Archive for July, 2021

Canceling Christianity: How the Left Silences Churches, Dismantles the Constitution, and Divides Our Culture.

If you haven’t been paying attention, you might be surprised or even skeptical about a title like Canceling Christianity. First, Jesus is Lord, He is sovereign, His Word is final authority, and our God can never be cancelled – even though for over 2,000 years, societies have tried.

The Left in America is no different, and they’ve been relentless. They are aiming to eradicate Christian influence and history from public schools and universities to the public square – to the halls of government and corporations. As they promote godlessness, they’re trying to control and silence those of us who oppose the antichrist spirit of the age.

Enemies of God want to destroy not only the church, but the very essence of America. And, as we’ve seen in recent years, the progressive left will use a virus, an election, or any crisis (real or manufactured) to gain power, suppress the truth, and openly advance evil agendas.

How should Bible-believing Christians respond?

Because our country and churches have been compromised, this book is a wake-up call for lukewarm, complacent, or concerned Christians. It’s also a call for believers who don’t want to stand by and watch America be deconstructed, the Constitution dismantled, and the true church be forced underground.

Persecution is not coming; it’s here. Canceling Christianity is a call to reclaim and strengthen the church for Christ before it’s too late. The gospel must be preached and the true church must not surrender! Did you ever imagine a time – in America – when government would deem the church “non-essential”?

A.W. Tozer said, “A scared world needs a fearless church.” That time is now!

Canceling Christianity is about the battle for the heart, soul, and survival of our nation, it’s about the spiritual conflict we’re facing, a conflict openly manifesting in the natural, physical realm. Forces of darkness – both human and demonic – are behind these leftist agendas driving cancel culture. Some are deceived while others are deceivers.

Should we just be silent or live and let live? If you think the nation is at a tipping point and “separation of church and state” is one of the biggest lies in America, this book’s for you!

Canceling Christianity is about opposition to the biblical church and growing hostility toward those who refuse to comply with evil agendas. At its foundation, this is a war of worldviews; one with God vs one without God; one that includes biblical morality and truth vs one that includes moral relativism, lies, and cultural chaos where the State is god.

With religious freedom being threatened, censorship increasing, and major institutions hijacked by the left, this book helps identify the dangers of these divisive times.

We discuss Cultural Marxism, globalism, social justice apostasy, compromised churches, the Black Lives Matter Global Network, the China Communist Party, today’s Democrat Party, the LGBTQ agenda, political correctness, a one-party big tech/media conglomerate, double standards, lawlessness, and open rebellion against God.

This book is a sobering analysis of the state of the church and a country on life support.

And I can use your help getting the word out! Like many friends, I’ve been suppressed on social media, shadow banned, censored, and demonetized on Facebook, where the powers that be just rejected a fourth ad for Canceling Christianity. I know, ironic.

So, friends on these platforms, every time you share one of my posts, it is much appreciated. I’m also looking for people or ministries who may be interested in purchasing a case of my books for 50% off through my publisher. Email 

The book has been endorsed by Jan Markell, Dr. Andy Woods, Pastor Steve Smothermon, Heidi St. John, Pastor John Haller, Pastor Carl Gallups, Gary Kah, Pastor Matt Trewhella, Dr. Jake Jacobs, and others.

Prepare for a sobering, eye-opening look at the conflict within and decline of America, as well as where we go from here. I hope and pray this book encourages you to act and strengthens your resolve to engage.

We must be undaunted in a divided culture becoming more hostile toward Christians. It touches on the unavoidable conflict we’re faced with, and the importance of the salt and light of Christianity to the health and strength of the nation.

For believers in Christ and a world-transforming gospel we’ve got work to do while we’re here! I hope and pray this book encourages your faith, challenges your perspective, reminds you of our true history, provides new insight, and strengthens your resolve to live out your faith and impact culture for Christ.


Get Canceling Christianity at Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, or wherever good Christian books are sold.

DESCRIPTION: Canceling Christianity is about the battle for the heart of America between two contrasting worldviews finding it harder to coexist in a constitutional republic. It highlights realities that believers face, the spiritual conflict we find ourselves in, and stresses the importance of the salt and light of Christianity to the survival of the nation.

Forces of darkness, both human and demonic, are behind cancel culture and the agendas to eradicate God as well as His followers from the public square. The left envisions a much different America. Having hijacked major institutions, they claim unity, but now demand submission.

Learn More, see Table of Contents, video here…


How did we get to the point in America where a generation has grown up believing lies that this country is evil, was founded by evil men, and it must therefore be dismantled – from the Constitution to capitalism? It’s crucial to the survival of our Republic that we remind those who will listen about our true, unedited history – including the founding of our nation on the living God and the biblical worldview.

