Posts Tagged ‘planned parenthood’

Public schools in America allow Planned Parenthood access to the youngest of children in order to push their hyper-sexual, destructive agenda. They justify perversion and deceptively use terms like health, science, and “age appropriate;” and with the help of your tax dollars, they’re exposing kids to pornography, homosexuality, sexual experimentation and of course, abortion as they normalize unrestrained sex.

It’s no surprise public school children are getting hooked on sex.

Following the same business model as a drug dealer, Planned Parenthood’s goal is to make sex addicts. With the help of Hollywood, pop-culture, music, and the education system, this godless worldview has already led to tragically high numbers of abortions among teenage girls and young women. And what happens when sex between boys and girls doesn’t lead to pregnancies? Planned Parenthood also makes money offering testing services for STD’s.

First, they introduce obscene sex-ed materials encouraging risky sexual behavior in young people through our schools. They may even pass out condoms and talk about “safe sex,” but never abstinence or purity. Planned Parenthood purposely and maliciously exposes children to things they are not mature enough to comprehend; things in generations past that were only discussed at home with parents.

Do you really know what Planned Parenthood is selling as normal, natural, and healthy? Sexual content depicting people in various sexual positions – along with images of male and female body parts, masturbation, and anal sex.

Producer of a 2012 American Life League report, Michael Hichborn stated:

“If a dirty old man in a park showed ten-year-old children the graphic images Planned Parenthood pedals as education, he would be arrested.  Planned Parenthood shows this smut to children and is awarded with more taxpayer money…

It’s hard to believe American parents are on board with this so I have to conclude that they don’t know about it. A book already promoted in many schools by Planned Parenthood discusses sexual intercourse, experimentation, homosexuality, and pornography. Guess what the book is called? “It’s Perfectly Normal.”

The controversy came up again recently, this time on the House floor in Minnesota as Representative Eric Lucero flipped through the book describing some of the content including naked caricatures of young boys and girls looking at their bodies in the mirror. Parents should not have to ‘opt out’ their children of content that ought not to be taught in the first place.

Like many of us, Lucero was also concerned not only about the graphic nature of the content, but the reckless idea that pornography is normal and healthy. The truth is porn degrades women, destroys families, relationships, and can lead to sexual abuse.

Parents and grandparents, our culture has been hijacked by radicals and open war is upon us. Tragically, children are the target as well as the victims here.

With the transgender revolution, we’re already seeing some of the consequences of removing God, moral absolutes, prayer, and the subject of intelligent design from schools.

…Only God can heal this land, but it’s clear over half the country has abandoned Him and rejected biblical morality. The gospel must be preached and the truth must be told! So what’s it going to be?


Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media

It was Margaret Sanger who laid the foundation for today’s liberal social agenda that has left a legacy of anguish, confusion, pain, and death during Planned Parenthood’s century in business. Their legacy of “birth control” is one of radical feminism, rebellion against God, racism, and eugenics that in recent years has expanded to include abortion on demand and sexual experimentation leading to brokenness, depression, regret, and worse.

What Adolf Hitler did to millions of Jews through eugenics and sterilization, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger has dwarfed by pioneering a movement leading to the abortion of over one hundred million babies in the United States since the 1920s. Sadly, most people are ignorant of this horrible history leading to ideas such as population control and euthanasia. Proud promoter of eugenics and racism, Margaret Sanger is celebrated today by most feminists and liberals. So what’s the truth behind this dark history?

Ninety-four. Remember this number. A baby is aborted at a Planned Parenthood facility somewhere in America every 94 seconds. In that same amount of time, Planned Parenthood receives over $1,100 in federal funding. That equals more than twelve taxpayer dollars a second and allows them to abort over 912 lives every day. How did it get to the point in America where we kill our own and call it a choice? It didn’t happen overnight, but an abortion is committed – Every 94 seconds…

…In her book The Pivot of Civilization, Margaret Sanger mentioned “constructive eugenics,” saying:

“…we are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all…”

Reports indicate the Nazi’s were inspired by the population control movement in America in the 1920s and 30s. Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger promoted a eugenic ideology that eventually led to the gas chambers in Germany. A truth seeking, fair-minded person cannot read Sanger’s many writings without seeing her ungodly influence.

