Archive for the ‘moral decline’ Category

Two more mass shootings over the weekend in Ohio and Texas sparked another frenzy as liberals in the media renew their campaign for gun control. Others demand solutions to the mental health crisis, still others say shootings occur because of the alienation of young men today or fatherless homes. Progressive politicians – including former president, Barack Obama as well as many 2020 Democrat hopefuls blame President Trump. CNN and MSNBC concur, and falsely accuse Trump of promoting white supremacy.

There may be reasonable solutions to be considered and I don’t mean to oversimplify a very complicated issue, but few seem to suggest let alone address man’s greatest problem: sin. The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.

In a culture where discipline and respect for authority is lacking, where people have bowed to the god of self-fulfillment, where narcissists abound, and where young people are coddled and not given healthy boundaries, it’s no wonder darkness and violence are increasing. 

But there is a natural and spiritual law that affects every human being, like it or not: you will reap what you sow. 

In the Old Testament of the Bible, the Prophet Jeremiah said, 

“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds. (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

One glaring problem in our society is the rejection of any fixed moral anchors with which to guide and govern people. Chaos and godlessness are the result. Another clear consequence of removing the one true God from public places is that the culture of death spreads like a disease. 

For example, abortion is the number one killer in the world today. More lives are eliminated under the guise of “choice” than from cancer, heart disease, accidents, and of course, gun violence. 

Planned Parenthood alone commits over 900 abortions every single day (that’s one death every 95 seconds) and as a whole, all abortion clinics, businesses, and providers in the U.S. commit about 3,600 abortions a day. 

…Solutions aren’t easy, but in the book of Ecclesiastes, one of the wisest men to have lived on earth put it this way: 

“The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)


*video courtesy of Freedom Project Media

This Thanksgiving season, there’s good news and there’s bad news and it may depend on your perspective. As you know, most of our founders came to this bountiful land to live in freedom from religious persecution, and their standards were based on the principles in the Holy Bible. And yet, here we are in 2018 – hanging on by a thread to the religious freedoms this nation has enjoyed – and has taken for granted. 

Though we’re seeing a toxic increase of hatred, we can be still thankful for our history – and especially for hope.

The very first Thanksgiving took place almost 400 years ago—long before the nation was even born. But prior to arriving on these shores, William Bradford, the founder of Plymouth colony settlement wrote:

“…Having undertaken, for the Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith and Honor of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the First Colony.”

God is a big part of our history and always has been. The United States Congress once issued an official Proclamation of Thanksgiving and Prayer on October 18, 1780, calling on Americans “to cause the knowledge of Christianity to spread all over the Earth.”

Sadly, true American history has been edited or even deleted from public school text books. We have forgotten that the good news of Jesus Christ was once foundational to our liberties as well as our lives and as a result of our forgetting, the nation has gone from spiritual to secular. Proverbs 14:34 states:

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.

We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.

Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!

Lincoln was right. He implored the people to confess their sins, and to pray for forgiveness and God’s mercy on America.

Today, we are plagued by political correctness and moral relativism, lawlessness, people calling good evil and evil good, a loss of values, and the breakdown of social order. Moreover, Hollywood and the culture have a far greater influence on the church than the church has in and on our culture.

Signs of the times indicate this nation is in rapid decline, but how long do we really have? This is up for debate and speculation. But let’s consider some of the cultural, social, and spiritual symptoms common to nations that have fallen or have been destroyed:

  • Increasing rebellion against God
  • A loss of economic discipline
  • Greed; increased materialism
  • Rising government bureaucracy and taxes
  • Declining education in quality, morality, and in measurable results
  • Lack of respect for authority
  • Policies based on feelings over facts
  • The acceptance of foreign gods and empty religious practices
  • The promotion of sin and perversion
  • A decline in value of human life leading to abortion and euthanasia

Perhaps instead of asking God to bless America we should be asking Him to save us! Repentance must come first, and Christians must lead by example. If your heart is heavy reading some of this, know there is a God who loves you and wants you to turn back to Him.

If you tend to be on social media or look at the news a little too much, at government, public schools, the corporate world, the entertainment industry or culture in general, it can be quite discouraging. But if we look at all the things we each have personally and at this country in which we’re blessed to live, we can be thankful and we can take heart.

First, there’s always hope in the promises of God which the Bible describes as an anchor to our souls during storms in life. Second, if Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of your faith, your foundation won’t be shaken as it is built upon the Rock and you know all this is temporary.

Third, as imperfect as it is, we still live in one of the most amazing countries on earth. We have countless blessings, conveniences, and advantages as citizens of this beacon of freedom. Why do you think millions of less fortunate people dream about living in America? Many still risk their lives to come here.

And fourth, if you woke up today, opened your eyes and got out of bed; if you generally have your health, family in Christ, food on the table or in a refrigerator; if you have clean, running water, electricity, a house to live in, a car to drive, a job to go to and even some bills that are paid, you are abundantly blessed more than 75% of people in countries around the world.

I am particularly grateful for each day because by the grace of God, I had a successful heart operation in April of this year.

Every day we have so much to be thankful for, so let’s –

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.Psalm 136:1

O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us, and we will be saved. Psalm 80:3

Two of the main reasons you don’t really know about convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell are, first, a complicit media covered-up the news and second, America has become apathetic about the abortion industry. At least Christians who are pro-life should care! For the moment, let’s set aside the debate about whether or not the act of an abortion is a sin. The Gosnell case has been described as a true-life saga of good vs. evil, deadly medical malpractice, systemic government corruption, and the devaluing of the most vulnerable in our society.

The movie, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, was released to theaters last Friday. I saw it, I recommend it, and though it is verbally descriptive, it is not graphic as you might think. But if we didn’t know that the writers got their information from actual court transcripts, police interviews, eye-witnesses, and FBI documents, the facts in this case would almost be unbelievable.

Tragically, not only is this a true story, but most likely there are many more clinics across the country similar to Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors.

Since the liberal media refused to cover the trial, it’s no surprise they aren’t reporting on the movie debut. The producers of Gosnell were turned down by advertisers and also had to fight to get even a small number of reviewers to even look at the movie. So let’s be clear about this: the gruesome trial of an evil, warped man who killed at least one woman and murdered babies that had been delivered alive was not of interest to the media? Why? They are committed to protecting women’s so-called, “reproductive freedom.”

empty seats gosnell14Did you know the reason some reporters eventually had to force themselves to go to the 2013 murder trial? A photo was taken in the courtroom of dozens of empty seats that were reserved for the press!

Philadelphia abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell was convicted and is behind bars serving three consecutive life sentences for a decades-long murderous crime spree.

But why did this go on so long and how was he able to continue his horrific practice? He was protected by Democrats in the PA government.

This is a man who had untrained staff, including a fourteen year-old, administer drugs that would induce labor causing many women to deliver babies they came to the clinic to abort. Referred to as being “born alive,” the number of infants who were then murdered could be well into the thousands as Gosnell was in business for over thirty years.

Radicals on the left defend abortion at all costs seeing it as a sacrament to progressivism, “even if it means whitewashing its bloody, half-century legacy of mass genocide in our nation’s inner cities.”

CRTV host and author, Michelle Malkin writes:

Operating under the cover of providing “reproductive health services,” death doc Gosnell brutally executed hundreds of healthy, living, breathing, squirming, viable babies by stabbing them in their necks and severing spinal cords with scissors and knives. This twisted murderer kept newborn baby feet in specimen jars, which he crammed into the grisly refrigerators of his filthy “clinic” for “research.”

There are several major problems in this case that go beyond the abortion issue. First, Gosnell was a millionaire. He would stash away thousands of dollars in cash per day which apparently allowed him to purchase properties and even escape to the Bahamas during an investigation into his questionable abortion methods that sent many women to the hospital.

Second, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health did nothing to stop Gosnell and worse, they looked the other way. His clinic was not inspected for seventeen years! Heck, even a hair and nail salon gets annual inspections by the Health Dept. According to the FBI investigation into the filthy Gosnell clinic, in 1993, the PA Dept. of Health decided to stop inspecting all abortion clinics unless there were major complaints! 

For purely political reasons, government agencies allowed Gosnell and others to operate with no accountability and oversight which put countless women at risk of infection, disease, and even death. And they have people believing they are the Party that cares about women’s health? Please.

Gosnell clinic staff used abortion instruments over and over again without sanitizing them, and due to the fact the procedure tables were not wiped down or cleaned after each patient, many women contracted STDs from the clinic. Ironically, the reason the police and FBI raided his abortion business was for illegal prescription drug abuse. Gosnell and his staff sold drugs to women for cash and even payed homeless people for their ID’s to then buy prescription meds.

