Posts Tagged ‘American culture’


Most of us can see the writing on the wall: our nation will either return to God and He will heal our land, or we will do nothing and remain on the present path to destruction. It depends on the course individual Christians choose and sadly, too many profess to believe, but fail to live according to the Bible. Only the Lord knows if they were truly saved in the first place.

I have never seen so much moral and spiritual confusion even among Christians. If we are not established in the Word of God and a preserving influence on culture, how can we expect it to improve? Proverbs 14:34 states,

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Many of America’s founders promoted or supported the idea that our nation will only advance, be blessed, and prosper if we the people continue in the things of God and if we actively and intentionally influence every aspect of society – including politics – for Christ.

This country began with sure footing on the eternal Rock of Jesus Christ and His teachings, but the question is raised in Scripture,

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3

As some chip away at America’s foundation, are we forgetting the God who once made us an exceptional nation?

Al Whittinghill of Ambassadors for Christ, International, pointed out that twenty-one of the last great empires on earth all showed the same common signs of decline just before they dissolved and disappeared from world history.

The Social Symptoms: 1. An increase in lawlessness and promotion of the wrong people. 2. A loss of economic discipline and self-restraint; greed. 3) Rising government taxes and regulations, and a growing bureaucracy. 4. A decline in the relevance and quality of education.

The Cultural Symptoms: 1. An increase in materialism and selfish luxury. 2. The weakening of the foundational principles that built the nation and made it great. 3. Policies based on feelings and not moral discipline. 4. A loss of respect for established authority.

The Spiritual Symptoms: 1. A rise in immorality and perversion. 2. The lure of alien gods and the exaltation of man. 3. A decline in the value placed on human life as evidenced by abortion, brutality, loss of natural affection, and lack of care for the elderly.

The de-valuing of life is just one heartbreaking symptom. Research reveals that twenty percent of women who have had an abortion, a staggering 200,000 a year, identify as Christian. Sadly, though they are hurting, most of them will never reveal their secret pain.

Sins often beget other sins. Adultery, coveting, promiscuity, and pornography can all lead to pregnancy which too often results in abortion. In our culture of death, over 57 million lives have been eliminated since 1973. We are out-sinning nations long gone.

America has been corrupted and compromised by minions within the usual suspects: Government, the media, Hollywood, the education system, and practically anything with “Federal” in its name. Moreover, the minions: anarchists, atheists, communists, progressives, and socialists, are not even trying to hide their agenda any longer.

Enemies within have been grinding America down, and we have allowed deadly symptoms including moral decay to metastasize. How many more warnings do we need before we drop to our knees, turn from our wicked ways, and live as if the Bible were true? Will it take a major terror attack, an economic collapse, or perhaps government tyranny? Let’s not give up hope or merely pray from a distance.

With backs up against the wall, more citizens seem to be returning to God, fighting for truth and freedom, and working to raise awareness. The gospel must be preached. You and I are here for this time in history and in order to be on the winning side, God’s, we need to fully commit to and engage in the battle for righteousness because the clock is ticking.

David Fiorazo’s new book, The Cost of Our Silence, is available from Aneko Press!

Katy Perry at the 2015 Super Bowl halftime show

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15

UPDATE: Did you watch the Super Bowl halftime show? Compared to past performances, it could have been much worse so kudos to Perry for showing some restraint. But the issue is not that she wasn’t as offensive or vulgar as others; the issue is we have become desensitized.

Knowing some of Katy Perry’s history and some of her song lyrics, when the NFL first announced she was to perform, I was concerned. After watching the halftime show however, she didn’t push the envelope of decency – at least visually – like some have done. I’m also glad most of the commercials aired during the game were quite family-friendly this year and had some positive themes. The problem is we often compare today’s entertainment with what Hollywood has done in the past rather than with biblical morality. Our standards have changed. What we accept as ‘normal’ entertainment today was considered immoral a hundred years ago – or even fifty.

Many have learned the hard way if we don’t teach our children to believe in and live for Jesus Christ, the world will definitely teach them not to.

A few weeks back, I suggested there was a possibility Perry’s performance could be tame compared to Beyonce’s 2013 satanic halftime sex show, but Perry did say she had a few tricks up her sleeve for February 1st. Over 114 million viewers watched this year’s Super Bowl. I credit Perry for keeping her clothes on, but let’s not forget some of the song lyrics millions of young girls and children listen to and sing along with.

