, Barack Obama as well as many 2020 Democrat hopefuls blame President Trump. CNN and MSNBC concur, and falsely accuse Trump of promoting white supremacy.

There may be reasonable solutions to be considered and I don’t mean to oversimplify a very complicated issue, but few seem to suggest let alone address man’s greatest problem: sin. The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.

In a culture where discipline and respect for authority is lacking, where people have bowed to the god of self-fulfillment, where narcissists abound, and where young people are coddled and not given healthy boundaries, it’s no wonder darkness and violence are increasing. 

But there is a natural and spiritual law that affects every human being, like it or not: you will reap what you sow. 

In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Prophet Jeremiah said, 

“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds. (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

One glaring problem in our society is the rejection of any fixed moral anchors with which to guide and govern people. Chaos and godlessness are the result. Another clear consequence of removing the one true God from public places is that the culture of death spreads like a disease. 

For example, abortion is the number one killer in the world today. More lives are eliminated under the guise of “choice” than from cancer, heart disease, accidents, and of course, gun violence. 

Planned Parenthood alone commits over 900 abortions every single day (that’s one death every 95 seconds) and as a whole, all abortion clinics, businesses, and providers in the U.S. commit about 3,600 abortions a day. 

…Solutions aren’t easy, but in the book of Ecclesiastes, one of the wisest men to have lived on earth put it this way: 

“The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)


*video courtesy of Freedom Project Media

Big tech censors conservatives and the media yawns. With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the radical, socialist Left has done to American universities: giving lip service to the idea of free speech. If you’re Christian, conservative, Jewish, or Republican, you can have your beliefs, but just keep them to yourself, thank you very much.

The individuals and organizations that have been affected by censorship are too many to list here. While Antifa, which supposedly means “anti-fascist,” holds their intolerant and violent ‘Hate Trump’ protests, Facebook is banning accounts, Google is censoring search results, and Youtube is taking down or deleting conservative videos.

Big tech is monitoring our speech; but who’s monitoring them?

The danger here is obvious: No person or company should be deciding what the public gets to see and what they do not based on individuals in high positions determining what’s important or newsworthy. The biased, liberal media in America already does this so it is vital we fight for both sides to be heard or at least fight to maintain freedom of speech.

Remember what the Obama administration IRS did to Christian and conservative non-profits? One difference here is we’re in the arena of social media.

Prior to a subcommittee hearing last week on Big Tech companies censoring conservatives, Senator Ted Cruz said the Department of Justice should investigate Google for fraud and breach of contract. Cruz chairs the Senate Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on The Constitution, and in a Fox News interview, he compared Big Tech’s censorship practices to those of Big Brother in the novel, “1984”: 

“You know, in George Orwell’s famous book, “1984,” the way Big Brother controlled its power, the way the state controlled its power, is it controlled information. …We see, in the Big Tech media companies, that same, exact power; Google is abusing its monopoly powers. We have antitrust laws to deal with that,”

Suggesting these big companies have a political agenda, which they do, and saying they’re guilty of fraud and deceiving the consumer, Cruz continued: 

“When you sign up, say with a Facebook or Twitter, you assume that, if you follow someone, you’ll see their tweets, you’ll see their posts. Likewise, you assume if someone follows you, they’ll see what you tweet and what you post. That’s not, in fact, what’s happening. What’s happening is the social media sites are censoring, they’re shadow banning. If they don’t like what you’re saying, they just hide what you’re saying.

Christian conservative author and vlogger, Elizabeth Johnston, The Activist Mommy recently stated:

“The big tech companies like Facebook and Google are trying to choke us out, and have demonetized our content, cutting off our income that helped sustain our ministry. [We must] fight back against the progressive agenda and biased censorship.”

Conservative radio talk show host, author Dennis Prager created, “Prager Universityand puts out free, short educational videos on subjects “important to understanding American values” — ranging from the astronomical cost of higher education to the motivations of the Islamic State. YouTube has been restricting many of these videos by labeling them as violent or having sexual content.

Prager filed a lawsuit and recently testified before Congress on Capitol Hill that Google violates the First Amendment by censoring conservatives. PragerU stated:

“There is no excuse for Google and YouTube censoring and restricting any PragerU videos, which are produced with the sole intent of educating people of all ages about America’s founding values,”

Next, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the social media company chose to block American pro-life groups from running ads. President of Live Action, Lila Rose tweeted that Zuckerberg blocked their ads, while Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg donated $2 million dollars to Planned Parenthood.

Twitter also banned Rose and Live Action’s pro-life ads, but naturally, they allow Planned Parenthood ads.

Journalist, James O’Keefe has gone through this for years due to uncovering many scandals exposing the left. Just last month, YouTube pulled down a Project Veritas video that showed Pinterest’s anti-Christian bias. An insider told O’Keefe that Pinterest listed Live Action as pornographic. They also censored Bible verses!  

Then, shortly after Project Veritas sent out their story by Twitter, their account was locked down for allegedly distributing communications belonging to another party. 

Okeefe tweeted:

Tech giants retaliating against insider who leaked docs showing censorship of Christian and pro-life material. They have REMOVED our investigative insider report. YouTube now fighting bullet-proof journalism by deleting it.

Listed on the Project Veritas website:

  • “Tech Insider Blows Whistle on How Pinterest Listed Top Pro-Life Site as Porn, “Bible Verses” Censored
  • Insider: Search Term “Christian” Won’t Auto-Complete, Others Can’t Trend…
  • Pinterest Blacklisted Pro-Life Group, Classified as “Pornography,”
  • Leaked “Sensitive Terms List” Includes “bible verses” and “christian easter”
  • Ben Shapiro Commentary Censored…
  • Planned Parenthood Undercover Videos Marked as “harmful,” Conspiracy
  • BIG UPDATE: YouTube has PULLED this investigative report. A backup is available on his page.” 

A popular Christian ministry helping people understand the times and contend for the faith, Jan Markell’s Olive Tree Ministries, was briefly shut down four years ago by YouTube.

Christian radio program, Stand Up for the Truth has been shadow-banned on Facebook for several years now.

My colleagues at Freedom Project were recently “shadow banned” for an entire week on Facebook. Shadow-banning means you can still post content but nobody sees your post: it does not show up in people’s news feed. The only way someone sees it is if they happen to go directly to the Freedom Project Facebook page.

Educator and host of the Dr. Duke Show, Duke Pesta states:

“It is hypocritical in the extreme for Facebook to claim its commitment to free speech while simultaneously handcuffing conservative content that starts to become popular and in demand. If you’re a conservative rising in popularity, you can speak, but they won’t let anyone listen.”

Full story and video at