Archive for the ‘Media Bias’ Category

If you believed Christian Blasey Ford – and you do not believe Tara Reade – you may be part of the problem. We’re seeing an infuriating media double standard when it comes to former VP Joe Biden is the Democrat front-runner to run against Donald Trump. Not only should there be serious questions about his health and ability to govern as president, but he is being treated with kid gloves.

As I reported last week, the former Biden employee came forward with sexual assault allegations against him and after a month and a half, it’s barely made headlines. Do you not remember how they treated Justice Brett Kavanaugh?!

This is the first time I’ve done a follow-up story on a weekly article and video, but this liberal hypocrisy must be exposed. Don’t accept it. Shut off the news! All women should be treated fairly.

As for the mainstream media, treat them with the disrespect they deserve for refusing to do their job and serve all Americans, and for being so utterly condescending toward Republicans, conservatives, and Christians across the country.

Even more evidence has come forward, strengthening the claims made against Joe Biden by former aide, Tara Reade, including a clip from Larry King Live in 1993, when Tara Reade’s mother called the live show to talk about a “problem” that her daughter had with a “prominent politician.”

Now, a Joe Bien supporter and former next-door neighbor of Tara Reade’s has come forward to corroborate the story of sexual assault according to a Business Insider report. Lynda LaCasse says she was told about the incident back in the 90’s, and the fact that Reade was upset, crying, and devastated.”

LaCasse states:

“This happened, and I know it did because I remember talking about it.”

Another witness, a former co-worker also attests that Reade mentioned “harassment” she’d suffered from a boss in DC.

As I reported last week, there is way more credible evidence against Biden than there ever was against Kavanaugh.

How have the Hollywood elites, the media and Democrat Party leaders responded? They’re either downplaying or ignoring the truth.

Read full post here:

Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media!

Big tech censors conservatives and the media yawns. With mounting evidence, Facebook, Google, and YouTube seem to be doing to the Internet what the radical, socialist Left has done to American universities: giving lip service to the idea of free speech. If you’re Christian, conservative, Jewish, or Republican, you can have your beliefs, but just keep them to yourself, thank you very much.

The individuals and organizations that have been affected by censorship are too many to list here. While Antifa, which supposedly means “anti-fascist,” holds their intolerant and violent ‘Hate Trump’ protests, Facebook is banning accounts, Google is censoring search results, and Youtube is taking down or deleting conservative videos.

Big tech is monitoring our speech; but who’s monitoring them?

The danger here is obvious: No person or company should be deciding what the public gets to see and what they do not based on individuals in high positions determining what’s important or newsworthy. The biased, liberal media in America already does this so it is vital we fight for both sides to be heard or at least fight to maintain freedom of speech.

Remember what the Obama administration IRS did to Christian and conservative non-profits? One difference here is we’re in the arena of social media.

Prior to a subcommittee hearing last week on Big Tech companies censoring conservatives, Senator Ted Cruz said the Department of Justice should investigate Google for fraud and breach of contract. Cruz chairs the Senate Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on The Constitution, and in a Fox News interview, he compared Big Tech’s censorship practices to those of Big Brother in the novel, “1984”: 

“You know, in George Orwell’s famous book, “1984,” the way Big Brother controlled its power, the way the state controlled its power, is it controlled information. …We see, in the Big Tech media companies, that same, exact power; Google is abusing its monopoly powers. We have antitrust laws to deal with that,”

Suggesting these big companies have a political agenda, which they do, and saying they’re guilty of fraud and deceiving the consumer, Cruz continued: 

“When you sign up, say with a Facebook or Twitter, you assume that, if you follow someone, you’ll see their tweets, you’ll see their posts. Likewise, you assume if someone follows you, they’ll see what you tweet and what you post. That’s not, in fact, what’s happening. What’s happening is the social media sites are censoring, they’re shadow banning. If they don’t like what you’re saying, they just hide what you’re saying.

Christian conservative author and vlogger, Elizabeth Johnston, The Activist Mommy recently stated:

“The big tech companies like Facebook and Google are trying to choke us out, and have demonetized our content, cutting off our income that helped sustain our ministry. [We must] fight back against the progressive agenda and biased censorship.”

Conservative radio talk show host, author Dennis Prager created, “Prager Universityand puts out free, short educational videos on subjects “important to understanding American values” — ranging from the astronomical cost of higher education to the motivations of the Islamic State. YouTube has been restricting many of these videos by labeling them as violent or having sexual content.

Prager filed a lawsuit and recently testified before Congress on Capitol Hill that Google violates the First Amendment by censoring conservatives. PragerU stated:

“There is no excuse for Google and YouTube censoring and restricting any PragerU videos, which are produced with the sole intent of educating people of all ages about America’s founding values,”

Next, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that the social media company chose to block American pro-life groups from running ads. President of Live Action, Lila Rose tweeted that Zuckerberg blocked their ads, while Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg donated $2 million dollars to Planned Parenthood.

Twitter also banned Rose and Live Action’s pro-life ads, but naturally, they allow Planned Parenthood ads.