Again, not every one of her songs is offensive, but at the Super Bowl, Perry sang songs such as “Teenage Dream” which included the lyrics:

“Let’s go all the way tonight/No regrets, just love, [I’ll] let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans/Be your teenage dream tonight.”

Perry then got into rap mode with Missy Elliott singing, “Getcha freak on”featuring profane lyrics I will not mention here.

Also during the halftime medley, she sang part of her song promoting sexual experimentation and lesbianism, “I Kissed a Girl;”

“I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry ChapStick. I kissed a girl just to try it… I liked it.”

Like Miley Cyrus and a few others, Perry grew up in a Christian home, but now admits she has left the faith. No longer believing in Heaven or Hell, in an interview with ET about getting the 2015 Super Bowl gig, Perry stated,

“I think when the universe gives you these things, it’s just asking you if you’re ready for the next level. And I’m getting ready.”

This is a good reminder to pray for those who look to “the universe” or to other gods for answers. Having fallen for Humanism or New Age philosophies, many lack understanding of the living God of the Bible. In another interview where she joked about being celibate for a year, some wondered if she was serious. Her later response was, “I’d rather die” than not have sex for a year.

Parents, please remember this: whether a celebrity acknowledges it or not, they are role models for youth in our culture. Bad or good, millions of children will try to be just like them by mimicking their behavior and lifestyle.

Flashback to the 2014 Grammy Awards: It appeared to be a desperate attempt by Awards organizers to get ratings and make headlines, smack in the middle of prime time hours. Katy Perry’s Grammy performance of her song “Dark Horse” appeared to be a black magic witchcraft ritual. It began with a sinister voice: “She casts spells from crystal balls. Invoking spirits. She put me in a trance.” Perry then sang while four horned, demon-like figures appeared.

Wearing black witches clothing emblazoned with a glowing red Knights Templar cross on her chest, she emerged from the crystal ball while demons danced frantically around her. The Knights Templar were a medieval occult society some consider to be the originator of Freemasonry, the Bavarian Illuminati and the keepers of “sex-magick” secrets as practiced by Aleister Crowley’s O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis)

Perry and fellow witches used their brooms to perform a pole dance of sorts. The act featured a beast with Moloch horns as well as dark-robed dancers. The song ended with a circle of fire around her, apparently symbolizing her being burned at the stake. E! Online even tweeted, “Um, did we just witness actual witchcraft during Katy Perry’s ‪#Grammys performance?” ‬‬‬‬

Similar to Lady Gaga, Perry’s music and videos are being used to seduce young fans – even young Christian girls. She seeks spirituality in the writings of people such as neo-gnostic medium, Echart Tolle, who channels demonic forces and teaches we can realize our own inner divinity through occult knowledge.

Perry once stated in an interview, “I sold my soul to the devil” after her original goal to make it in Christian music did not work out. Her first big hit was “I Kissed a Girl.” Though Perry’s father, an evangelical minister, loves his daughter, he has pleaded for people to pray for Katy. A few years back, Keith Hudson stated:

“I was at a concert of Katy’s where there were 20,000. I’m watching this generation, and they were going at it. It was almost like church… I stood there and wept and kept on weeping and weeping. They’re loving and worshiping the wrong thing.”

Katy Perry is not alone by any stretch. Though we don’t know how deeply she is invested into the occult, the music industry features many performers purposely engaging in Satanism and witchcraft. Some utilize demonic powers to ensnare their followers.

Whether we’re discussing entertainment or everyday life, we shouldn’t expect unbelievers to act like Christians nor should we judge them – they need salvation through Jesus. We can however, overcome our silence by warning, informing, and encouraging others to be more discerning and to avoid the garbage this world often produces and promotes.

There is hope for us all including Katy Perry, and we should pray for her, but too many families have conformed to the world and according to the Bible, friendship with the world is hostility toward God.

“Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” (James 4:4)

Harmless entertainment? You make the call. A gaping chasm exists between being edified and slimed. We cannot protect our hearts and minds while filling them with trash. Some call it entertainment; I call it soul pollution, and there are much better things we can do with our time. Christian friends, if we don’t raise awareness and stand against immorality, who will?


katy perry with fireKaty-Perry-Dark-Horse-GrammysFor more on the subject of Soul Pollution…

Ducking the Issue of Sin: Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty, A&E, and the LGBT movement

The Beginning of the End for Miley Cyrus? Don’t judge, pray! But warn others about how easy it is to self destruct…

Seeing Chicago on the Way to Heaven – Chicago, the band; fame, worldly success and why we must share the gospel

For more on the 2014 Grammy Awards from Good Fight Ministries: “Katy Perry, The Grammy’s, Gay Weddings and Witchcraft”


Religious Freedom in America

I’ve never done a list like this before, but after reviewing some articles that seemed to really resonate with people, I am encouraged to share them with others who may not have had the opportunity to read them when they were published. The ten articles listed here have been read by approximately 60,000 people; small numbers to full-time writers and national figures, but an amazing blessing to me. You never know who might be influenced by something we have to say!

