Archive for December, 2012

roadside memorial

The Lord is slow to anger and great in power, And the Lord will by no means leave the guilty unpunished… The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble, And He knows those who take refuge in Him. (Nahum 1:3; 7)

A horrific tragedy, and so close to Christmas, leaves a shocked nation mourning.

The darkness and ugliness of evil has captured America once again. This time it was a massacre inside Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut where a masked gunman took the lives of six adults and twenty children between the ages of 5 – 10. Stories are emerging and details will continue to be learned about that day; the victims, the heroes, the school, the security of public schools, and the motives and psychology of the killer, Adam Lanza. Debates will continue about how to prevent something like this from happening again.

Many will try to make this a political issue and point to gun control, better security or safer buildings and classrooms. Few will suggest there is no way to stop someone that is committed and determined to kill. How unthinkable that a person could aim a gun at precious, innocent children and take their young lives. There are reports the twenty year-old killer may have had mental health problems, but how could anyone take so many lives, especially children? He saw them them as objects rather than human beings.

Early reports said the killer was a ‘goth kid’ into dark video games. Have we become desensitized to how violent video games have become? They don’t rate many of them ‘M for Mature’ for no reason. Guns have been around for hundreds of years; video games have been around for just over a few decades.

Hollywood continues producing the most violent, sadistic movies, television programs, and morbid video games that glorify graphic violence and killing people. They’re selling like crazy to today’s youth and our entertainment-driven culture. Some kids now have a harder time differentiating between fantasy and real life when it comes to violence. Why don’t more people cite the countless studies that have been done proving violent movies, TV, and video games encourage children to act out and to justify violent behavior?

Why are we reluctant to call this what it truly is? This is a moral issue and America has all but abandoned God in the public square. Satan is a very real enemy and the Bible teaches, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.” (John 10:10) Jesus however, came to lay down His own life for us that we might have access to God the Father and be given eternal life. (John 10:11)

Yes, the Sandy Hook School massacre was a senseless, heart-wrenching tragedy, but we are powerless to completely stop the forces of evil. Pure evil cannot and does not wait; evil respects no one. A shocked America has again been reminded of this present darkness. The answer is not more laws, better security or thicker windows and walls in public places. The answer is not gun control. (In Israel, female teachers carry guns in school to protect children.)

Are we ready to face the truth about evil? Will we now take some responsibility for how and what we are teaching young people in American schools? The killer had been out of school for less than two years. Almost anything is allowed in government-run public schools that the Bible would consider unwise, harmful, and in many cases, sinful. What has been kicked out of public schools? Prayer, the mention of Jesus Christ, God’s laws, and the Bible itself. How has this been working out for us?

Kids are learning moral relativism and more Americans are having a hard time discerning good and evil. Our standards of morality and responsibility have dropped dramatically and we have allowed life itself to be devalued in our ungodly society. We are naïve to think ignoring the causes of evil will eliminate evil. We need common sense.

American culture devalues life and in the process has all but eradicated God and the Judeo-Christian principles we were founded upon. The tragedy in Connecticut will leave many broken lives, but we can be confident because we know Christ can heal broken hearts. However, too many of us forget the ongoing abortion holocaust in a country that claims to be predominantly pro-life. I’m talking about 55 million babies killed in mother’s wombs since unelected judges legalized abortion in 1973.

A cowardly killer takes the lives of twenty children at a school and it impacts a nation while complicit killers take the lives of thousands of babies every day in America and we silently give them permission to use our tax dollars to help fund the slaughter.

Last Friday’s tragedy in Connecticut reminds us there is a spiritual battle between good and evil; without God there can be no morality. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”  (Jeremiah 17:9) Newtown, CT is a very small community about 45 miles from Hartford. If this kind of evil occurred in a small town, it can happen anywhere, but who knows – it may not have happened at all if God had not been blotted out of the public square starting in 1962.

The only answer to evil and heartache and sin is the life, person, and teachings of Jesus Christ, without whom there is no cure; no hope, no solution, and no salvation. He was sent to heal the brokenhearted and preach the good news to the poor in spirit. (Isaiah 61:1-2) God sent His only Son – because He loves every one of us. In spite of the darkness, wickedness, and our ungodly culture, He is called ‘Immanuel’ which means ‘God with us’. This is the hope we profess. Our God is faithful, His love is everlasting, and His promises are true.

There will always be evil in the world, and what happened in Newtown, CT is a sobering reminder of why we must understand the times and share the Gospel with others who need hope. Let’s not just say ‘our thoughts and prayers go out’ to the hurting; let’s actually pray.