Journalist, James O’Keefe has gone through this for years due to uncovering many scandals exposing the left. Just last month, YouTube pulled down a Project Veritas video that showed Pinterest’s anti-Christian bias. An insider told O’Keefe that Pinterest listed Live Action as pornographic. They also censored Bible verses!  

Then, shortly after Project Veritas sent out their story by Twitter, their account was locked down for allegedly distributing communications belonging to another party. 

Okeefe tweeted:

Tech giants retaliating against insider who leaked docs showing censorship of Christian and pro-life material. They have REMOVED our investigative insider report. YouTube now fighting bullet-proof journalism by deleting it.

Listed on the Project Veritas website:

  • “Tech Insider Blows Whistle on How Pinterest Listed Top Pro-Life Site as Porn, “Bible Verses” Censored
  • Insider: Search Term “Christian” Won’t Auto-Complete, Others Can’t Trend…
  • Pinterest Blacklisted Pro-Life Group, Classified as “Pornography,”
  • Leaked “Sensitive Terms List” Includes “bible verses” and “christian easter”
  • Ben Shapiro Commentary Censored…
  • Planned Parenthood Undercover Videos Marked as “harmful,” Conspiracy
  • BIG UPDATE: YouTube has PULLED this investigative report. A backup is available on his page.” 

A popular Christian ministry helping people understand the times and contend for the faith, Jan Markell’s Olive Tree Ministries, was briefly shut down four years ago by YouTube.

Christian radio program, Stand Up for the Truth has been shadow-banned on Facebook for several years now.

My colleagues at Freedom Project were recently “shadow banned” for an entire week on Facebook. Shadow-banning means you can still post content but nobody sees your post: it does not show up in people’s news feed. The only way someone sees it is if they happen to go directly to the Freedom Project Facebook page.

Educator and host of the Dr. Duke Show, Duke Pesta states:

“It is hypocritical in the extreme for Facebook to claim its commitment to free speech while simultaneously handcuffing conservative content that starts to become popular and in demand. If you’re a conservative rising in popularity, you can speak, but they won’t let anyone listen.”

Full story and video at

How many fans do you need to lose before you understand you’re alienating more than half of your audience when you use sports to push progressive politics? Outspoken U.S. Women’s Soccer team co-captain, Megan Rapinoe is on top of the world for helping win the 2019 World Cup last week.

Congratulations. But it’s hard not to notice the pink-haired activist makes the NFL’s Colin Kaepernick look like a Boy Scout.

Rapinoe recently said in an interview,

“I’m not going to the f—king White House… [and] I don’t think anyone on the team has any interest.”

rapinoe-kneeling-for-anthem-300x300From kneeling during the National Anthem before games to calling the Trump administration corrupt, some of these social justice athletes just don’t get it. Their insults and disrespect come off as anti-American, and fans are tuning out. 

The moment had so much potential to unify Americans, but ended up a disappointing celebration clouded by politics. Nice job, ladies. Too bad your leaders blew it.

The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins put it this way:

“It was supposed to be a euphoric win – another chapter in American sports dominance. But the message from the captain of soccer’s reigning champs was clear: our country may be wearing the same colors, but that doesn’t mean we’re on the same team.”

…In another disappointing part of this story, there’s speculation that one of the best players in the nation, Jaelene Hinkle, was snubbed from the team for being a Christian. According to the Washington Times, Hinkle chose not to wear a rainbow-themed women’s soccer jersey in honor of Gay Pride month.

You can guess what happened to Jaelene Hinkle. The very next game, fans waving rainbow flags booed her. That was the last time she played for the national team. World Cup women’s team coach, Jill Ellis (who is married to a woman) cut Hinkle from the roster and told reporters her decision was ‘solely based on soccer.’

…Winning on the world stage is a big accomplishment, and the women’s World Cup could have been a uniting victory for all Americans. All it did was drive the divisive wedge of identity politics even deeper. 

Read the entire post at

Two of the main reasons you don’t really know about convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell are, first, a complicit media covered-up the news and second, America has become apathetic about the abortion industry. At least Christians who are pro-life should care! For the moment, let’s set aside the debate about whether or not the act of an abortion is a sin. The Gosnell case has been described as a true-life saga of good vs. evil, deadly medical malpractice, systemic government corruption, and the devaluing of the most vulnerable in our society.

The movie, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, was released to theaters last Friday. I saw it, I recommend it, and though it is verbally descriptive, it is not graphic as you might think. But if we didn’t know that the writers got their information from actual court transcripts, police interviews, eye-witnesses, and FBI documents, the facts in this case would almost be unbelievable.

Tragically, not only is this a true story, but most likely there are many more clinics across the country similar to Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors.

Since the liberal media refused to cover the trial, it’s no surprise they aren’t reporting on the movie debut. The producers of Gosnell were turned down by advertisers and also had to fight to get even a small number of reviewers to even look at the movie. So let’s be clear about this: the gruesome trial of an evil, warped man who killed at least one woman and murdered babies that had been delivered alive was not of interest to the media? Why? They are committed to protecting women’s so-called, “reproductive freedom.”

empty seats gosnell14Did you know the reason some reporters eventually had to force themselves to go to the 2013 murder trial? A photo was taken in the courtroom of dozens of empty seats that were reserved for the press!