It’s an honor and privilege to defend and proclaim the truth. My prayer regarding anything I write is that God is glorified, and that Christians not only be encouraged and strengthened in their faith, but that it will lead them to take action and bear fruit. For those that do not believe, I hope to point them to the love, light, and truth of Jesus Christ.

Due to the moral and spiritual confusion in America today, we must get back to the basics: the Bible must be taught and talked about like Christians used to do 50 – 100 years ago. Cultural issues are also important to discuss because as Christians, we see the world through the lens of the perfect Word of a holy God. He never changes! Our words and actions should both line up with a biblical Christian worldview rather than blending in with society and conforming to the world.

I posted about 50 articles and blogs in 2013 and judging by the numbers, those included here were the most popular. It’s very interesting to me that seven of the ten listed below are about individual people. The topics include abortion, biblical truth, media bias, religious freedom, Hollywood, immorality in American culture, racism, false teachings, homosexuality, and the silence of Christians.

I’m also very encouraged by the fact that four of the top six include excerpts from my book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA. Let’s start with the most read and viewed article featuring Oprah Winfrey that reached over 15,000 people:

#1.  Learning From Oprah: New Age Spirituality, Racism, and the Influence of Celebrity

Sadly, millions of spiritual seekers have been led astray, and due to Oprah’s popularity, people have opened themselves up to all kinds of practices, religions, and teachings contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ and biblical Christianity. We need to pray for her and for those who may blindly hang on her every word, or the words of any secular celebrity.  Oprah is not the enemy – she is deceived – but she obviously believes she has the answers regarding God, spirituality, and eternity.

#2.  Game On: Blotting Christ Out of Christmas – Already?

Activists successfully removed prayer, the Bible, and God from schools, but they can never take Jesus Christ out of the hearts of believers. According to a 2012 Rasmussen Reports poll, 82% of American adults voted in favor of celebrating Christmas on public school campuses, and 76% believe Christmas should be more about Jesus than Santa. Going directly against Jesus’ own words to “Let your light shine among men,” some [activists] are trying to get Christians to be silent and hide their faith under baskets.

#3.  America’s Culture of Death: We Need Abortion Control, Not Gun Control

Ninety-six. Remember this number. A baby is aborted at a Planned Parenthood facility somewhere in America every 96 seconds. In that same amount of time, Planned Parenthood receives about $1,056 taxpayer dollars. That equals eleven dollars a second and allows them to abort 910 lives every day. How did it get to the point in America where we kill our own and call it a choice? It sure did not happen overnight, but it does occur – Every 96 seconds…

#4.  Is This the Beginning of the End for Miley Cyrus? 

Most of us recognize a desperate cry for help when we see one. We shouldn’t expect secular celebrities to live according to God’s Word because Christian values are either foreign or offensive to them. As for the salvation of Miley Cyrus who claimed to be a Christian years ago, only God knows her heart. She and countless other celebrities need the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. No one is without hope, but the Bible warns us the Lord’s return is close…

#5.  Obama’s Ideology Propels Scandal-mania

Government has become an enemy of American citizens and this administration is very good at using the tactics of distraction and diversion. With more of us becoming outraged while the media protects this administration, it will be fascinating to see this epic drama played out. The sad truth is many Americans today don’t care that prior to his election, Obama’s handlers concealed information about his college years and no official records were ever made available – a first in our history. No college transcripts, published records, or papers had been released. What were they hiding?

#6.  Cotton Candy Christianity: Joel Osteen’s Gospel of Neutrality and Omission

So let’s clarify here: Pastor Joel Osteen feels it is not his calling to get deeply into the Bible or to talk about sin. He also prefers not to think too much about other religions, but he believes Mormons are Christians. Maybe you’re a fan of Joel Osteen. You may have read his books and have watched him on TV and are having a tough time accepting this. I strongly encourage you to pray about everything he or anyone teaches. If you sincerely seek God’s truth, He will reveal it to you. Osteen pres­ents a kind of self-help program under the guise of Bible instruction. There’s nothing wrong with optimism, but pastors [and teachers] need to stick with the Word of God.

