Archive for June, 2013


We’ve just been given another wake-up call, this time from the U.S. Supreme Court as it struck down a provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this week. That provision prevented married gay couples from receiving tax, health, and retirement benefits.

This is another reminder that it is up to the people rather than secular government to defend God’s principles in an ungodly culture.

God created the heavens and the earth, and mankind is made in His image. God’s plan for marriage is woven through Scripture and has been implemented throughout history. Marriage predates kings and governments.

By the intricate engineering of the male and female bodies, science also confirms we are uniquely designed for procreation and for the opposite sex.

Apparently, none of this matters to five of these nine judicial appointees. Man often thinks he knows better than God. Defining marriage is still up to individual states as the Supreme Court did not impose federal law on marriage. That said, this decision is likely to embolden activists and sends the dangerous message that children do not necessarily need a mother and a father.

It also means states that have already passed same-sex marriage laws can now force the federal government to recognize their mockery of society’s foundational institution.

The question must again be asked, ‘will gay activists be content with this decision or will they aim to advance their agenda?’

Answer: Immediately following the court’s decision, top activist lawyers stood on the Supreme Court steps and reiterated their promise to push gay marriage nationwide. It will not be enough for them to be content with a few legal victories until they enforce their agenda and will upon all Americans, including the majority that disagrees with them.

Living in proud, open rebellion to God’s laws, they not only refuse to obey and submit to His authority, they aim to take it away as an option for us as well. They will protest our free speech when it comes to faith and religious liberty proving their intolerance of those of us who believe they are wrong.

We didn’t get here overnight.

Sadly, the media’s promotion of homosexuality and their lobbying for the Left has had a major impact swaying the minds of the uninformed. They influenced public opinion to the point where more Americans are softening towards sin; this includes Christians. A recent Pew Forum survey on media coverage exposed the truth; in their reporting, the media supported same-sex marriage 5 to 1 hoping the public would soon think it is inevitable. Breakpoint’s Ben Booker wrote:

This is a major failing on the media’s part. The purpose of the press is to inform the public about what is occurring in society. Yet instead of representing the real opposition to same-sex marriage, the media has decided to promote the idea that same-sex marriage is a foregone conclusion. Its limited perspective has been detrimental in several ways.

But even with their biased reporting, it is fascinating that in Illinois, one of the bluest of blue states, the legislature failed to pass a same-sex marriage bill because they didn’t have enough votes for it. Illinois is a Democratic stronghold and yet it still didn’t go the way of California, whose liberal court (The Ninth Circus) overturned the will of 7 million voters that cast their ballots in favor of marriage between one man and one woman in 2008.

The media portrays the issue as already decided and more people assume there is no reason to debate it, which is what activists want.

Christians may never have fair representation in the media, but we can’t stop raising awareness and sharing the truth. Religious leaders and pastors must actively and purposefully preach and teach on marriage so that their congregants are informed and able to defend traditional marriage.

The Court can declare same-sex “marriage” a legal right in the eyes of government, but judges cannot make it morally right in the hearts of the people.

Regardless of what the Left, the media, government, Hollywood, and activists want us to believe, we’re still the majority. We have the power of prayer and elections, for starters. It still comes down to the people.

Nothing the marketers of evil do should surprise us anymore and we must refuse to let a court’s definition of marriage discourage us from understanding the times and seeing the big picture. Some put their stock in a temporary, worthless certificate of same-sex marriage, but we put our faith in the priceless, eternal truths of the Word of God.

pro-life girls
It appears those of us who disagree with abortion no longer have the exact same freedoms as the rest of America.
The U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t want to take this case in which a Colorado ruling blocked abortion protestors from displaying images of aborted fetuses near a church where they might upset children. A judge later barred protestors from displaying the “gruesome images.”
In this case, the protestors were outside of an abortion-approving church. First of all, shame on any church that defends killing babies at any stage of development, but why are these images offensive?
If every kind of foul, gory, perverted, sexual and sinful image imaginable is protected as an expression of free speech, how is this any different? Is it simply an issue of the right to kill – um, I mean, the ‘right to choose’?
I understand the graphic images of dead babies or baby body parts can be very disturbing to see; they should be disturbing! The problem is too many Americans have become desensitized to blood, guts, gore, and violence. Studies prove this has made our society worse.
Kids can watch endless violence on their video games and in movies; fighting, shooting, killing, bloody massacres, death, and murder are commonplace. Few complain to Hollywood or to video game producers about it. But now because of the complaints of abortion defenders and supporters, real images portraying the truth of abortion cannot be displayed in public?
Let’s just admit it so we can move on with the debate: most of us have seen worse on television or in movies, but we can disconnect from it because we know it is make believe.
We have bought liberal lies and talking points and we have lost our compassion for the most vulnerable. Father Frank Pavone once said, “America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.” Is that what it will take to shake us out of complacency and selfishness? Sadly, many people don’t want to know the truth.
With the help of the government, media, Hollywood, and Planned Parenthood’s strategic marketing, the lines have been blurred regarding life. They have sold the ideas of convenience and sexual experimentation while minimizing morality.
A human heart begins beating between 4 – 6 weeks after conception and ultrasound imagery provides indisputable evidence of life in the womb. Some call them ‘pre-born’ babies. Truth is inconvenient to those who are making money from destroying lives. (See Kermit Gosnell)
If telling the truth and displaying graphic photos helped wake up apathetic people in order to save Jews from the Holocaust and helped save black people from lynchings, why can’t we do the same thing in an effort to save even more lives?
It all comes back to who America chooses to live for: God or man?
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful… My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16)
God is the Creator of all life. He knows the number of our days and He sustains all things.
We must support free speech rights, including those of the pro-life movement, and speak up any way we can to raise awareness about America’s ongoing holocaust.
 baby hand and doctoraborted and discarded babiesabortion graphic image


White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett said there’s no chance Attorney General Eric Holder will resign in light of the mounting evidence against the Obama administration including the IRS’ ongoing targeting of Christians, conservatives, Republicans, and Tea Party groups; (IRS commissioner met with Obama 157 times) and revelations that his Justice Department had been spying on journalists.