The question, however, is are we too late?

We are in a worldview war and the left is winning. Do enough of us have the will to fight back?

First, we need to recognize the reality of spiritual warfare. There are battles in heavenly realms over nations because of what they stand for as well as over the people in those nations. The enemy hates America because of the God we were once united under and the believers who still represent Him.

Part of this epic war has manifested as hatred directed at Christians and the church. Why is this?

A person’s foundational assumptions about God and man directly influence their philosophy of law and government. This is why we see the intense, moral battle for America’s soul, and whether or not to uphold the US Constitution as the law of the land. Though not perfect, America made it this far in history because we once sought to glorify the Lord, obey His commands, and had little resistance to advancing the Christian faith.

George Barna released a disturbing study finding that less and less people in America today believe in or support Christianity. The alarming title was: “U.S. Moving Toward Elimination of Biblical Worldview as Cornerstone of Society” Stop for a few seconds and consider the word, “elimination.”

It took time to reach this point. While we were sleeping, the enemy of our souls and enemies of America have been working overtime.

In my new book, Canceling Christianity, I write in chapter 3 about “The Historic Impact of Christianity” because generations have been deceived, and our culture now sees the church as nonessential. Young people see Christians as inconsequential and the church as unnecessary. Why?

The overwhelming evidence for the tremendous, positive influence of Christianity worldwide is undeniable. And yet, some not only minimize Christianity’s impact, but they also claim we would be better off without the church. The truth is that no one has impacted and improved the world like Jesus Christ!

Hundreds of millions of people have been transformed by the Word of God because the United States was built on, strengthened, and blessed by Christianity. Some of these life-changing biblical principles include:

the value and sanctity of every human life, the abolition of slavery, dignity and respect given to women, the stability of the family, advances in science, hospitals and health care; labor practices, economic freedom, educating the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, reforming laws to protect the weak, art, literature, architecture, education, philosophy, compassion, charity, justice, and equality.

You would have to be uninformed, in denial, or indignant to argue that the Christian church has not been a tremendous instrument for good or that Christians have not turned the world into a better place over the past 2,000 years. The church has its shortcomings, yes, but they are heavily outweighed by its vast benefits to mankind through history.

But anti-Christian and anti-American programming has led to a change in public opinion to where people have a negative impression of God and the church today. For more than fifty years now, studies have concluded that fewer young people see the Christian faith in a positive light.

Why would people not appreciate teachings about faith, loving God and their neighbor, compassion, forgiveness, family, generosity, respect for life, true justice, hard work, sexual purity, thanksgiving, ad hope? Because they replaced God with one in their own image. It is vital we reeducate and inform others about the historical contributions of Christianity and show them the church is essential to a society like ours.

So many churches, charities, nonprofits, and charitable organizations could be noted here including the Salvation Army, YMCA, Red Cross, Samaritan’s Purse, World Vision, Food for the Hungry, Lutheran World Relief, Mercy Ships, and Compassion International.

Dozens of Christian relief organizations do so much good for America and the world employing more than 30,000 humanitarian workers, shipping more than 225 metric tons of food, and handling disaster relief for millions of people annually. They serve the needy with food, clothing, medical care and supplies, small loans, drinkable water, and shelter.

You’ve probably heard the following quote most often attributed to historian Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) as he visited the US to find the reason for our strength and national success. He looked at our society for answers, but:

“Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

True Christianity breeds strong families, and the Word of God boldly proclaimed in righteousness leads to a moral, stable, prosperous culture.

The fruit of biblical teachings have produced revolutionary changes in every way imaginable. Contrary to popular opinion, Christianity has made the world a better place, and so has America. We dropped the ball big-time last year in the face of a virus and closed our life-preserving churches leading to the label of “nonessential.” What a lie.

We must reverse that narrative by being the true church, preaching the Gospel, working to demonstrate God’s love, and showing the church is alive, well, and vital.

Jesus Christ was not a political figure and had no affiliation with kings, governors, or religious leaders of His day. He made no demands, lived in poverty, taught with authority, and His followers were mostly uneducated. And yet, they as well as those influenced by them impacted millions more than Alexander the Great, Muhammad, and Napoleon put together. Jesus changed history and turned the world right side up.

Imagine the worldwide darkness without the light of Christ and His church! If more believers do not join the battle, we won’t have to imagine much longer.


Canceling Christianity: How the Left Silences Churches, Dismantles the Constitution, and Divides our Culture