#7.  Ducking the Issue of Sin: Should Christians Be Silent?  (Duck Dynasty, A&E, GLAAD, and Phil Robertson)

If we love someone, we’ll tell them the truth. If we believe Jesus is the only way to salvation (Acts 4:12) and we fail to warn others, we don’t really care about them. The way Christians demonstrate their love for non-believers is by addressing sin so they can repent and receive the grace God offers which leads to everlasting life (Ephesians 2:8). Less than 4 % of the U.S. population is LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender)

The problem has been diagnosed. The moral decline in America is evidence we cannot rely on church leaders because people are obviously not getting the message. If Christians fail to speak about the Bible, Jesus Christ, and the issue of sin; our society will only grow worse, the battle more intense, and the hostility more volatile. One thing is certain: silence never saved anybody.

#8.  Gay Marriage is not God’s Marriage

God created the heavens and the earth, and mankind is made in His image. God’s plan for marriage is woven through Scripture and has been implemented throughout history. Marriage predates kings and governments. By the intricate engineering of the male and female bodies, science also confirms we are uniquely designed for procreation and for the opposite sex.

The media has influenced public opinion to the point where more Americans are softening towards sin; this includes Christians. A recent Pew Forum survey on media coverage exposed the truth; in their reporting, the media supported same-sex marriage 5 to 1 hoping the public would soon think it is inevitable.

#9.  The Hypocrisy of Selective Outrage: Zimmerman vs. Martin (Graphic content)

Few in the media report on the travesty in many inner cities in America where black on black deaths continue to increase with the violent crimes. According to the FBI, 91% of black victim homicides are committed by other blacks. Few in the media report on the massive numbers of black babies being aborted at Planned Parenthood and other Gosnell clinics, especially in minority neighborhoods. Where is the public outcry over these deaths?

If you’re open to truth and are willing to research, you’ll find unreported stories similar to the following atrocious, disturbing tragedy: WARNING – GRAPHIC…

#10. The Anguish of Abortion: What They Won’t Tell You

Father Frank Pavone once said, “America will never resist abortion until America sees abortion.”

Thanks in part to advances in technology such as ultrasound imagery, it’s clear and easy to see a growing and moving fetus inside a mother’s womb which has raised awareness that an unborn child is alive, human, and abortion is murder. Americans have tolerated the evil of legalized abortion and have become so desensitized to violence and death that we don’t see eliminating innocent human life as a brutal or selfish act – or at least we don’t speak up about it enough. God have mercy on our hardened hearts.

(If one of the above links does not work and you’re really intrigued by the title, simply do a search for the article as they are often published on several sites.)

*Three more I recommend:

Gosnell Trial Proves Massive Media Malpractice  

Alfred Kinsey and Sexual Anarchy in America 

Media Forced to Report the Truth about Obamacare?

Religious Freedom in America


Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test? But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test.  2 Corinthians 13:5-6

God has been leading me to take an honest and thorough look at my own faith and what I often see is an Americanized version of comfortable Christianity. I understand how easy it is to waste years on selfish interests and worldly pursuits. 

Thankfully, He has brought me to a point where my heart is softening again and I can’t help but notice things that must grieve our loving Creator and Father. This new journey has caused me to ask some important questions beginning with:

If the Bible teaches we need to examine ourselves, test all things, be discerning, evaluate our faith, and make judgments on sinful behavior starting with our own, are we following and obeying these instructions?

Perhaps one of the least discussed Scriptures in the New Testament is Jesus speaking to professing believers in Matthew 7:22-23, stating ‘I never knew you; depart from me,’ further proving lip service does not fool a holy God. Luke 6:46 sums it up clearly:

“Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?

It’s that important to walk our Christian talk and obey the commandments. I recently heard a message in which the pastor said, “You’re looking around at others or nodding your heads as if this doesn’t apply to you. When I suggest some of you may not be saved because there is little evidence you’re living for Jesus Christ, I’m talking to you.”

He was preaching about repentance to professing believers. Remember, John the Baptist said to produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Matthew 3:8). The two go together.

According to the Apostle Paul, it is possible for some to fail the test and not recognize Christ is in them and therefore, not live according to the gospel they supposedly received. 

Paul wrote this to Christians in the church at Corinth whom he was preparing to visit for the third time. After getting to know them and hearing about their behavior he basically told them to make sure they were saved! 

Even with eye witnesses of Jesus still around at that time, some believers had conformed to the world instead of resisting sin. Paul felt it necessary to confront them about exactly what they believed and how they were living. 