Only God knows the number of our days. While we’re here on earth, we are called to love, to bear one another’s burdens, and Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21) Jesus didn’t promise an easy life, but through Him, He did promise an overcoming life! In dark or desperate times, people are more open to the love and life Jesus Christ offers. Though we’re in a spiritual battle with evil all around us, we’re never without hope. Let’s share this message of hope with those who need encouragement. God promises to make a way where there seems to be no way.


GOD is being Blotted out of America!

We must Understand the Anti-Christian Agenda

Combat the Culture, and

Overcome evil with good!


The Christian Fellowship Group at The Barn invites you to attend a Free presentation about Christianity & Culture by David Fiorazo on TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2013 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Come for an informative meeting and discussion on Truth, the Church, and American Culture. How can Christians discern the times and avoid conforming to the world? [Romans 12:2] Why are so many believers tolerating sin and being silent witnesses?


*ALL AGES ARE WELCOME! High school youth who are interested are welcome to attend! Middle school youth who are interested and attentive should be attending with an adult. Child care is not provided.

The Barn is located on a private residence with an amazing, comfortable facility for bible studies, conferences, and meetings, at 4229 Reforestation Road in Suamico, Wisconsin.  Here’s the MAP:  

Questions? Please call Barney Browne, 920-434-0767

ERADICATE_BOOK_COVER_SMALL_rgb (2)Get a head start and be informed by reading David’s  book prior to the January meeting!


Read David’s Interview in Wisconsin Christian News

redistribution is theft

As I was preparing to write my weekly article, I came across a brand new report: According to the USDA, a record 47.7 million Americans are now living in poverty. A few actual news outlets have reported the very real possibility that by the end of 2012 the numbers in the U.S. could surpass a mind-boggling 50 million Americans living in absolute poverty and collecting the $134.29 average monthly benefit per person, instead of working. In fact, just two months before the presidential election, the media kept a lid on the fact that there were three times more food stamp recipients added to the economy than jobs.

Big government is not just a present threat; it is a growing mindset and worldview. It is important to understand this battle for power. Here is an excerpt from my book, ERADICATE, BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA.

Social Justice is a code phrase of the left which believes in a class­less society and that all differences in wealth and property should be eliminated. It is a political movement that generally believes people are born into an inflexible social order.

Religious liberals have invaded evangelical Christian churches with their version of social justice. They claim to back up their fight for pov­erty and world hunger by the use of selected Scriptures about helping the poor. Every individual Christian is responsible to obey God’s Word and do what we can to manage our resources to help those in need, and humanitarian efforts should coincide with the preaching of the gospel. Christians need to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but poverty and hunger will never completely be eradicated.

The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have Me (Mark 14:7 NIV).

To liberals, social justice means a level of fairness as defined by them and enforced by the state. Their argument is that the church has not done a good job taking care of the poor – which is true – so the government must step in. The solution should never be government intervention. When government gets involved, who decides how to allocate money? This promotes an unholy alliance between the church and state. The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 5 that it is our responsibility to take care of “widows and orphans” and those who are unable to care for themselves.

Christians are to voluntarily tithe to the church and share their finances (distribute wealth) with the needy, not be forced by the government through taxes to unwillingly (redistribute wealth) give to whoever the government decides needs it the most. Can government be trusted to use the people’s money honestly?

If their definition of social justice is implemented and many poor people are fed, this meets their temporary physical need. With govern­ment involved, however, it would then be illegal for Christians to share the gospel with the poor to meet their spiritual need.

Life is not fair, but God is good. He is sovereign, all powerful and He hates injustice. However, unfairness is inherent in the human con­dition. God is just; human beings typically are not. That’s where the church comes in. Jesus did not commission the Roman Government to help the poor and He never advocated taxation on the wealthy to pay for the benefits of the less fortunate. The early church took care of the needs of the poor and also demonstrated how a system of heartfelt, voluntary distribution could work. The communal sharing of the early Christians in Acts chapter 2, for example, was virtually the opposite of the socio-economic Marxism some church leaders are calling for today.

We need to be careful about throwing the word “social” around. What is “socialized” is state-controlled. Here in the United States, we have tried throwing more money at the problem of poverty, and we have found it does not work (See Detroit). When corrupt men are in charge of distributing money, it most often does not get to the people who really need help. Communism has also failed worldwide, and Marxism should have taught the world a permanent lesson.