Gosnell was never charged for his drug crimes, nor was he charged for women overdosing, nor were hospital complaints about his clinic followed up on, nor was he charged for allowing young and untrained clinic workers to perform procedures and also to administer anesthesia – which led to the death of at least one woman.

In 2015, a Philadelphia judge awarded the woman’s daughter $4 million in a settlement. She was with her mother at the clinic when she died. According to reports, Gosnell saved his very late or full-term abortions for Sundays, when only his wife would assist. Since he destroyed all those files, we will never know how many live, full-term babies he killed over the years.

So no, this movie is not just about the brutal act of abortion and the systemic problem of unlawful clinics. It’s about media malpractice, a calloused cover-up, evil being called good, and a nation that used to value human life but has generally become desensitized. Just because a court once decided abortion is legal does not make it moral – especially to God, the Creator of all life.  

Jesus Christ died so that we might live eternally; abortion kills so that some might live differently. Please send Democrats, the media, and Hollywood a message by sharing this article and by watching the Gosnell movie. It’s probably true that America will not resist abortion until America sees abortion for what it is.

Article and video originally published by Freedom Project Media

If you claim to represent God, but refuse to live by His moral laws, please leave the church and stop lying to everyone! Enough. This story is both heartbreaking and disturbing, but darkness must be exposed, and wicked men must finally be held accountable. Those who commit or condone evil have again given Jesus a black eye.

Tragically, the Roman Catholic Church has known all about it: decades of sexual abuse and yet, they covered-up extensive abuse by its leaders – abuse that has robbed children of their innocence, further tarnished the church’s image, and destroyed countless thousands of lives. This is a gut-wrenching and sickening story.

First, some headlines:

  • A History of Cover-ups in Boston Archdiocese
  • Church Allowed Abuse by Priests for Years
  • Gay Sex, Booze Scandal, Shakes Boston Seminary
  • Scores of Priests Involved in Sex Abuse Scandals
  • Report details sexual abuse by over 300 priests in PA’s Catholic Church
  • ‘Predator Priests’ Named In PA Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report
  • Priests molested 1,000 children in Pennsylvania, report says

Our purpose as Christians is to know and obey God, to make disciples and make Him known by preaching the gospel, and to be light in the world – essentially to transform culture. The Catholic Church however, has again cast a thick, dark veil over the cross of Christ and the truth of His resurrection.

In a report 900 pages long, a grand jury in Pennsylvania alleges over 300 priests abused more than one thousand children. Predators guilty of criminal conduct were never brought to justice even in some cases going back seventy years. Many priests have died, others retired, but none will escape the justice of a holy God whom they have mocked.

…Sixteen years ago after one of many Roman Catholic Church scandals, Pope John Paul II said:

“The abuse of the young is a grave symptom of a crisis affecting not only the church but society as a whole.”

Where is the accountability? You may remember the 2015 movie “Spotlight” took home the best picture Oscar for its drama about the Boston Globe investigation of the Roman Catholic Church covering up sexual abuse by multiple clergy.

To be sure, abuse occurs worldwide by all kinds of people because the heart of man is sick (Jeremiah 17:9). But evil is even more horrific when committed by those in positions of authority who should know better.

…There is a righteous God that will judge the living and the dead. Yes, He is loving, forgiving, and patient, but He is also holding back His wrath. And one day God will unleash His justice and vengeance. 

Are you seeking the approval of God or man? Yes, it does matter. Stop conforming to this world!

The Apostle Peter wrote:

“…it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?  1 Peter 4:17

READ FULL ARTICLE HERE (resource links included):

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him. (1 Peter 5:8-9)

Is it too late for Christians to be more discerning? Satan has deployed enemies of truth into our culture and sadly, we have allowed them to influence us. The agenda had been gradual and subtle decades ago, but today the deception is out in the open for all to see – or ignore.

“If you really want to know the truth, it is revealed through Scripture because God is truth. He is the final authority. As you see people’s bad behavior and sin, including open adultery and sexual perversion, being promoted in our culture, remember they need Christ. Even the loud, proud activists. They are not necessarily bad people; they’re just wrong, and the Lord gives each of us the freedom to accept the truth or pay the consequences.