Philadelphia abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell was convicted and is behind bars serving three consecutive life sentences for a decades-long murderous crime spree.

But why did this go on so long and how was he able to continue his horrific practice? He was protected by Democrats in the PA government.

This is a man who had untrained staff, including a fourteen year-old, administer drugs that would induce labor causing many women to deliver babies they came to the clinic to abort. Referred to as being “born alive,” the number of infants who were then murdered could be well into the thousands as Gosnell was in business for over thirty years.

Radicals on the left defend abortion at all costs seeing it as a sacrament to progressivism, “even if it means whitewashing its bloody, half-century legacy of mass genocide in our nation’s inner cities.”

CRTV host and author, Michelle Malkin writes:

Operating under the cover of providing “reproductive health services,” death doc Gosnell brutally executed hundreds of healthy, living, breathing, squirming, viable babies by stabbing them in their necks and severing spinal cords with scissors and knives. This twisted murderer kept newborn baby feet in specimen jars, which he crammed into the grisly refrigerators of his filthy “clinic” for “research.”

There are several major problems in this case that go beyond the abortion issue. First, Gosnell was a millionaire. He would stash away thousands of dollars in cash per day which apparently allowed him to purchase properties and even escape to the Bahamas during an investigation into his questionable abortion methods that sent many women to the hospital.

Second, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health did nothing to stop Gosnell and worse, they looked the other way. His clinic was not inspected for seventeen years! Heck, even a hair and nail salon gets annual inspections by the Health Dept. According to the FBI investigation into the filthy Gosnell clinic, in 1993, the PA Dept. of Health decided to stop inspecting all abortion clinics unless there were major complaints! 

For purely political reasons, government agencies allowed Gosnell and others to operate with no accountability and oversight which put countless women at risk of infection, disease, and even death. And they have people believing they are the Party that cares about women’s health? Please.

Gosnell clinic staff used abortion instruments over and over again without sanitizing them, and due to the fact the procedure tables were not wiped down or cleaned after each patient, many women contracted STDs from the clinic. Ironically, the reason the police and FBI raided his abortion business was for illegal prescription drug abuse. Gosnell and his staff sold drugs to women for cash and even payed homeless people for their ID’s to then buy prescription meds.

Gosnell was never charged for his drug crimes, nor was he charged for women overdosing, nor were hospital complaints about his clinic followed up on, nor was he charged for allowing young and untrained clinic workers to perform procedures and also to administer anesthesia – which led to the death of at least one woman.

In 2015, a Philadelphia judge awarded the woman’s daughter $4 million in a settlement. She was with her mother at the clinic when she died. According to reports, Gosnell saved his very late or full-term abortions for Sundays, when only his wife would assist. Since he destroyed all those files, we will never know how many live, full-term babies he killed over the years.

So no, this movie is not just about the brutal act of abortion and the systemic problem of unlawful clinics. It’s about media malpractice, a calloused cover-up, evil being called good, and a nation that used to value human life but has generally become desensitized. Just because a court once decided abortion is legal does not make it moral – especially to God, the Creator of all life.  

Jesus Christ died so that we might live eternally; abortion kills so that some might live differently. Please send Democrats, the media, and Hollywood a message by sharing this article and by watching the Gosnell movie. It’s probably true that America will not resist abortion until America sees abortion for what it is.

Article and video originally published by Freedom Project Media

Relentless attacks on religious liberties are increasing across America. A Senate confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is one of the few things that could help protect our most basic freedoms.

There’s a problem when Pro football players can kneel on the field in protest of the National Anthem, but high school football players are not allowed to kneel and pray for a little girl with a life-threatening illness.

We can now add the description “heartless” to the Left and the agenda of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Their end goal is to force into silence hundreds of millions of Americans who believe in prayer to never utter a word of it in public. Keep your religion to yourself and behind church walls.

Their end goal is to force into silence hundreds of millions of Americans who believe in prayer to never utter a word of it in public. Keep your religion to yourself and behind church walls.

The most recent story comes from Lake City, Michigan where they’ve been holding “family circles” after games for over a decade. Coaches recognize players, and prayer is typically not part of it; but last month the players and others gathered on the field at midnight to pray for the coach’s sick child.

It was a special moment of strength and unity. The video was proudly shared on the school Facebook page, and that’s what triggered the radicals from Madison, Wisconsin, who immediately sent a threatening letter to the school district:

“It is unlawful, [and] the school district must not schedule, promote, or endorse prayer of any kind at any school-sponsored events, including football games.”

The bullies took it a step further saying that not only must coaches refrain from encouraging students to pray, they must not even be involved while students are praying.

Remember, the prayer was for the coach’s daughter. On the advice of legal counsel however, the school reluctantly removed the offending video from Facebook. The superintendent was rightly concerned about being fined or sued because the Left uses intimidation by singling out small schools and towns that don’t have the financial resources to fight back.

They say Christians are hateful, but the FFRF is bullying another small community, this time because they prayed for a very sick little girl.

Next, you’ve heard of Coach Joe Kennedy from Bremerton, WA. For seven years he had been saying a prayer of thanks at midfield following high school football games after most people had left. He would often be joined by players from both schools.

But even though the school district knew it was a voluntary prayer, it claimed the activity fell under the establishing of a religion! Kennedy then asked if he could simply kneel for fifteen seconds in silence after players all left the field. Rather than allow this simple request, the school district refused to renew his contract.

He filed a claim of religious discrimination, and then filed a federal lawsuit – which was dismissed. Sadly, it’s quite common for Christians in the public school system to have to check their beliefs at the door.

Why is this important? This week, the Supreme Court is deciding whether or not to hear the case of Coach Kennedy’s appeal. Each year, the Court holds a long conference in late September and they choose cases for the upcoming term. Hopefully, this case will be heard.

The nomination of Supreme Court Justices has major implications that echo throughout our culture for generations. Though abortion is front and center in the Brett Kavanaugh Senate hearings, cases will also be decided on whether it is legal for us to pray, acknowledge God, and share the gospel.

Extremists should not be allowed to silence anyone, but this is what’s happening. The freedom of speech and religious expression are basic liberties granted to Americans under the Constitution. That’s IF the Constitution is upheld.

You can’t get much more radical or anti-Christian and yes, she actually said that. Palestinian-American activist and controversial co-chair of the national Women’s March protest against President Donald Trump, Linda Sarsour recently suggested people stop humanizing the Jews. She made the remarks at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention in Houston while speaking on Islamophobia and other political issues.

I’m not sure what’s more concerning, the fact she made these hateful, anti-Semitic remarks or that the media and most Americans don’t think it matters.

If you’re a Christian, conservative, Independent or Republican, consider this a wake-up call to reevaluate your support for the politics and worldview of radicals like Linda Sarsour. Democrats should be renouncing her but sadly, their silence should be taken as their approval. Sarsour has aligned herself with people such as Louis Farrakhan and the far Left so you may want to rethink your loyalty.

According to reports, Linda Sarsour refused to allow women who oppose abortion and same-sex marriage to take part in the Women’s March in Washington D.C. earlier this year, and Sarsour has argued that there was no room in the feminist movement for supporters of Israel. She has also been an outspoken advocate in the Black Lives Matter movement, and promotes numerous anti-Israel policies.

It is deeply alarming the media practically whitewashes her background and political activism. I understand because some are on her side.

Linda Sarsour was arrested last week for disrupting Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. So it’s not at all surprising Sarsour was endorsed by new Democrat Party hero, Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who also calls Israel the occupiers of Palestine.

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted:

Our future is a shared responsibility. This woman putting it all on the line for healthcare, women & LGBT+ rights is @lsarsour. The far right constantly maligns her w/ false attacks + threats of violence. Yet here she is, as always, fighting for everything our flag represents.

Now hold on a minute! So the American Flag represents socialism, abortion, taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries, Gay Pride parades, silencing Christians, social justice, advancing Islam in America, and dehumanizing the Jews? Let me check our Founding documents and get back to you.

You might have some credibility if you argue America is no longer a Christian nation in practice, but any sincere citizen who is of average intelligence or education would agree that the United States was established upon the freedoms, morality, and principles found within the Judeo-Christian worldview.

And as for Israel, the Lord God promised to make Israel into a great, influential nation whether we like it or not. The Bible is pretty clear: God said:

And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
(Genesis 12:3)

Genesis 12:7 states,

The Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the Lord who had appeared to him.

And in Genesis 17, verse 7:

I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. 8 I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”

There are other Scriptures detailing the boundary lines. To this day, the dispute with God’s chosen people is not only over the land, but Muslim nations think Israel does not have a right to exist.

The Jewish Torah promises the children of Israel a modest and reasonable allotment of land. This portion of land is, get this, about 1/19th the size of California and yet, Israel is currently surrounded by 22 hostile Arab nations 640 times the size of Israel, and 60 times her population!

Isn’t it unreasonable to believe the media and people like Linda Sarsour who claim Israel is responsible for all the problems in the Middle East? Since 1948, the Jews have sought peaceful coexistence with neighboring countries – dictatorships dedicated to its destruction.

But sure enough, when Israel is often attacked, the media reports on when they retaliate, practically omitting or ignoring the barrage of rockets coming across the border. Just ask the IDF (Israel Defense Force).

Throughout the centuries, nations have raged and have come against this nation the size of New Jersey, but understand that God promised to bless those who bless Israel. And He will eventually judge and destroy nations that come against Israel.

So when people in America such as Sarsour and Ocasio-Cortez encourage Muslim Americans and others to dehumanize the Jews, it should send a chill down our collective spines.

Their emotions are overriding their sanity and self-restraint, and they are pouring gas on the political fire. They hate President Trump and want him impeached, but the vitriol and unraveling of the Left may in fact backfire, leading to the very thing they don’t want: the reelection of Republicans in November and support for Trump. Many of us have warned this caustic culture will likely lead to violence – and there will be consequences.