Sanger’s publication, The Birth Control Review, was founded in 1917 and through the years, she often published articles from socialists and eugenicists such as Ernst Rudin. Rudin (1874-1952) was a psychiatrist who worked as Adolf Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization and founded the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene, which was Germany’s racial purity program.

…According to her own autobiography, Margaret Sanger spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey in 1926. Just three years later, Sanger’s “American Birth Control League” laid the groundwork for her first abortion clinics in Brooklyn and Harlem.

Margaret Sanger taught that the campaign for abortion is “practically identical with the final aim of eugenics.” In 1934, she suggested that only parents approved by government or eugenics leaders be allowed to have children, and that a strict code be enforced to stop the overproduction of children.

Sanger argued for compulsory sterilization and segregation for people with disabilities.

Until 1942, birth control and eugenics were nearly impossible to separate. Prior to World War II, Sanger was outspoken about her views on race, and used the influence of prominent New York blacks to further her cause. Margaret Sanger reiterated the need for black ministers to head up the [Negro] project…

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Is it a coincidence nearly 80% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority communities today?

Sanger also reasoned that by requiring a license for mothers to give birth, it would protect society from those who are unfit. Part of her “American Baby Code”…



*Previously published by Freedom Project Media

Two of the main reasons you don’t really know about convicted murderer, Kermit Gosnell are, first, a complicit media covered-up the news and second, America has become apathetic about the abortion industry. At least Christians who are pro-life should care! For the moment, let’s set aside the debate about whether or not the act of an abortion is a sin. The Gosnell case has been described as a true-life saga of good vs. evil, deadly medical malpractice, systemic government corruption, and the devaluing of the most vulnerable in our society.

The movie, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer, was released to theaters last Friday. I saw it, I recommend it, and though it is verbally descriptive, it is not graphic as you might think. But if we didn’t know that the writers got their information from actual court transcripts, police interviews, eye-witnesses, and FBI documents, the facts in this case would almost be unbelievable.

Tragically, not only is this a true story, but most likely there are many more clinics across the country similar to Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors.

Since the liberal media refused to cover the trial, it’s no surprise they aren’t reporting on the movie debut. The producers of Gosnell were turned down by advertisers and also had to fight to get even a small number of reviewers to even look at the movie. So let’s be clear about this: the gruesome trial of an evil, warped man who killed at least one woman and murdered babies that had been delivered alive was not of interest to the media? Why? They are committed to protecting women’s so-called, “reproductive freedom.”

empty seats gosnell14Did you know the reason some reporters eventually had to force themselves to go to the 2013 murder trial? A photo was taken in the courtroom of dozens of empty seats that were reserved for the press!

Philadelphia abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell was convicted and is behind bars serving three consecutive life sentences for a decades-long murderous crime spree.

But why did this go on so long and how was he able to continue his horrific practice? He was protected by Democrats in the PA government.

This is a man who had untrained staff, including a fourteen year-old, administer drugs that would induce labor causing many women to deliver babies they came to the clinic to abort. Referred to as being “born alive,” the number of infants who were then murdered could be well into the thousands as Gosnell was in business for over thirty years.

Radicals on the left defend abortion at all costs seeing it as a sacrament to progressivism, “even if it means whitewashing its bloody, half-century legacy of mass genocide in our nation’s inner cities.”

CRTV host and author, Michelle Malkin writes:

Operating under the cover of providing “reproductive health services,” death doc Gosnell brutally executed hundreds of healthy, living, breathing, squirming, viable babies by stabbing them in their necks and severing spinal cords with scissors and knives. This twisted murderer kept newborn baby feet in specimen jars, which he crammed into the grisly refrigerators of his filthy “clinic” for “research.”

