Archive for March, 2015


Most of us can see the writing on the wall: our nation will either return to God and He will heal our land, or we will do nothing and remain on the present path to destruction. It depends on the course individual Christians choose and sadly, too many profess to believe, but fail to live according to the Bible. Only the Lord knows if they were truly saved in the first place.

I have never seen so much moral and spiritual confusion even among Christians. If we are not established in the Word of God and a preserving influence on culture, how can we expect it to improve? Proverbs 14:34 states,

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Many of America’s founders promoted or supported the idea that our nation will only advance, be blessed, and prosper if we the people continue in the things of God and if we actively and intentionally influence every aspect of society – including politics – for Christ.

This country began with sure footing on the eternal Rock of Jesus Christ and His teachings, but the question is raised in Scripture,

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3

As some chip away at America’s foundation, are we forgetting the God who once made us an exceptional nation?

Al Whittinghill of Ambassadors for Christ, International, pointed out that twenty-one of the last great empires on earth all showed the same common signs of decline just before they dissolved and disappeared from world history.

The Social Symptoms: 1. An increase in lawlessness and promotion of the wrong people. 2. A loss of economic discipline and self-restraint; greed. 3) Rising government taxes and regulations, and a growing bureaucracy. 4. A decline in the relevance and quality of education.

The Cultural Symptoms: 1. An increase in materialism and selfish luxury. 2. The weakening of the foundational principles that built the nation and made it great. 3. Policies based on feelings and not moral discipline. 4. A loss of respect for established authority.

The Spiritual Symptoms: 1. A rise in immorality and perversion. 2. The lure of alien gods and the exaltation of man. 3. A decline in the value placed on human life as evidenced by abortion, brutality, loss of natural affection, and lack of care for the elderly.

The de-valuing of life is just one heartbreaking symptom. Research reveals that twenty percent of women who have had an abortion, a staggering 200,000 a year, identify as Christian. Sadly, though they are hurting, most of them will never reveal their secret pain.

Sins often beget other sins. Adultery, coveting, promiscuity, and pornography can all lead to pregnancy which too often results in abortion. In our culture of death, over 57 million lives have been eliminated since 1973. We are out-sinning nations long gone.

America has been corrupted and compromised by minions within the usual suspects: Government, the media, Hollywood, the education system, and practically anything with “Federal” in its name. Moreover, the minions: anarchists, atheists, communists, progressives, and socialists, are not even trying to hide their agenda any longer.

Enemies within have been grinding America down, and we have allowed deadly symptoms including moral decay to metastasize. How many more warnings do we need before we drop to our knees, turn from our wicked ways, and live as if the Bible were true? Will it take a major terror attack, an economic collapse, or perhaps government tyranny? Let’s not give up hope or merely pray from a distance.

With backs up against the wall, more citizens seem to be returning to God, fighting for truth and freedom, and working to raise awareness. The gospel must be preached. You and I are here for this time in history and in order to be on the winning side, God’s, we need to fully commit to and engage in the battle for righteousness because the clock is ticking.

David Fiorazo’s new book, The Cost of Our Silence, is available from Aneko Press!


What are the consequences when Christians back out of culture and take the path of least resistance? Many of us do not recognize America as the shining city on a hill we once were, but what can we do about it now?

As the church goes – so goes America. One reason we are seeing an increase of godlessness in our society today is because many of us have become too busy or comfortable, forgetting God’s purpose for our lives. As a result, we are having less influence on morality.

Revelation 3:2 says,

It’s time to wake up and strengthen what remains and is about to die…”

It is true God is doing some great things in lots of churches, but America is suffering the effects of decades of sin and Christian apathy. In addition, our religious freedoms are being threatened more every day. Are we failing to learn from history?

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said,

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless…”

But too often we find ourselves backing down from the slightest opposition and ducking the issue of sin. Rather than accommodating sin in culture, we should be confronting and exposing it (Ephesians 5:11). What are we so afraid of?

Even when Peter and the Apostles were ordered not to speak in the name of Jesus, they refused and said:

We must obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29)

And in Galatians 1:10, Paul said,

If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

The early church understood this important truth: silence never saved anyone.

If we really love others, wouldn’t we tell them the truth that sin separates us from God? Sure it’s unpopular. Why do you think Christians who do preach the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ alone are often called hateful, intolerant, or judgmental?

This is exactly the environment our silent indifference has helped create, but there’s more to it than that. What happened to the salt and light? We also need to live what we claim to believe because when Christians blend in with the world, it weakens our witness and our credibility.

Rather than retreat and hide the influence of Jesus, we need to know the word of God and then stand up for what is right! 1 Peter 3:15 says we always need to be ready to defend the gospel and give an answer to others for the hope we have. Are we ready to have these debates about God, the Bible, truth, sin, eternity, and who Jesus is?

Look around. People are seeking answers and it is up to you and me to lovingly direct them to the only God who can save their lives! Some will refuse to believe no matter what, but as culture becomes more dark and people more hopeless, others will be open to hearing the truth.

If most Christians remain silent, fewer people will be saved, society will continue to collapse, and history will show that we were part of the problem. It is indisputable: there is a cost to our silence.

God is still working in a remnant of truth defenders and proclaimers. However, it is also obvious Christianity is not having the impact He desires and our founders intended. The question is – what are we doing about it?

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