The general willingness of most Democrats to push their progressive agenda at any cost is clear. Let’s start with unhinged California congresswoman, Maxine Waters. She recently called for increased public harassment of those working in the Trump White House.

Maxine was thrilled that women and their families in the administration were recently targeted by activists at restaurants and even harassed outside their private homes.

Calling for Trumps impeachment, she stirred up the California crowd:

“History will record while he tried to step on all of us, we kicked him in his rear and stepped on him; If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

She accused Trump of sacrificing America’s children while she supports infanticide and abortion on demand. She even called AG Jeff Sessions a racist. This is what they do.

And remember, Waters’ rant came soon after three separate incidents where Republican women were harassed and threatened at dinner, on the street, and at a movie theater!

One example is Kristjen Nielson, Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary, who was harassed and heckled not only at a restaurant but outside her home as well by members of the Democratic Socialists of America led by Allison Hrabar.

Liberals and progressives say they want women and children to be protected, but their actions prove their hypocrisy and godlessness. Their ideology matters more than civil discourse and respectful debate of ideas.

The current environment is what led to the mass shooting and attempted assassination of Republicans last year. (Ask Steve Scalise what he thinks about the current political environment.)

Maxine Waters continued her rant:

“We’re going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible. God is on OUR side!”

Wait just a minute. Remember how they voted on whether or not to reject God back in 2012 at the Democrat Party Convention? The majority actually booed and decided to kick God out of their party. 

So on one hand, they claim righteousness and pretend to want civility while on the other hand they stoke a political civil war and divide citizens. It’s a step toward mob rule.

Perhaps the most concerning thing Maxine Waters said was her endorsement of open threats and public harassment of Trump officials.

“And so, let’s stay the course. Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she yelled.

Not welcome anywhere in public? Can they leave their homes? This is irresponsible and should raise red flags.

According to the Washington Times, Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint against Waters for “inciting violence and assaults on the Trump Cabinet.” A hand-delivered letter was given to the House Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation of Maxine Waters behavior.

We must not react in kind, but be bigger than the bullies even though the left is no longer willing to disagree respectfully. Their hatred for Trump and disdain for his supporters seems to have reached a boiling point.

Need a few reminders?

We’ve seen many references to Hitler by the Trump-hating media, Robert De Niro’s f-bombs and desire to punch the president in the face, Peter Fonda called for kidnapping Barron Trump and putting him in a cage with pedophiles, Kathy Griffin posing with a mock severed Trump head and called Melania Trump a piece of s—t, Wanda Sykes tweets an f-bomb at Ivanka Trump and Samantha Bee called her a “feckless c—t, meathead Rob Reiner suggesting Trump voters are racist, Madonna thought about blowing up the White House, and this is a partial list!

It has reached the point where some are advising Trump aides to get guns and carry permits in order to be prepared for coming physical attacks.

Imagine if today’s language toward a president was used when Barack Obama was in office. I think the reaction from the biased media would be quite different.

I couldn’t agree more with this take by USA Today contributor, James Robbins:

Democrats should also understand these public tantrums and other slights are simply bad politics. Voters don’t respond well to angry chanting losers harassing people, or to vulgar celebrities, or to threats verging on intimidation and violence. There is nothing inspirational about it, and it makes the targets of the anger look that much more reasonable. If Democrats think this crazed behavior will generate a “blue wave” in November, they are mistaken. 

Agreed. And for the rest of us, even though we have First Amendment rights under the Constitution, we should not stoop to their level of behavior. Pray for them – they need God! And respond by speaking the truth in love, knowing the ultimate battle is a spiritual one, and our real fight is not with people; it is with the enemy of our souls.

For those of us who are Christians, let’s live in such a way that others will hear the gospel and see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in us – both in our words and our lives as we point to our hope and salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

*Also published at Freedom Project Media

Hollywood loves money, and the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil. But faith-based films typically do extremely well at the box office and they don’t seem to care. It doesn’t add up. What does Hollywood love more than money? Mockery, perversity, and rebellion perhaps?

If you haven’t seen the new movie, I Can Only Imagine based on the #1 song by Christian band MercyMe, make sure you bring enough Kleenex. It’s a true story of forgiveness and redemption, and one memorable line from the movie’s main character is:

“My dad was a monster, and I saw God transform him.”

It took Bart Millard ten minutes to write the song “I Can Only Imagine,” but as Amy Grant said at the time, “It didn’t take you ten minutes, Bart; it took a lifetime.”

Many people can relate to life’s ups and downs; in some cases, abuse; hurts, healing, fears and failures, broken hearts, and finding true joy and peace in God.

It shouldn’t surprise us when Christian-themed movies do well at the box office.

The most obvious example was the 2004 blockbuster by Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ. Starring Jim Caviezel, it holds the record for Christian films after bringing in nearly $84 million its first weekend! It grossed over $611 million worldwide and cost $30 million to produce.

The Christian blockbuster is the third highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time, and the #3 film of 2004.

In comparison, the #2 film from the same year was Spider-Man 2 which only took in a few million more than The Passion of the Christ (in the U.S.) but, get this: Spider Man 2 cost a whopping $200 million!

I don’t have time to get into the massive marketing budgets Hollywood feature films often blow through, but it’s pretty clear many Christian films are money-makers. Why do you think this is?

A lot of people are tired of the trashy, godless, profane products Hollywood typically puts out. Numbers indicate there’s an enormous audience across the country desperate for clean, positive, redemptive, God-centered entertainment.

Let’s look at three movies released on the exact same day just weeks ago: I Can Only Imagine has already raked in over $70 million despite costing only $7 million to make. (Did you get that?)

The movie is the fourth-biggest opening for a faith-based film, and it only debuted in limited cities, playing on only 1,600 screens. I Can Only Imagine came in third among movies with ten times the budget; movies playing in twice the number of theaters.

Critics raved about the openly gay-themed coming-of-age movie, Love, Simon, which has only made $37 million and cost $17 million to produce.

Thirdly, also released March 16 was Warner Brothers’ Tomb Raider which has grossed about $55 million at the box office, but cost $94 million to make!

Finally, the high-budget Hollywood favorite, A Wrinkle In Time, based on the book, practically bombed in theaters. It had star power and marketing, but producers replaced Christian themes that were in the book and put New Age, politically-correct ideology in the movie.

I agree with author and blogger Matt Walsh, who suggests Hollywood is choosing to leave lots of money on the table because unfortunately, they seem to hate Christians more than they love profits.

“A lot of people …have no interest in the raunchy stuff. And practically no one wants to watch a gay romance, no matter how much Hollywood insists…  Faith is the driving force in the lives of millions… and people like stories they find relatable.”

Also in theaters now is God’s Not DeadA Light in Darkness, and Paul, Apostle of Christ starring Jim Caviezel.

Spiritual warfare is escalating, sin is celebrated, and darkness seems to be increasing. People need hope! These are just signs of the times, but maybe a few of Hollywood’s’ out-of-touch decision makers will get the message from the success of Christian films at the box office. For now however, we can only hope for more inspiring, family-friendly content rather than all the soul pollution.

*originally published at Freedom Project Media


Vice President Mike Pence says God speaks to him, but some call it mental illness. Oprah says God will speak to her if He wants her to run for president, and liberals cheer. Is this glaring double standard the new normal?

It’s not just Joy Behar. Christianity is generally not tolerated in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. And they’re not shy about it.

But in a recent interview with Ann Silvio on 60 Minutes Overtime, billionaire entrepreneur, Oprah Winfrey said she hasn’t heard God’s call to run for president, “Because if God actually wanted me to run, wouldn’t God kinda tell me?”

And on The View recently, a clip was played of disgruntled White House staffer Omarosa Manigault trashing Mike Pence as an “extreme Christian” who has conversations with Jesus. The View panel then proceeded to mock the VP’s faith.

Behar ignorantly cackled,

“It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness if I’m not correct. Hearing voices.”

One of the best responses I’ve heard was from Fox & Friends co-host, Ainsley Earhardt, a Christian herself:

“…she [Behar] doesn’t know Christ. She doesn’t know the joy and the love that He provides to so many people, so it just made me feel sorry for her.”

By the way, Pence didn’t say He heard voices. He said what millions of us believe regarding our relationship with Jesus Christ and how God speaks to us in various ways.

Speaking of double standards, what about Hillary Clinton who apparently still communes with the dead? Even hubby Bill reminded an audience several years back that she hears from Eleanor Roosevelt frequently. I haven’t heard a peep on that, have you?

So, on last week’s episode, after claiming people in Indiana hate the Vice President, View co-host, Sunny Hostin stated:

“When you have a Mike Pence who now puts this religious veneer on things and who calls people values voters, I think we’re in a dangerous situation.”

Dangerous? We’re not talking about ISIS here; not bomb threats, a viral outbreak, rape, or a shooting rampage. These women are referring to the Christian faith.

Mike Pence responded saying “it’s just simply wrong for ABC to have a television program that expresses that kind of religious intolerance.”

Aside from religion, on previous episodes, Hostin referred to Pence as incompetent, and Whoopi Goldberg once compared Mike Pence to a member of the KKK who wanted to hang her on a tree. Seriously?

At least one person confronted the twisted dialogue on The View. Meghan McCain said:

“I understand, if you’re a liberal, obviously you have certain problems with Mike Pence. …We see the world through very different veneers.”

Some people do have wrong ideas about what it means to be a Christian. Joy Behar once said Timothy McVeigh was a Christian, and Goldberg actually claimed:

“There have been a lot of horrifying – there have been a lot of monster Christians. Hitler was a Christian.”

Sorry ladies. Wrong on both counts. Do some research.

Remember when Masterpiece Cake Shop owner, Jack Phillips was on The View and said endorsing a same-sex wedding and baking a cake for it would contradict Jesus’ teachings. Speaking for the Lord, Behar declared,

“Oh come on. Jesus would have made the cake.”

And in June 2017, the entire lineup on The View blamed Christians for taking away free contraception. I’m not kidding. Joy Behar asked, “How is it different from the Taliban? Let’s not forget they are trying to keep women in their place, barefoot and pregnant.”

I’m almost speechless.

Back to Oprah for a moment. Over at CBS on Sunday, 60 Minutes devoted 11 minutes to Oprah Winfrey’s conversation with Michigan voters. She asked people about accusations against Donald Trump and, of course, his mental health.

“There have been some members of Congress, including Republicans, questioning his stability and fitness for office. What do you think of that, and do you believe he has the temperament to be president?”

Regarding her “mental illness” comments, Franklin Graham weighed in saying all believers should be alarmed by the anti-Christian rhetoric on The View. He continued,

“For Joy Behar to say that all Christians are mentally ill is like suggesting we need to lock them up. They need to be taken out of society…”

Bigotry against any group is absolutely wrong, but if Joy Behar had said that about gays, feminists, or Muslims, she’d probably be fired on the spot. Criticizing Christ followers however, now gets a pass.

This is what often happens when someone on the left doesn’t understand something, especially spiritual things: they tend to attack or criticize it.

This may explain why many don’t even try cracking open a Bible.


Here’s Mike Pence’s first response to the debacle:

“I actually heard that ABC has a program that compared my Christianity to mental illness. And I’d like to laugh about it, but I really can’t. It’s just wrong; and it’s an insult …to the vast majority of the American people who, like me, cherish their faith. My Christianity is the most important thing in my life.”

“But I just think [this] demonstrates just how out of touch some in the mainstream media are with the faith and values of the American people that you could have a major network like ABC permit a forum for invective against religion like that…”

Isn’t it nice to have someone in the White House defending Christians?

At the risk of stating the obvious, for centuries, millions of believers have claimed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He speaks to us in various ways including through Scripture.

We shouldn’t expect unbelievers to have biblical morals. They need the gospel and ironically, they need to talk to Jesus and confess their sins.

The good news is Americans are not only calling out ABC over this, but thanks to Brent Bozell and the Media Research Center, over 25,000 phone calls have been made so far demanding an apology.

Unless advertisers back out of sponsoring The View, I’m not holding my breath. Jesus said,

In this world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have overcome the world. John 16:33



*A shorter version of this article originally appeared at Freedom Project Media.

A favorite Scripture of mine is Psalm 90:12 which states, “Teach us to number our days that we might gain a heart of wisdom.” As world events unfold and division in America increases, Christians need discernment today more than ever. With all that’s happening around us, it is so easy to want to avoid reality or become comfortable and complacent in life, but we must not.

At the end of each calendar year, it is reasonable and wise to look back and acknowledge God’s faithfulness, evaluate where we are as individuals and as a church, and learn from any mistakes. It is also imperative we have a sense of urgency and recognize the spiritually desperate condition of many around us. One priority should be to consider how we can be more effective in advancing the kingdom of God by sharing the gospel and living out our faith as we grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Pet. 3:18).

We don’t need to be news junkies, but we should be informed and knowledgeable so we can watch, pray, and be ready for whatever the Lord will bring. In no particular order, here are some key subjects to consider:

  1. Keep your eyes on Israel.

After decades of little change in the “peace process” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, President Trump decided to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Of course, the UN Security Council rejected this resolution, and the U.S. took a bold stand for Israel and against the United Nations. This is yet another sign we are living in the most prophetic times in history.

Around this same time, Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed Israel would follow the United States in withdrawing from UNESCO. Along with signs including earthquakes, famines, wars and rumors of wars, 2018 will see increased opposition to Israel and America. Intensifying spiritual warfare is a given, and just as predicted, a coalition of nations is ready to attack Israel. For students of the Bible, times are exciting indeed.

  1. Religious Freedom teetering on the brink.

The Supreme Court case of Colorado baker, Jack Phillips will be a catalyst for future decisions as well as the direction of free speech in America. Many on the extreme Left would make it illegal to practice Christianity if they could, but that is essentially what is happening with nondiscrimination laws and “inclusive” policies giving special rights to protected classes (LGBTQ). And when Christians refuse to play the game and celebrate what is considered sin, activists and radicals often bully, intimidate, or sue them into silent compliance.

In a breaking story, the Oregon Court of Appeals decided Thursday in favor of activists that sued Christian owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa for not baking a cake for their gay wedding ceremony. Aaron and Melissa Klein are now forced to pay the lesbian couple $135,000 for alleged “emotional distress.” Justice was not found here.

3. Sex outside of marriage the new norm?

Seeing the increase of abortion, cohabitation, divorce, homosexuality, the gender identity debate, and sex trafficking, it’s no wonder some of us believe we are a nation in crisis. Nearly 70% of Americans now say it’s acceptable to live with their partner before getting married. In addition, only about half of professing evangelical Christians think abortion and sex outside of traditional marriage are sins. This should greatly alarm us. Hollywood has played a leading role in the promotion of promiscuity, sexual deviance and the normalization of homosexuality; government schools have co-starred, but we often forget so-called “higher education.”

Commenting on Young America’s Foundation survey of new courses offered at 50 top colleges in America, author Frank Turek said they “promote a dogmatic secularism with a kind of religious fervor intent on urging students to abandon reality and live in their own sexual fantasy world.” He concludes the article by saying “professors who teach these courses may have the best of intentions. They may think that what they are doing is right and true (all the while declaring truth and gender are relative). But you don’t have to support their dogmatic delusions.”