If we are lovers of God and followers of Jesus Christ, we should not approve of and love things of this world more than Him (Romans 12:2, Gal. 1:10). We certainly should not be celebrating what is evil or sinful, and, as we take a stand for what is right, attacks will come.

We must understand the Enemy’s tactics and how Satan, the Father of Lies, suppresses the truth, twisting words and meanings using everyday people to advance his agenda. I’d probably do the same thing if I were him.

Millions of Americans have apparently disregarded the faith they once held dear or have fallen away from the Judeo-Christian values which previously permeated this nation. Many in the church have been duped by the cult of liberalism and political correctness that basically says anything is permissible except biblical Christianity. We have stopped standing against evil and speaking up in defense of the gospel for fear of offending someone, and when Christians are silent, light is squelched and darkness wins.

According to the Bible, Satan’s power over us is already broken, death has been defeated, and the war has been won, thanks to the victory we have in Jesus through His sacrifice, death, and resurrection. The battle and warfare, however, continue – and they will intensify – until the Lord returns.

The cunning schemes of the devil are carried out all around us in this world system over which he has free reign. How does the Enemy work and advance his agenda of lawlessness, chaos, destruction, and unrighteousness? He uses people.

From a rainbow-colored White House to Hollywood hype over the latest perversion, from media selling sexual confusion to corporations proudly promoting political correctness, it is difficult to deny the moral and spiritual decline in America. If there’s any hope of slowing the decaying culture, hypocrisy must be called out, lies must be refuted, and truth must be told.

It is virtually impossible to correct and improve the direction of a country if people, especially Christians, are not convinced there are major problems and that we are way off course. Apathy is another issue killing America, but since we cannot make people care, we need to reach those who may be in the busy, unconvinced, or uninformed categories.

But as we try raising awareness in an intolerant culture that is redefining truth, opposition is guaranteed. The Left is shrewd at using words as weapons to silence those who do not agree with them. Enemies of Christ will not relax or ease up on their agenda, and one of the greatest battles in the country today is being waged by the LGBTQ movement. Author and teacher Peter Heck stated,

“They know the success of their cause depends upon the total abolishment of the Judeo-Christian ethic and the Moral Authority it teaches. That is why any belief that the homosexual lobby is merely a passive group of individuals wanting to peacefully coexist with others who have different beliefs and values is naively absurd.”

The Enemy advances when Christians relax. Though Christianity is growing, particularly in underground churches in persecuted nations around the world, who do you think is having more influence on America today?

The marketers of evil claim they are fighting because of discrimination, oppression, injustice, and inequality. They say they fight for love, acceptance, diversity, equal rights, and freedom. We’re onto their schemes and the tedious talking points trumpeted by the liberal media, the Left, Hollywood, and many within the government education system.

But it is not just those whose new religion is sex, and it’s not just those who claim they just want to “live and let live.” It’s also those who devalue human life and promote moral relativism. Planned Parenthood and advocates of murder cry out, “freedom,” “choice,” “it’s my body, not yours, not the government’s and not God’s.”

The Left is using atheists, communists, socialists, and LGBTQ proponents to blot out God, normalize homosexuality, lie about life in the womb, undermine natural marriage, tear apart the traditional family, create as much chaos as possible, and, well, promote lies instead of truth.

Since we’re talking about methods and people Satan uses to do his work, we should also take a sober look at how our perceptions have changed regarding morality and what has become acceptable or permissible to professing Christians. We must recognize the sin in our own camp and call out hypocrisy in the church when necessary.

We must pursue Christ, invest time in the Word, have accountability and fellowship with true believers, be disciplined, and work harder to build others up while we strengthen our faith and especially our marriages. Jesus told His disciples, If you love Me, you will keep My commandments (John 14:15). Looking at just two of the Ten Commandments, we must acknowledge the epidemic of idolatry and adultery within Christian circles.

We don’t talk often enough about adultery, which is now pretty much accepted by a majority of Americans, including many who claim to be Christians.

Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. (Hebrews 13:4)

Years before the Supreme Court gave its tyrannical opinion ruling against God-ordained natural marriage in 2015, the agenda was well underway to remove America’s moral anchors. What was most disappointing, however, was to observe the influence secularism was and is having on the American church. Today we can see the undeniable fruit of lacking a solid foundation, with increasing numbers of gay ministers and pastors in several churches and denominations.

