Warning of Things to Come, the Revelation of Jesus

Posted: January 27, 2020 by David Fiorazo in Christianity, David's Blog, Prophecy, Spiritual warfare, Teaching
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Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’; Isaiah 46:9-10

There is only one true, living God, and all others are counterfeits. He is sovereign and sees the end from the beginning of time and creation. No matter what man does – including the Church – His purposes will prevail.

The Book of Revelation is the only one in the entire Bible that promises a blessing to the person who reads and hears and obeys it! Revelation spoke to the Apostle John’s day. It also speaks to church history, and it does have meaning for our personal lives today as Jesus warns Christians about things to come.

We cannot can’t deny the fact this book speaks with clarity about the end times. Revelation wraps up the redemption story that begins in Genesis, and its message heralds the details, events, and return of Jesus’ coming Kingdom. Revelation is from Jesus, about Jesus, to His churches.

A few years ago, I was teaching a Bible Study in Colossians, and one night I woke up at 3 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. My heart was heavy because so few were showing up for prayer meetings, and more people were attending that Bible Study from other churches than the one hosting at the time. I started reading through Revelation and sensed the Holy Spirit speak to me through the Word of God, and speak to the state of the American church today.

Here are some important QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER:

  1. Is your life bearing fruit for the Lord Jesus Christ? JN 15:8
  2. Are you passionate about the things of God? COL 3:2, ROM. 12:11
  3. Who or what is your first love? What’s our main focus? MATT 6:33
  4. Have you conformed to our culture – or to Christ? ROM 12:2
  5. Do you love this world more than we love Gods Word? 1 JN 2:15-17
  6. Are you prepared for persecution when it comes? MATT 5:11-12

READ FULL POST, Transcript here:
