Archive for June, 2018

Their emotions are overriding their sanity and self-restraint, and they are pouring gas on the political fire. They hate President Trump and want him impeached, but the vitriol and unraveling of the Left may in fact backfire, leading to the very thing they don’t want: the reelection of Republicans in November and support for Trump. Many of us have warned this caustic culture will likely lead to violence – and there will be consequences.

The general willingness of most Democrats to push their progressive agenda at any cost is clear. Let’s start with unhinged California congresswoman, Maxine Waters. She recently called for increased public harassment of those working in the Trump White House.

Maxine was thrilled that women and their families in the administration were recently targeted by activists at restaurants and even harassed outside their private homes.

Calling for Trumps impeachment, she stirred up the California crowd:

“History will record while he tried to step on all of us, we kicked him in his rear and stepped on him; If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

She accused Trump of sacrificing America’s children while she supports infanticide and abortion on demand. She even called AG Jeff Sessions a racist. This is what they do.

And remember, Waters’ rant came soon after three separate incidents where Republican women were harassed and threatened at dinner, on the street, and at a movie theater!

One example is Kristjen Nielson, Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary, who was harassed and heckled not only at a restaurant but outside her home as well by members of the Democratic Socialists of America led by Allison Hrabar.

Liberals and progressives say they want women and children to be protected, but their actions prove their hypocrisy and godlessness. Their ideology matters more than civil discourse and respectful debate of ideas.

The current environment is what led to the mass shooting and attempted assassination of Republicans last year. (Ask Steve Scalise what he thinks about the current political environment.)

Maxine Waters continued her rant:

“We’re going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible. God is on OUR side!”

Wait just a minute. Remember how they voted on whether or not to reject God back in 2012 at the Democrat Party Convention? The majority actually booed and decided to kick God out of their party. 

So on one hand, they claim righteousness and pretend to want civility while on the other hand they stoke a political civil war and divide citizens. It’s a step toward mob rule.

Perhaps the most concerning thing Maxine Waters said was her endorsement of open threats and public harassment of Trump officials.

“And so, let’s stay the course. Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she yelled.

Not welcome anywhere in public? Can they leave their homes? This is irresponsible and should raise red flags.

According to the Washington Times, Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint against Waters for “inciting violence and assaults on the Trump Cabinet.” A hand-delivered letter was given to the House Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation of Maxine Waters behavior.

We must not react in kind, but be bigger than the bullies even though the left is no longer willing to disagree respectfully. Their hatred for Trump and disdain for his supporters seems to have reached a boiling point.

Need a few reminders?

We’ve seen many references to Hitler by the Trump-hating media, Robert De Niro’s f-bombs and desire to punch the president in the face, Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Barron Trump and putting him in a cage with pedophiles, Kathy Griffin posing with a mock severed Trump head and called Melania Trump a piece of s—t, Wanda Sykes tweets an f-bomb at Ivanka Trump and Samantha Bee called her a “feckless c—t, meathead Rob Reiner suggesting Trump voters are racist, Madonna thought about blowing up the White House, and this is a partial list!

It has reached the point where some are advising Trump aides to get guns and carry permits in order to be prepared for coming physical attacks.

Imagine if today’s language toward a president was used when Barack Obama was in office. I think the reaction from the biased media would be quite different.

I couldn’t agree more with this take by USA Today contributor, James Robbins:

Democrats should also understand these public tantrums and other slights are simply bad politics. Voters don’t respond well to angry chanting losers harassing people, or to vulgar celebrities, or to threats verging on intimidation and violence. There is nothing inspirational about it, and it makes the targets of the anger look that much more reasonable. If Democrats think this crazed behavior will generate a “blue wave” in November, they are mistaken. 

Agreed. And for the rest of us, even though we have First Amendment rights under the Constitution, we should not stoop to their level of behavior. Pray for them – they need God! And respond by speaking the truth in love, knowing the ultimate battle is a spiritual one, and our real fight is not with people; it is with the enemy of our souls.

For those of us who are Christians, let’s live in such a way that others will hear the gospel and see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in us – both in our words and our lives as we point to our hope and salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

*Also published at Freedom Project Media

Celebrated by most media, by Hollywood, the National Education Association, People Magazine, and a vast number of other publications, transgender TV star and teen role model, Jazz Jennings is preparing to undergo what is being called, “gender confirmation surgery” next week on June 26. Jazz is a seventeen year-old male – and surgeons are creating female parts for him.