When we mention this today some accuse us of judging or being intolerant. Here’s a memo for those who have not studied the whole Bible: GOD IS INTOLERANT OF SIN.

Paul confronted and challenged believes on their hypocrisy, warning them to repent. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus Christ by preaching repentance from sin. Revelation 3:2-3 further warns Christians:

Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God. So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.

Why are there so many Scriptures telling people that are already saved to wake up?

Why don’t we have a sense of urgency as we watch the moral decline of America and witness more corruption and godlessness than ever in our history? Have we lost our influence?

One of the questions I attempt to answer in my book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA, is, if a majority of Americans (77%) profess some form of Christianity, why does the evidence (fruit) overwhelmingly show secular culture has more influence on Christians than we have on culture?

If we fail to preach the whole gospel message, we limit the Holy Spirit rather than inviting Him to work. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” (John 16:8) Without conviction of sin there can be no repentance and without true repentance there can be no salvation!

Leonard Ravenhill said, “There’s one thing we need above everything else; it’s something we don’t talk about these days. We need a mighty avalanche of conviction of sin.”

 Isn’t this what the true gospel is all about?

But don’t miss the good news, that while we were still rebellious sinners, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us so we might be forgiven. Jesus bridged the gap between sinful mankind and a holy, righteous God.

We should never back down from the same truth Jesus warned the early Church about when He confronted lukewarm believers. (Rev. 3:15-16)

Examine yourself, my friend! Please do not put this off any longer. At the risk of stating the obvious, a person is not saved because their family used to take them to church or because their parents are Christians. 

If we believe what the Bible teaches about Heaven and Hell, shouldn’t we care about the authentic salvation of others? What about the sin that is all around us infecting both our culture and the church? Do we understand we are called to be set apart from the world (sanctified)?

Compromise seems to be the new tolerance, however, biblical truth must be the foundation of our worldview and that truth should affect everything we do and say. 

When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, He told them that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in His name (Luke 24:27). Think of the last three sermons you heard at church. I hope your pastor is following His lead.

What kind of lasting fruit are you and I producing? Are we abiding in Christ? He is glorified when we abide in Him, and when we bear good fruit it proves we are His disciples! (John 15:8-9)

Let’s seek Him first in our lives and then live what we believe. 

Let’s not be ashamed to speak up about Christ and love others by telling them hard truths. We are commissioned to preach the Word in every season (2 Tim. 4:2) because the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:18).

If Jesus has truly changed our hearts and if our minds have been transformed, our lives will show it. Regardless of whether the message is accepted by others, you and I are called to be His messengers. Peter said, “Be saved from this perverse generation!” (Acts 2:40) 

No more hypocrisy, please. When Christians say one thing and then live just like the world, why should unbelievers want the Jesus we profess to believe in? We can have this world or we can have Jesus Christ, but never both. If we love the things in this world, God’s love is not in us (1 John 2:15).

Let’s examine ourselves to make sure we are fully in Christ. 



We’ve just been given another wake-up call, this time from the U.S. Supreme Court as it struck down a provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this week. That provision prevented married gay couples from receiving tax, health, and retirement benefits.

This is another reminder that it is up to the people rather than secular government to defend God’s principles in an ungodly culture.

God created the heavens and the earth, and mankind is made in His image. God’s plan for marriage is woven through Scripture and has been implemented throughout history. Marriage predates kings and governments.

By the intricate engineering of the male and female bodies, science also confirms we are uniquely designed for procreation and for the opposite sex.

Apparently, none of this matters to five of these nine judicial appointees. Man often thinks he knows better than God. Defining marriage is still up to individual states as the Supreme Court did not impose federal law on marriage. That said, this decision is likely to embolden activists and sends the dangerous message that children do not necessarily need a mother and a father.

It also means states that have already passed same-sex marriage laws can now force the federal government to recognize their mockery of society’s foundational institution.

The question must again be asked, ‘will gay activists be content with this decision or will they aim to advance their agenda?’

Answer: Immediately following the court’s decision, top activist lawyers stood on the Supreme Court steps and reiterated their promise to push gay marriage nationwide. It will not be enough for them to be content with a few legal victories until they enforce their agenda and will upon all Americans, including the majority that disagrees with them.

Living in proud, open rebellion to God’s laws, they not only refuse to obey and submit to His authority, they aim to take it away as an option for us as well. They will protest our free speech when it comes to faith and religious liberty proving their intolerance of those of us who believe they are wrong.