Over the years our churches and ministries in America have made the average citizen better, have fed countless millions around the world, and financed the spreading of the gospel. Without nations influenced by Jesus Christ and biblical Christianity, the world would be a much darker place, and there would be considerably more poverty both spiri­tually and economically. Would a system of socialism allow the church to do any of this?

Author and commentator, Erik Rush, the man credited with breaking the story about President Obama’s former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology, called social justice Christians another “well-organized group of traitors” to America. Rush said their religion has become superficial:

“As with health-care reform … many are aware that social and environmental ‘justice’ issues are not about justice at all; they are calculated to deliver unprecedented levels of power to the federal government. I declare that ‘social justice Christianity’ is apostasy; its adher­ents have abandoned their faith for a cause…. While some are misguided Christians, others (like Jim Wallis) are out-and-out Marxist posers. Proverbially, they now stand with the Saddu­cees and Rome, against Israel. While I pray that God will have mercy on their souls, we must show them no mercy politically.”

Jesus did not teach that the Spirit of the Lord anointed the federal government to preach. That’s the job of the church so the power and will of God can be revealed. In Isaiah 61:1-2, a verse Jesus quoted in the Gospels as well, He gives six reasons for which God had anointed Him and not one of them mentions money:

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God…

God calls us to give cheerfully from our hearts (2 Cor. 9:7), but God does not advocate additional tax burdens on the whole of society for any cause. When Jesus faced Roman prefect, Pontius Pilate, He didn’t ask Pilate for financial aid for the poor. Jesus didn’t complain about injus­tices in Galilee or Nazareth or Bethlehem. He didn’t ask for the Roman government to step in and spread the wealth. In fact, Jesus stated, My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36).

Jesus Christ loved and cared about the poor: He did not abandon them, nor did He feed them immediately with the resources at his dis­posal. The first thing Christ himself did for the poor was to teach them… Most independent thinkers admit government programs can’t separate the truly needy from those who would cheat and take advantage of the system.

Conversely, private Christian charities and organizations are so much more effective at meeting needs and changing lives instead of basically throwing taxpayer money at the problem. Most charities run a tight ship by necessity and are just the opposite of government when it comes to eliminating fraud and waste while offering compassion to those in need.

America’s free enterprise system is not keeping people poor; it is their best chance for economic advancement. Social justice advocates would have you believe it is the system that is the problem.

The bottom line is, if we don’t preach the gospel and lead souls to Christ, it won’t matter if they’re well fed come Judgment Day. In Romans 13, the people’s taxes paid for governing authorities put in place by God for their good, but the government never had anything to do with practicing compassion or mercy.

Other leaders of the social justice movement… often place emphasis on this present temporary world and minimize the importance of repen­tance from sin against a holy God. Humanism and socialism – the way of man – will always fail, but God’s ways always succeed.

America finds itself in a dangerous place: we have a media and an administration selling class warfare and massive spending – and people are buying it. Many citizens forget the gov­ernment is supposed to protect the people, not provide for them.

Socialism has failed miserably throughout the world. History proves it and yet there are some who are willing to give it another try, this time in America. Share the truth! Education is vital and this movement must be stopped in order to save our great Republic under God.

*Click here for more on Jim Wallis:

socialism poster


It appears NBC’s Bob Costas spoke too fast and made many conservative Americans including gun owners and the NRA furious. It happened the day after the murder-suicide involving Jovan Belcher of the Kansas City Chiefs. Not only was Belcher’s live-in girlfriend, 22 year old Kasandra Perkins, a victim, but the couple’s three month old baby daughter Zoey, is now an orphan. Most of us know Costas opportunistically used his halftime segment during “Sunday Night Football” to lobby for stronger gun-control laws.

Second Amendment advocate Ted Nugent ripped Costas and used Twitter to share a few thoughts such as: “Hey Bob Costas, we all know that obesity is a direct result of the proliferation of spoons & forks.” And another, “We thought Bob Costas was smarter than that. Only fools blame tools instead of human failings. Shame Bob,” and another, “Blaming guns for crime is like blaming helmets for head butts…”

Making his case, Costas quoted Kansas City-based writer Jason Whitlock stating that he, “said it so well that we may as well just quote or paraphrase from the end of his article.” Costas continued, “Our current gun culture,” Whitlock wrote, “ensures that more and more domestic disputes will end in the ultimate tragedy, and that more convenience-store confrontations over loud music coming from a car will leave more teenage boys bloodied and dead.”

“Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it. In the coming days, Jovan Belcher’s actions, and their possible connection to football, will be analyzed… But here,” wrote Jason Whitlock, “is what I believe: If Jovan Belcher didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”

Bob Costas believes what Whitlock believes, but according to the American Association of Suicidology, about half of 2010′s suicides were by firearm. The other roughly 50 percent were by such things as hanging and poisoning. To hypothetically say if someone didn’t own a gun, they would never have acted out in violent anger or taken their own life is absurd.

Let’s look at one more example. According to CNS News, the Chicago Tribune reported there were 192 shootings in that city throughout the month of November – a 49 percent increase from 2011! Police records also reveal that shootings increased more than 11 percent in 2012 compared with a year earlier. Total homicides in Chicago rose to 480 with one month to go in 2012 which is a 21 percent increase in just one year.

Rahm Emmanuel believes he’s doing the right thing, but Second Amendment supporters say he has blood on his hands. Like many cities with strict gun laws, the disarming of law-abiding citizens doesn’t take guns out of the hands of criminals and evildoers. What gun-control laws often do is leave innocent victims vulnerable.

This brings us back to the Fast and Furious scandal and how the media prevented it from becoming Obama’s Watergate. We just learned another member of the Justice Department resigned this week. Gary Grindler, Attorney General Eric Holder’s chief of staff, will serve his last day at the Justice Department today, Wednesday. As deputy attorney general, Grindler oversaw the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which led the failed “gun-walking” operation.

A report from House Oversight Committee chairman Darryl Issa recommended disciplinary action against Grindler and 13 other officials; Grindler was accused of “passing the buck” and failing to take charge of the department. With the gun control issue at center stage again, it’s important to revisit a scandal the media failed to cover.

In June 2012, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was voted in con­tempt of Congress by 259 members of the House of Representatives for stonewalling the investigation into the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. In all of American history, no sitting Cabinet member has been held in contempt of Congress until now. President Obama even stepped in and used his “executive privilege” to protect Eric Holder. If Holder did nothing wrong, why did he need protection and why not cooperate with the investigation? What’s Holder hiding?

The media keeps glossing over corruption, and those of us who are informed have watched in astonishment. The Obama administration defies laws on marriage, immigration, gambling, marijuana, and por­nography, and conservatives are fed up. In this case, American guns were used in the deaths of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, Immigra­tion and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata, and approximately 300 Mexican citizens. The gun used in Terry’s death was purchased in Arizona, and the gun used in Zapata’s death was purchased in Texas. Both were “Fast and Furious” guns.

From 2009 to 2011, the Obama administration’s Bureau of Alco­hol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ran Operation Fast and Furious (a.k.a. Project Gunrunner), a program to track U.S.-purchased firearms headed to Mexican drug cartels in order to get to cartel heads.

Critics believe the real purpose of the operation was to undermine the Second Amendment by vilifying gun owners and sellers so the govern­ment could enforce stricter gun laws in America. Either way, it went terribly wrong.

One problem with the plan was that our DOJ didn’t even notify Mexican authorities that thousands of semi-automatic firearms were being sold to people in Arizona thought to have links to Mexican drug cartels. ATF agents “were ordered not to intercept the smugglers, but rather to let the guns ‘walk’ across the U.S.-Mexican border and into the hands of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations.”

Fast and Furious was botched when over 1,400 guns, including AK-47’s, were lost. The operation was halted in December 2010 after two weapons the department lost track of were found at the murder scene of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. His family has since filed a lawsuit charging that the top federal prosecutor in Phoenix lied to them about the guns found at the crime scene in an attempt to hide the weapons’ connection to the ATF’s operation. The media has made this a political issue, and Holder has even accused Republicans of racism.

Rep. Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) requested the Justice Department release thousands of documents related to the inner workings of Fast and Furious. The Justice Department delivered less than ten percent of the 80,000 documents. Issa also released a report suggesting top DOJ officials had extensive knowledge of and involvement in Fast and Furious than previously acknowledged. Writing for Forbes, author Frank Minter asked, “Is it even conceivable that Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t know about this secret program? And if he didn’t, shouldn’t he have?”

However, in February 2011, the Justice Department sent a letter to Congress denying the operation even existed! Ten months later, the Department retracted the letter. Then, Eric Holder insisted he did not even know about the program until early 2011. After months of inves­tigation, the Justice Department finally acknowledged the allegations were true. Why did it take nearly nine months for the Department to acknowledge Holder’s earlier denials were false?