4. The Critical Fight For Life

There was some good news in 2017. Survey’s indicate today’s youth are more pro-life than the previous generation. Abortion clinic closures far outpaced newly opened abortion facilities, and forty-nine abortion facilities — 35 surgical and 14 medication only clinics — closed or halted abortion servicesThe common sense “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” passed in the House 237-189, and Trump promised to sign the bill into law. We are told the Senate will vote as well. The bill bans abortion at the point that science increasingly shows that unborn children feel pain.

America is just one of only 7 (out of 198 nations) that allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

President Trump did sign a bill allowing states to withhold money from Planned Parenthood, and the DOJ recently launched a federal investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practices and the sale of fetal tissue. But perhaps one of the most interesting pro-life moves the president made was a three-word change to an obscure HHS document that defines life as “beginning at conception.” According to Al Perotta, the Trump administration added that phrase and:

“HHS accomplishes its mission through programs and initiatives that cover a wide spectrum of activities, serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life, beginning at conception.” If the U.S. government says life begins at conception and its job is “serving and protecting Americans at every stage of life” then it has a duty to protect the unborn by any legal means necessary.

5. The American (Laodicean) Church will keep conforming to culture.

New research not only indicates liberalism has infected Christianity, but more people now prefer to consider themselves “spiritual but not religious.” Abandoning the institutional, traditional church, some claim they love Jesus but not the church. Since the church is the bride of Christ, is it biblical to love one and not the other? Surveys also show more professing Christians accepting moral relativism while pursuing comfort and self-fulfillment.

Just as disturbing, there is a segment of Americans who consider their faith important and attend church regularly, but do not hold to biblical perspectives such as the inerrancy of Scripture and essentials of the faith. Abandoning truth, they prefer to be “inclusive and welcoming.” Because of this hypocrisy, the Christian worldview has been distorted and confusing to a watching world.

  1. Christians will continue to be hated and discriminated against.

We cannot and should not compare the treatment of American believers with persecuted Christians in restricted nations around the world, but things are intensifying. Bullying and discrimination are wrong no matter who is involved, but often overlooked is the blatant intolerance toward Christians by the very people touting inclusion, diversity, and “tolerance.” Public opinion has shifted revealing an acceptance of this double standard. Jesus told His followers that since the world hated Him they will hate us as well (John 15:18).

While Christians recently celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, atheists and scrooges took their rebellion up a notch this year attacking nativity scenes and putting up billboards. Books have been written with examples, but I’ll mention one. The liberal Washington Post came out with an article for Christmas suggesting Jesus didn’t really exist because the evidence doesn’t add up. (What evidence could he possibly be looking at?) The Post didn’t even bother to fact check nor did they provide any new research – so – why do you think they happened to publish the anti-Christian piece on Christmas?

  1. Media Malpractice: epidemic and rampant.

All through 2017, the liberal media consistently and irresponsibly parroted negative news angles on President Trump, the GOP tax cuts, the economy, borders and immigration, national defense, transgender rights, etc. The average for the year was 91% negative coverage of Trump. We’ve never seen anything like this; liberals are not even trying to hide their allegiance to the Democrat Party any longer.

That same media ignored most positive news including job growth, the Dow rising 5,000 points in a year for first time in history, unemployment for African Americans dropping to a 17-year low, and Christians freely celebrated Christmas in parts of Iraq and Syria formerly under ISIS control. But all this generally isn’t good news to the mainstream media because we have a Republican president.

  1. Lawlessness and worldliness will increase even more.

Character, integrity, and morality took a hit in 2017 as sexual assaults, misconduct and scandals rocked the headlines. Billionaire George Soros shifted $18 billion from his hedge fund to his network of godless liberal foundations. Media silence. Ready to ramp up the chaos and division, “the resistance” increased via professional protests with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and even pro athletes protesting (Trump) the National Anthem.

Finally, our obsession with technology is in danger of becoming an addiction. Today’s kids know more about social media, gaming, entertainment, and technology than they do the Bible, the Constitution, and American history, but they sure can take great selfies! These are tomorrow’s leaders of our nation. Sadly, many adults are not far behind. It is true technology can be used for good purposes, but it is often used for meaningless, mindless entertainment. We must not conform to the world’s ways (Romans 12:2). The Internet has seduced many within the church as well.

Overall, it was a faith-testing year for many of us. Good will continue being called evil and truth will continue to be attacked and redefined. If America stays on course down this destructive road where there is no longer an objective truth or fixed standards of morality, we’re in big trouble. But thank God He always causes us to triumph in Christ (1 Cor. 15:57)! Christians have an eternal, secure hope which anchors our soul (Heb. 6:19) as well as a true peace found only in Jesus Christ. We serve a Mighty God, and we can be confident no matter what happens, God will be faithful to the promises in His word.


*Read more from author, David FiorazoHis top selling book The Cost of Our Silence, Eradicate (Blotting Out God in America), and his latest – Redefining Truth (Oct. 2017)