The rise of apostasy is a sign of the times as more churches and leadership preach accommodation rather than conviction of sin leading to repentance and salvation. If we are not much different from the world, there’s a problem.

The Enemy is advancing through our country, our culture, and even many of our churches because we have surrendered much ground and have not defended the truth. Though there is always hope for a revival – and I have no idea what it might take for this to happen – the light is dimming in and on America, and the clock is ticking.

Many have already been deceived as the Enemy has had success defining the terms of battle, and in many cases, redefining words. The Left has been promoting sin as normal, natural, and healthy, and when Christians speak up, it leads to charges of intolerance. If we do nothing, even more people will call evil good.”

If most Christians continue to avoid these battles, if we are not established in His truth, and if we refuse to defend the faith, society will rapidly deteriorate. If we do not pray to the only living God to give us wisdom, strength, and guidance, we won’t be able to effectively share the gospel, influence culture for Christ and bear good fruit for Him.

*Book excerpt from Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good by author, David Fiorazo

church-uneditedThe results are in – and they are not encouraging.

Many American citizens claim to love God and believe we live in a Christian nation, but most of us would admit our actions don’t always match our words, and our culture generally reflects darkness rather than the light of Christ. People have more than one Bible in their comfortable homes, but prefer not to study God’s Word because it would interfere with how they want to live.

Many profess to be saved and yet, these same folks often say there are many ways to Heaven, the meaning of sin has changed, or Jesus is not God.

Tragically, even today’s church appears confused about exactly what the Bible teaches. But Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever, and God is not the author of confusion.

A recent survey suggests Americans generally love and respect the Bible, so this should lead us to ask a few obvious questions:

  1. Why don’t more of us follow its morality and teachings?
  2. Why isn’t there more godly influence in our society?

Just look at these seven key areas of culture: government, arts & entertainment, education, media, business, religion, and the family. The Left has worked nonstop to change America in part by removing its Christian underpinnings and infiltrating these seven areas.

It’s true we love our mottos such as, “In God We Trust;” we just don’t want to trust Him with our money. We also love to defend our public monuments, but we’d rather not obey all the Commandments.

We like the idea of being religious and appearing righteous without having to fully live out the requirements in the Bible. After all, holiness and sanctification are hard work! When convenient, we’d rather do good deeds that help us feel better about ourselves.

Are we, Christians in the church, really that different from Americans who think they are good people, but trample the sacrifice of Jesus and God’s amazing grace by using it as a license to sin?

This brings us to the findings by Lifeway Research in a recent survey of Americans on “The State of Theology.”

Here’s one sad reality: only about half of professing evangelical Christians think abortion and sex outside of traditional marriage is a sin. You may need to read that sentence again.

In his Breakpoint commentary on the subject, Eric Metaxas summed it up this way:

Sixty-one percent correctly say Jesus is both human and divine, but half think that He’s also “the first and greatest being created by God,” rather than existing eternally, as Scripture and the ancient creeds of the faith teach.

More bizarre contradictions emerged: Over sixty percent of Americans say that God, Who cannot err, is the Author of the Bible. Yet fewer than half are willing to affirm that the Bible God wrote is “one hundred percent accurate in all it teaches.” Two-thirds admit everyone sins, yet also insist that most people are good by nature! Perhaps most oddly, half of Americans believe that only those who accept Jesus will be saved, yet sixty percent also say everyone will eventually make it to Heaven.

The opinions about the Bible can be confusing, and truly, that is what Christianity has become to a watching world. Let it be known however, that even though some of these ideas describe a version of American “Christianity” or what I call “the cult of liberalism,” but they do not line up with biblical Christianity.

It’s imperative Bible-believing Christians evangelize as many as possible within our churches because the numbers of the unchurched are growing rapidly. Those who oppose the God of the Bible and are often hostile toward Christianity are ‘evangelizing’ our culture as well as our churches. Which side is making more converts?

Despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans self-identify as Christian, only 3 percent, “have surrendered control of their life to God, submitted to His will for their life, and devoted themselves to loving and serving God and other people.” It is a consequence of failing to keep first things first.

Three percent. Don’t get me wrong, many professing believers have good intentions and do good works in their communities, but what they often lack is Holy Spirit power. They are simply trying to do God’s work with man’s efforts.