There are several major problems in this case that go beyond the abortion issue. First, Gosnell was a millionaire. He would stash away thousands of dollars in cash per day which apparently allowed him to purchase properties and even escape to the Bahamas during an investigation into his questionable abortion methods that sent many women to the hospital.

Second, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Health did nothing to stop Gosnell and worse, they looked the other way. His clinic was not inspected for seventeen years! Heck, even a hair and nail salon gets annual inspections by the Health Dept. According to the FBI investigation into the filthy Gosnell clinic, in 1993, the PA Dept. of Health decided to stop inspecting all abortion clinics unless there were major complaints! 

For purely political reasons, government agencies allowed Gosnell and others to operate with no accountability and oversight which put countless women at risk of infection, disease, and even death. And they have people believing they are the Party that cares about women’s health? Please.

Gosnell clinic staff used abortion instruments over and over again without sanitizing them, and due to the fact the procedure tables were not wiped down or cleaned after each patient, many women contracted STDs from the clinic. Ironically, the reason the police and FBI raided his abortion business was for illegal prescription drug abuse. Gosnell and his staff sold drugs to women for cash and even payed homeless people for their ID’s to then buy prescription meds.

Gosnell was never charged for his drug crimes, nor was he charged for women overdosing, nor were hospital complaints about his clinic followed up on, nor was he charged for allowing young and untrained clinic workers to perform procedures and also to administer anesthesia – which led to the death of at least one woman.

In 2015, a Philadelphia judge awarded the woman’s daughter $4 million in a settlement. She was with her mother at the clinic when she died. According to reports, Gosnell saved his very late or full-term abortions for Sundays, when only his wife would assist. Since he destroyed all those files, we will never know how many live, full-term babies he killed over the years.

So no, this movie is not just about the brutal act of abortion and the systemic problem of unlawful clinics. It’s about media malpractice, a calloused cover-up, evil being called good, and a nation that used to value human life but has generally become desensitized. Just because a court once decided abortion is legal does not make it moral – especially to God, the Creator of all life.  

Jesus Christ died so that we might live eternally; abortion kills so that some might live differently. Please send Democrats, the media, and Hollywood a message by sharing this article and by watching the Gosnell movie. It’s probably true that America will not resist abortion until America sees abortion for what it is.

Article and video originally published by Freedom Project Media

This just in! Once again, researchers are thrilled about the possibility of life on Mars! Maybe. A recent report of water a mile underneath a slab of ice seemed to boost the odds of life on the red planet. One scientist from the University of Arizona stated if they did find life, it would be microbial, somewhere in the Martian crust.

My question is this: why don’t we use this same determined, scientific, optimistic approach to find human life on earth? We’re often told a heartbeat in a human mother’s womb is not a sign of life. Come on.

NASA’s John Grunsfeld commented on the report at a news conference:

“It suggests it would be possible for there to be life today on Mars,”

Researchers said in the journal, Nature Geoscience, that further exploration is warranted to determine whether microscopic life exists there. One of the lead scientists says the only way to know is to keep collecting rocks from Mars and doing soil analysis on the specimens. It is astounding and bewildering to me that scientists, university departments, NASA, and independent researchers have been studying for decades hoping to find evidence indicating any sign of a living organism on Mars.

What about human beings, and why all the confusion about a living, developing fetus in a mother’s womb? We know it’s certainly not just a clump of cells because dead things don’t grow!

Twenty-three chromosomes from the mother and twenty-three from the father are joined together at the time of fertilization. At this early point, the unique, genetic makeup of the individual is determined, and the terms “conception” and “fertilization” are interchangeable.

Please consider sharing some eye-opening information about a newly conceived baby:

  • Its DNA, everything she will grow into, was fully present at the moment of conception.
  • Her heart began to beat eighteen days after conception.
  • Her brainwaves were detectable forty days (six weeks) after conception.
  • Your baby could move and she could suck her thumb (and hiccup!) between six and seven weeks.
  • Eight weeks after conception, all of her major organs are developed.
  • A baby’s respiratory system begins to function, and she begins to breathe amniotic fluid at nine weeks
  • She can smile, suck her thumb, and clap at eighteen weeks.
  • A baby can feel pain at approximately twenty weeks gestation.