This is the wacky world kids are growing up in today, and activists are pushing to make it the new normal. In fact, things are quite upside down. For instance, I do believe that too many kids are obsessed with video games, but the World Health Organization now says being transgender is no longer a mental disorder – but playing video games is! Wow.

So with full support from his parents, Jazz Jennings started using hormone blockers at age 11 so he never went through puberty. The blocker was an implant in his arm preventing testosterone in order to avoid further development of male characteristics such as facial hair and a deep voice.

They used to call it a sex change. Then, in blatant rebellion against God, the Creator it was sexual reassignment surgery. But the latest is being touted as “gender confirmation surgery.” The procedures are said to help transgender people have an outward appearance that matches how they feel inside.

To most of us, this is tragic and heartbreaking! Jazz said, “This is something I’ve wanted my entire life…” Jennings explained he’ll be undergoing a new experimental procedure where doctors will take tissue from his stomach to form the inside of a vagina.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), this surgery gives “transgender individuals the physical appearance and functional abilities of the gender they know themselves to be;”

For a male-to-female transition, that may include facial surgery, top surgery (for breasts) and/or bottom surgery, to reconstruct male genitalia to female genitalia. In 2016, 3,200 gender reassignment surgeries were performed in the US, an increase of 20% from the previous year.

I hope you’re not shocked we’re talking about this. Children as young as six years-old are now hearing about it at school. Just like homosexuality, gender identity and transgender individuals are being normalized. In a recent interview, Jazz proudly exclaimed, “I’m going to have a vagina!”

But wait a minute. Let’s set aside biology, chromosomes, DNA, science and of course, the Bible for a minute. They’re now blaming those who disagree with this twisted ideology for increasing suicide attempt rates.

Adults who undergo sex reassignment—even in Sweden, which is among the most LGBT-affirming countries—have a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater than that of the general population. Clearly, sex reassignment is not the solution to gender dysphoria.

The promoters of this agenda have people referring to males such as Jazz Jennings as “she.” Surgery is going to remove part of his male anatomy in order to construct a part of the female anatomy. If she is already a she, why would there need to be such a serious cosmetic procedure to make her into who she already insists she is?

Often left out of this discussion are parents. Some impose this dangerous ideology on their children while others allow their child to choose whatever he or she wants to be. These are life-changing, destructive decisions so what is the parent’s role in this? Professionals including the American College of Pediatricians have strongly warned that “transition-affirming protocol is child abuse.”

Its president, Michelle Cretella, M.D. stated:

I have witnessed an upending of the medical consensus on the nature of gender identity. What doctors once treated as a mental illness, the medical community now largely affirms and even promotes as normal.

A person’s sex is an objective biological fact determined genetically at conception in the womb by the allocation of X and Y chromosomes. This is permanent – throughout a person’s lifetime – and not a social construct.

Next, the Christian Medical and Dental Association states:

“Among those who identify as transgender, use cross-sex hormones, and undergo sex reassignment surgery, there is well-documented increased incidence of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, and risky sexual behaviors.”

Confused? So are those who have forgotten what the Bible teaches about how God designed us, about marriage, procreation, and the distinctions between male and female.

Is there any hope? Always; but it depends on what you place your hope in!

Former transgender, Walt Heyer talks about his painful past including a lost childhood, failed marriage, a family ripped apart, and a ruined career not to mention health and physical issues due to cosmetic surgeries.

Take not that TV shows, magazines, and media fail to interview any of the scores of people who left the homosexual or transgender lifestyles. Truth is not good for LGBTQ business. Heyer said decades of gender confusion persisted even after his sex transition. We rarely hear about those suffering long-term consequences of transgenderism.

Fortunately, Walt Heyer found freedom and peace in Jesus.

“I turned to Christ and away from transgenderism. …I had to stop living in defiance of God and stop demanding that the church, God, and everyone else make accommodations for my delusions. Demanding that people use my preferred female pronoun name was childish.”

The transgender “T” in LGBTQ was custom built into the agenda decades ago, patiently waiting for the right time to be rolled out. That time is now; a time in which truth is being redefined.

We need to respond with compassion to those who are struggling with gender dysphoria and anyone immersed in sinful lifestyles, but know the facts, and be prepared to offer the hope of Jesus Christ to those who are lost.


Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Is. 40:31 

Two famous people took their own lives last week, and the same week, 850 others committed suicide in the U.S. alone. Every human being is equally valuable and created by God for a purpose, so how many more deaths will it take for us to admit we have an epidemic of hopelessness? Maybe it’s time we address it in a different way.

In less than twenty years, suicide rates in America have increased more than thirty percent in half the country; it’s on the rise in almost every state. Nearly 45,000 Americans died by suicide in 2016, and unlike the rich and famous, you will never know their names. 

TV personality Anthony Bourdain and designer Kate Spade took their own lives, and both were famous and wealthy. Why are we surprised when things of this world fail to satisfy?

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. – and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s one of only three causes of death (Alzheimer’s, drug overdoses) that are increasing. Worldwide, someone dies by suicide every forty seconds! This is beyond tragic.

A recent CDC study suggests more than half of those who commit suicide did nothave a mental health condition. Over half. Some had problems involving relationships, finances, health, or substance abuse while others didn’t have any of these. But the end result was the same.

Books and articles have been written, studies done, articles published. I don’t mean to over simplify a very serious and complicated issue here, but as important as it is to diagnose and treat (counseling, meds, etc.) mental illness, it’s even more important to acknowledge the often ignored spiritual aspect.

There’s a reason we can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely. We’re just passing through this life, and our true citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20).

C.S. Lewis once stated:

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

…In a culture that has embraced narcissism and moral relativism in which there are no fixed absolutes, we end up seeking our own happiness and meaning. Most of us end up living by a morality of shallow self-fulfillment and temporary pleasure.

From the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly to the addict, the jobless, homeless, or hopeless, every human being is worthy of dignity and respect. It’s time we address the problem God’s way…

Read full post at

You’ve probably heard the U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of Colorado baker, Jack Phillips; that the State violated his religious freedom when they punished him for operating his business according to his Christian faith.

Even though the Court ruled 7-2 Monday in favor of Phillips who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, we must not relax. This is good, yes, but it is an incremental victory in the religious freedom battle. Expect LGBTQ activists to regroup and react with force.

Unbelievably, Colorado Civil Rights Commissioner, Diann Rice once compared Phillips to a Nazi because he believes in natural marriage. Ironically, Phillip’s father was a WWII veteran who helped storm the beaches of Normandy and liberate Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany.

Regarding the decision, Justice Kennedy wrote:

“The Commission’s hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment’s guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion,”

Unfortunately, the court said the broader issue of whether a business can deny service of gays and lesbians “must await further elaboration.”

But for now, as Justice Clarence Thomas added:

“Because the Court’s decision vindicates Phillips’ right to free exercise, it seems that religious liberty has lived to fight another day.”

Good for Jack Phillips, but it seems the Court lacked courage to tackle the First Amendment question which is why some are calling the 7-2 ruling “narrow.”

This battle is spiritual and Satan is a defeated foe, but at the same time, expect the bullying of Christian business owners to increase. Preachers of tolerance have no problem forcing others to live in a way that goes against deeply held beliefs.

For example, an Oregon business filed a lawsuit last week against a church that turned down hosting an LGBT event in a building owned by the church due to its “morals clause.”

This just months after a Christian couple, also in Oregon, lost their bakery over their refusal to bake a cake for a gay wedding and were forced to pay activists $135,000 by court ruling. Former owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron and Melissa Klein, had their freedoms trampled when they lost their appeal last December. 

In this new case, Holy Rosary Church of Portland, is being sued by Ambridge Event Center, who claims their business was damaged by the decision. Ambridge once rented out a space for various events but the church rejected a request from an African-American LGBT support group.

But churches in America can no longer freely abide by the moral teachings of the Bible. And if you fail to comply, look out! They are seeking – get this – $2.3 million in damages!

Christians seem to have two options: go along with and celebrate sinful behavior that is against biblical teachings, or pay the penalty – whatever price they see fit to enforce. So what now?

The late theologian, John Stott summed it up well when he said:

“We should not ask, ‘What is wrong with the world?’ for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather we should ask, “What has happened to the salt and light?”

How did we reach this present darkness where the foundations of not only culture but the church in America are crumbling? I’ve written a few books on the topic, but these things are certain: leftists will not relent on their agendas, and though God is still on His throne, Christians clearly do not have the influence we used to have on the nation. If we did, things such as the definition and meaning of marriage would not be debated.

We sure could use more watchmen on the wall willing to speak the truth in love and stand against evil at the same time. It is possible and necessary to do both.