In other words, people died and Holder lied. Why did senior Justice Department officials who knew about and received briefings on the operation fail to stop it? By the way, Gary Grindler isn’t the only personnel change in the DOJ. Former ATF Director Kenneth Melson began talking to inves­tigators and pointed to a cover up. Melson was moved to a new position with the ATF. At least four more ATF officials were also reassigned or promoted by the Obama administration to other positions in Washington D.C.

Naturally, Holder has not only received continued support from President Obama, but White House spokesman Jay Carney said, “He absolutely stands by the Attorney General, thinks he is doing an excellent job.” Can American citizens still have confidence in their own chief law enforcement agency, the Department of Justice?

We should now be seriously considering whether this current administration is above the law. Similar to the flagrant corruption over the Benghazi tragedy, even if the truth is finally exposed and Holder resigns over Fast and Furious, the media successfully protected the president. Regardless of American deaths, whether a murder-suicide or corrupt policy and politics, we can conclude it’s not the tool or weapon that is responsible, but the people who misuse them.

Obama Pushes Policies Normalizing Homosexuality, LGBTQ

Posted: December 5, 2012 by David Fiorazo in David's Blog

obama and chick fil a omgWake Up America!

The LGBTQ lobby receives support from corporations, unions, public schools, the media, and Hollywood, but bills are passed and laws are enacted through government. The Obama administration wasted no time whatsoever implementing pro-gay policies. The day President Obama was inaugurated, his “civil rights” goals were immediately posted on the official White House website. Among his goals were to: allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military – repeal “Don’t ask don’t tell,” use the federal government to expand adoptions of children by homosexuals, and encourage the federal government to promote sex-education and contraception in schools. Check, check, check!

More goals were publicly listed by the Obama Democrats: Protect cross-dressing and transgenderism in the workplace (including schools) through federal law, pass “Employment non-discrimination Act” [EDNA] to prohibit “discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression,” and expand hate crime statutes which includes giving the federal government the power to prosecute those crimes…, repeal the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA], and push for full civil unions and federal recognition of homosexual couples, plus benefits equal to actual marriage.


Portions of the following timeline were taken directly from the Obama/Biden website,, which included these actions that have helped advance the homosexual agenda:


Ordered the federal government to extend key benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees (6/17), hosted the first-ever White House LGBT Pride reception (6/29), awarded the highest civilian honor, the Medal of Freedom, to Billie Jean King and Harvey Milk (8/12), signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law (10/28).


Banned discrimination in federal workplaces based on gender identity (1/01), lifted the ban that prohibited people with HIV/AIDS from entering the United States (1/04), clarified the Family and Medical Leave Act to ensure family leave for LGBT employees (6/22); Awarded a grant to the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center to work with LGBT foster youth (10/1), led a United Nations measure to restore “sexual orientation” to the definition of human rights (12/21), signed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (12/22).


Declared the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and announced the administration will no longer defend it in court (2/23), hosted first-ever White House Conference on Bullying Prevention in America’s schools (3/10), clarified the meaning of “family” to include LGBT relationships, helping to protect bi-national families threatened by deportation (8/18), Alison Nathan becomes second openly gay appointee to be confirmed to the federal bench under President Obama’s nomination (10/13); In his presidential proclamation of National Adoption Month, President Obama called for equal treatment for same-sex adoptive parents (11/1), Created first-ever U.S. government strategy dedicated to combating human rights abuses against LGBT persons abroad (12/6).


Promoted equal access to quality health care by enabling searches for health plans with same-sex partner benefits on (2/7), Michael Fitzgerald, fourth openly gay nominee under President Obama, is confirmed to the federal bench in California (3/15), Came out against North Carolina’s Amendment 1, which would prohibit same-sex marriage in the state (3/16).23

This is all part of the Democratic Party platform and has caused some conservative Democrats to convert to Independent or Republican. Before he was elected, people knew President Obama openly supported homosexuality, yet many didn’t care! His administration is weakening the foundation of America, and more people now believe it to be intentional. Marriage, as defined by Jesus Christ, is one of the foundations under attack by President Obama.

He answered, ‘Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,’ and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate (Matthew 19:4-6 ESV).

God created the natural family unit beginning with the union between one man and one woman in marriage. To those fighting for state-sanctioned gay marriage, licensing the unnatural will not make it natural. So many blessings, including procreation, God’s peace, and His protection cannot be fully enjoyed in a homosexual relationship. Marriage is a bedrock to American culture and a healthy society. Satan would prefer to have that foundation destroyed which is the main reason the battle to redefine marriage is so intense.

Excerpt from pages 184-186 of Eradicate: Blotting out God in America