This last medical finding has led to what is called the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a U.S. Congress bill to ban abortions after twenty weeks, and especially late-term abortions.

A baby can feel pain, and a baby can feel joy. You may recall from the Gospel of Luke (1:43-44) when Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist said “the baby in my womb leaped for joy” when Mary visited her and was pregnant with Jesus. Since a fetus is in fact human, then destroying it is murder.

You may have heard the heartbreaking story earlier this year of 23 year-old Shelby Taylor who was recently sentenced to 25 years in prison for throwing her newborn baby girl into a dumpster – umbilical chord still attached. Someone heard the baby crying and called police, and fortunately the baby is alive today.

But wait a minute! Millions of young women simply pay Planned Parenthood to remove their babies and it’s completely legal. Please understand that when God’s law makes something immoral, man cannot make it moral.

I appreciate what author and teacher, Peter Heck said about this:

“But it is also impossible to read this story and not acknowledge a mind-bending and confounding reality: had Shelby Taylor entered a Planned Parenthood facility that very day and had her baby girl decapitated and dismembered for a price, our society would justify that as a moral right of empowerment and liberty. But since she waited a couple hours and, with as horrible as her act of callous abandonment was, still gave her child a fighting chance at survival, she is going to prison for 25 years. This is not just morally incongruent, it is the height of absurdity…”

You do know what they do with all the baby body parts after ripping them out of a mother’s womb, don’t you? If they’re not sold for research they end up in dumpsters outside abortion clinics. Or perhaps you’re in denial like so many people whose consciences have been seared by a hot iron.

What does Scripture teach? See Jeremiah 1:4-5, Exodus 21:22-24, Psalm 51:5, Psalm 139:13-16, Luke 1:39-44.

The Bible treats babies in the womb as real persons. Verse after verse relating to pregnancy always refers to a living human being already in existence. It is crystal clear that God considers the unborn to be human beings who have value and should be protected.

As far as life on Mars goes – no confirmation yet. It’s pretty foggy and we may be waiting for a while.

As I drove by what may be the only Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin yesterday, on the sidewalk out front was a woman holding a “Defend Life” sign with a photo of a baby. God bless her and all those who have taken action, prayed, or raise awareness about the ongoing slaughter of life in mother’s wombs across the land.

Most of us know what the Bible teaches about the value of every human life. Heck, even the animal kingdom knows how to protect their own. And yet, according to our laws, eliminating life in the womb for any reason is legal and acceptable including late term, partial-birth abortion.

This regardless of the fact science and biology now confirm a baby’s heart starts beating 22 days after conception, and they can feel pain by at least 20 weeks.

But do we really know when life begins? This question was asked during legal arguments in the Supreme Court case, Roe V. Wade in 1972-73. Granted, they did not have the advances in technology we do today including sonograms and ultrasound. They did have the Word of God – and ignored it completely.

That was 45 years ago. What’s our excuse today and where is the church?

Also available are the many undercover videos of Planned Parenthood employee’s convicting admissions, so we can no longer say abortion is not pure evil being promoted as a choice, a right, and a service. The progressive media won’t touch news stories when they reflect negatively on their precious political party and the abortion industry.

In 2010 for example: “Little Shop of Horrors” Abortion Clinic Closed When Frozen Bodies of 35 Aborted Babies Were Found.” Abortion practitioners in Maryland were found guilty of murder and a host of other crimes. The good news is now the building that the former illegal business was using is now the home of a Pregnancy Center serving women with life-saving care.

These stories are out there and have been for a few decades, and they’re only shocking perhaps to Christians who have turned a blind eye to our culture of death and have knowingly gone on with their busy entertainment-filled lives. Remember abortionist and convicted serial killer, Kermit Gosnell? What about the dark history of Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger?