Jarrett made the overly confident statement this week, long ago having moved on from the deadly Fast and Furious scandal and the tragic Benghazi attacks and murders, to name a few.

“Obviously, I know the president pretty well. And I know the attorney general very well. And he will be in his position for quite a while.”

Jarrett and Obama helped bring Chicago politics to the White House. A Republican with the same background would have been vetted extensively, covered 24/7 by the media, and would never be elected. The radical, leftist, progressive individuals who make up Obama’s close friends, associations and his administration also reflect his policies and worldview.

Class warfare. Racial politics. Marxism packaged as Christianity. America is evil. Islam is good. Twenty years involvement with Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church in Chicago. Friend of terrorists.

The following is an excerpt from ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA:

The sad truth is many Americans today don’t care that prior to his election, Obama’s handlers concealed information about his college years and no official records were ever made available – a first in our history. No college transcripts, published records, or papers had been released. What were they hiding?

By the time Barack Obama made it to college at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, you can be sure he had formed enough anti-American views to build on what he had already gleaned from his childhood men­tor, communist Frank Marshall Davis. Davis was a labor activist, writer, and community organizer as well as a Communist Party USA member. [Valerie Jarrett’s father, Vernon had close contact with Davis, and was also a Communist]

In 2010, Dr. John Drew, one of Barack Obama’s college friends, came forward and confirmed what many informed people already knew that Obama “was basically a Marxist-Leninist.” Drew talked about his past arguments with Obama about the many brands of Marxism:

“I see evidence of a continuing commitment to Marxist ideol­ogy…. In the Marxist model, the economy is the driving force behind change in the other spheres of society.”

Dr. John Drew did his senior honors thesis on Marxist economics at Occidental College, and he also founded the Democratic Student Socialist Alliance. He was a contemporary of Obama at Occidental and a Marxist himself. In fact, Drew was a well-known campus com­munist and was attracted to the college because Occidental was known for its Left-leaning politics and Marxist professors. Some even said it was considered “the Moscow of southern California.”

Occidental attracted America’s future president. Drew believed Obama was looking for a social revolution during his college days, and he expected a movement where “the working class would overthrow the ruling class” leading to a socialist utopia in America. Drew admitted how extreme he thought Obama’s views were at the time.

In 2010, John Drew was interviewed by Dr. Paul Kengor, an author, Reagan biographer, columnist, radio host, and Executive Director of The Center for Vision & Values. Drew admitted that at Occidental he was a comrade who leaned more toward the Frankfurt School of Marxism.

Here is a partial transcript of Dr. Kengor’s radio interview with John Drew: 

Drew: “I felt like I was doing Obama a favor by pointing out that the Marxist revolution that he and [our friends] were hoping for was really kind of a pipe dream, and that there was nothing in European history or the history of developed nations that would make that sort of fantasy – you know, Frank Marshall Davis fantasy of revolution – come true.”

Kengor: “So you had a realistic sense that even though you liked these ideas, it really couldn’t happen or really wouldn’t even work.”

Drew: “Right. I was still a card-carrying Marxist, but I was kind of a more advanced, East Coast, Cornell University Marxist….”

Kengor: “I know people are listening right now who want me to address this – and especially people who are Obama sup­porters. To be fair, I mean, look at where you were then and now where you are today.”

Drew: “Well, yeah, now I’m a Ronald Reagan, churchgoing, Baptist conservative.”

Kengor: “But now, okay, so what about Obama? Where do you think he is today? And to the people who are listening and are angry that we’re even having this conversation: Look, you don’t want us to talk about this because you don’t like what it says about Obama’s past, but we have to know this stuff about our presidents! “You can’t leave this out of biographies…  That’s why the background is so crucial – Frank Marshall Davis, what happened at Occidental, goes straight to Columbia from Occidental, the Bill Ayers affili­ation, no real-world experience – this matters….”

Drew: “Yeah, I think whenever he talks about people clinging to their guns and their religion due to economic stress, that’s just the standard Marxist argument. In fact, that’s the argu­ment of alienation and class-consciousness … the superficial religious and cultural ideals of the capitalist culture … and I really think he’s surrounded by people that share that mental architecture.”

Obama is surrounded by dangerous anti-Christian, socialism-loving people. They’ve plotted and pushed their agenda to transform America. Record numbers of people now rely on government assistance. We have record spending; increasing taxes, high energy, gas prices, and unemployment; racial and political division, the healthcare system takeover, and threats on our freedoms including speech and religion. And now, more invasions of privacy.

Government has become an enemy of American citizens and this administration is very good at using the tactics of distraction and diversion. With more of us becoming outraged while the media protects this administration, it will be fascinating to see this epic drama played out.


*For a detailed and extensive expose, please see a compilation of excerpts, here: Barack Obama’s History of Liberalism, Marxism, Chicago Politics, and Black Liberation Theology