Informed Christians will not be surprised by surveys and polls, but being disappointed in the direction of the church is understandable. Returning to our first love, Jesus, must be a priority, and repentance leading to possible revival would be a great start.

Read the entire post here:

chipped flag on brick wallMore sobering polls have emerged recently further proving America’s downward spiral. Our decline has been so gradual many of us did not notice – or did not want to notice – how the lines of acceptable behavior have shifted and the standards of morality have plummeted – even among professing Christians.

A friend of mine who works on several farms came over recently to help me get a nice garden started. He emphasized the importance of tilling the ground, fertilizing and possibly erecting a small fence to protect the garden. But even before starting the work, he evaluated the land in order to find the best location and soil.

Not only have we failed to protect our spiritual and national heritage, but due to a generally lukewarm church, America has been easy, fertile ground for enemies of God to cultivate, plant and water seeds of immorality. They have taken root and produced an abundance of what the Bible considers sin.

Barna’s new research shows 41% of “practicing Christians” think cohabitation is a good idea, and 48% live with or have previously lived with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Let that sink in a moment.

According to Gallup’s recent poll on what is morally acceptable to Americans, cohabitation is up to 65% approval. Next, divorce is at 72%, and birth control is up to 89%. If we think like liberals, that abortion is another form of birth control, this latter number is not at all surprising. As Matt Walsh stated after the Supreme Court ruled against Texas abortion restrictions, “if leftists believe abortion mills are medical clinics, why don’t they want them to be treated that way?”

Jesus stated in Luke 18:20:

You know the commandments, ‘Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’

Sadly, truth and moral absolutes are now based on feelings, opinion, and what’s popular in culture rather than a fixed moral and ethical standard.

Those who think sex between an unmarried man and woman (fornication) is acceptable is now at 67%, and not surprisingly, homosexual sex is up to 60%.

In addition, the number of Americans who think it’s fine to have a baby out of wedlock has risen, from 45% in 2001 to 62% today. To me, this is a double-edged sword because sexual promiscuity is rampant, but at least more women seem willing to choose life over abortion. It has been proven that as truth and medical facts about abortion are promoted, many more lives are saved!

Though there has been a radical LGBT agenda since at least the 1970s, Christians have helped pave the way by minimizing God’s covenant of marriage between one man and one woman through no-fault divorce, adultery, pornography, and fornication. God abhors all sexual sin.

How can Christians preach the gospel and shine in darkness when we have had so much sin in our own camp?

No wonder homosexuality is now accepted by a majority of citizens (up 20 points since 2001) and by some in the church. The problem is we have gone from loving our neighbor (which is biblical) to accepting their lifestyle (which is unbiblical) to flat out celebrating sin (sinning with them). What major city or state does not have a gay pride parade or similar event?

The LGBT hijacked rainbow is everywhere; but the current estimate of LGBT adults is around 3.9% pf the U.S. population and less than 0.4% are married to a same-sex spouse. This proves the left is definitely winning the war of words, gaining ground and swaying popular opinion.

One year after the SCOTUS decided to rebel against and redefine God-ordained natural marriage, less than ten percent (123,000 couples) have married a same-sex spouse. The way the media portrayed their plight you’d think the majority of LGBT people would have flocked to the courthouses and wedding chapels in America.

Apparently, marriage wasn’t the end goal after all; and the Left’s appetite for evil cannot be satisfied.

Truth be told, we all need our sins forgiven and I hope you’ve trusted Jesus Christ for salvation. He is Lord and the Bible is true whether we believe or not!

Reflecting on the anniversary of last year’s SCOTUS decision, apologist, Alex McFarland stated:

God has the ultimate veto power. As an evangelist, I don’t want any of those 123,000 couples to be surprised by this fact. All same-sex couples should realize that what they’ve entered into will never be recognized by God. As an evangelist, I want to tell every person that they should turn to God now and be saved.

I believe God is also calling a lukewarm church to turn back to Him and repent. Jesus is standing at the door!

Is our faith strong enough to survive the massive tides of moral relativism, humanism, and secularism? It is vital we wake as many soldiers of Christ as we can before time runs out. In order for us to be more influential in our culture, let’s get back to the basics of speaking God’s eternal truth and of course, living it ourselves.