We didn’t get here overnight.

Sadly, the media’s promotion of homosexuality and their lobbying for the Left has had a major impact swaying the minds of the uninformed. They influenced public opinion to the point where more Americans are softening towards sin; this includes Christians. A recent Pew Forum survey on media coverage exposed the truth; in their reporting, the media supported same-sex marriage 5 to 1 hoping the public would soon think it is inevitable. Breakpoint’s Ben Booker wrote:

This is a major failing on the media’s part. The purpose of the press is to inform the public about what is occurring in society. Yet instead of representing the real opposition to same-sex marriage, the media has decided to promote the idea that same-sex marriage is a foregone conclusion. Its limited perspective has been detrimental in several ways.

But even with their biased reporting, it is fascinating that in Illinois, one of the bluest of blue states, the legislature failed to pass a same-sex marriage bill because they didn’t have enough votes for it. Illinois is a Democratic stronghold and yet it still didn’t go the way of California, whose liberal court (The Ninth Circus) overturned the will of 7 million voters that cast their ballots in favor of marriage between one man and one woman in 2008.

The media portrays the issue as already decided and more people assume there is no reason to debate it, which is what activists want.

Christians may never have fair representation in the media, but we can’t stop raising awareness and sharing the truth. Religious leaders and pastors must actively and purposefully preach and teach on marriage so that their congregants are informed and able to defend traditional marriage.

The Court can declare same-sex “marriage” a legal right in the eyes of government, but judges cannot make it morally right in the hearts of the people.

Regardless of what the Left, the media, government, Hollywood, and activists want us to believe, we’re still the majority. We have the power of prayer and elections, for starters. It still comes down to the people.

Nothing the marketers of evil do should surprise us anymore and we must refuse to let a court’s definition of marriage discourage us from understanding the times and seeing the big picture. Some put their stock in a temporary, worthless certificate of same-sex marriage, but we put our faith in the priceless, eternal truths of the Word of God.

the barn audience

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – President Abraham Lincoln 

Come and hear an urgent, informative  message for concerned citizens at the NORTH EAST WISCONSIN PATRIOTS monthly event on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 7 PM in the Banquet Room at Legends in De Pere, WI. (MAP below) Dinner is available for purchase at 6 PM.

GUEST SPEAKER: David Fiorazo, Christian author, speaker, radio personality, and former Hollywood actor. Copies of his book, ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA will be on sale and after his presentation there will be a Q & A session. 

Too many conservatives have been silent for decades, and too many Christians have conformed to the world; we’re now suffering the consequences as a nation.

  ERADICATE_BOOK_COVER_SMALL_rgb (2)David will share some shocking facts and statistics from his book, and we will be encouraged to:

UNDERSTAND, COMBAT & OVERCOME the anti-Christian agendas, apathy in the Church, and the moral relativism eroding our culture.

Learn what we can do to turn people to God, raise awareness, and slow down the radical transformation of America. 

We must get back to the basics…



Attend Dinner Social (6 PM) and PLEASE INVITE PEOPLE that need to be there! Presentation  7:15 PM


MAP TO LEGENDS HERE:   PHONE: (920) 336-8036

To check the menu or visit LEGENDS website, click here.

QUESTIONS? Patriots event organizer, Linda (920) 864-7307




“The future direction of this nation will be determined by who we choose to honor and follow… God, or man”

David speaking

“When God is blotted out of education and government, immorality increases. Sin creates an atmosphere and an environment for more evil. If sin is not dealt with according to the Bible, it will infect everything in its path and will fertilize a culture of corruption.”

“The Obama White House has proven to be the most biblically hostile administration in the history of the United States… The godless Left is relentless in their agenda to push immorality on America. They are not satisfied with winning a few elections, changing some laws, and rewriting our history; they aim to silence our speech and ban our religious freedoms.” 

“Christianity is the only thing holding them back”


Church and State

Friends & Patriots! PLEASE SHARE this link on social media; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. and EMAIL your closest friends!!


“The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics or the Lord will curse them… Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently… God will bless or curse this nation, according to the course Christians take.” – Reverend Charles G. Finney (1792-1875)


“The Left wants you to think that the cultural changes that have taken place in America since the 1960’s have done nothing but progress us forward to a brave new world … they’ve done everything in their power to dumb down our children, undermine our families, rewrite our history, and promote obscenity and immorality everywhere they can … the ideas that now dominate our educational system are focused on removing God and His influence from every part of our culture.” – Curtis Bowers (Agenda: Grinding America Down)