This isn’t about politics; it’s about life and the right to be born. For years I’ve written about this battle and am thankful for those who also believe this is a pivotal moral issue in a country with a seared conscience. Some say a society is judged by how the most needy and vulnerable are treated. If this is true, we’re in a lot of trouble with our Maker.

We ignore the moral decline because too many Christians in America have “progressed” from accepting what the Bible considers sin to accommodating sinners or even celebrating sin in various popular forms.

There is a huge difference between accommodating and loving sinners -those who need the truth of the gospel that includes the satisfied wrath of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

One more example of our indifference is the fact a major report was done last year when the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee published a 500-page report on Planned Parenthood. With decades of destroying human lives and of corrupt practices, the report was a glimpse into the dark, chilling world of selling human baby body parts.

It is a sick, twisted industry and federal law is very clear: it is illegal to make a profit from the body parts or specimens of fetuses or parts of any human. But the documents subpoenaed from Planned Parenthood and related companies show how the law was completely and willfully ignored.

Representative Diane Black said the report should “incense all people of conscience.”

“Over the last year, the Select Panel’s relentless fact-finding investigation has laid bare the grisly reality of an abortion industry that is driven by profit, unconcerned by matters of basic ethics and, too often, non-compliant with the few laws we have to protect the safety of women and their unborn children,”

Without getting into extensive details of the House investigation, the panel concluded and recommended Planned Parenthood must be defunded. After receiving more than $4 billion from American taxpayers over the last decade, Congress should make Planned Parenthood ineligible to receive federal tax dollars and instead, redirect those funds to the thousands of low-cost health clinics that do not sell abortions.

The panel also recommended Congress take action to protect women and infants from unscrupulous tissue procurement practices, and from the repeated failure to report the sexual abuse of young girls. By far, the abortion industry is one of the least regulated in America so it’s business as usual for them.

Plenty of statistics show eugenicist and racist, Margaret Sanger’s mission not only continues today, but truth is often buried or denied. According to the Center for Disease Control, over 35% of aborted babies in America are black. 

However, more citizens appear to be changing their minds as polls generally show most people (one poll, 84%) think there should be restrictions on abortion. A majority overwhelmingly believe our tax dollars should not be helping fund Planned Parenthood. Hollywood, the government, the education system, and the media do not appear to be siding with the majority of the people on this issue.

If there’s a glimmer of light, in the last two-plus decades, the number of abortion clinics has fallen by more than 74%. At least twenty states now have from two or less abortion clinics, and since the early 90s, 81% of abortion clinics have closed.

Some former abortion clinics have turned into life-affirming pregnancy centers in recent years include two in Iowa, two in Miami, one in Toledo, Ohio, and a former flagship Planned Parenthood building in Bryan, Texas, that now houses 40 Days for Life and a pregnancy help medical clinic. Some prayers are bring answered.

There is some momentum for the pro-life movement, but this is not time to celebrate. America has blood on its hands. Much damage has been done and every other week it seems another young woman is taken to the emergency room due to a botched abortion. It’s also clear we are simply too busy to care or do much to reverse one of the most evil, unjust Supreme Court decisions in this nation’s history.

What can we do? Keep believing, keep raising awareness, keep voting for life, and keep praying; but don’t hold your breath.

David Fiorazo’s new book is Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good

The following is the second part of a book excerpt from The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance. This is from the compelling, statistic-filled chapter, “The Anguish of Abortion.”

Largely unreported by pro-abortion media is the fact abortion often causes women years of emotional pain, torment, and guilt. Many young women try to act normal and hide the fact that they are in pain, often experiencing severe trauma soon after receiving an abortion. Moreover, countless women have experienced increased alcohol or drug use and eating disorders. They suffer from depression and nightmares. They agonize with self-destructive behavior and suicidal thoughts or attempts. God help us help them!

There are two battles on this front and we should be engaged in both. First, we must raise awareness about biblical truth that God is the Author and Creator of all life. He values every single human being. Life begins at conception, and destroying innocent life is an immoral act against His law. Second, we must love, support, and care for women and young girls who have had abortions, pointing them to the forgiveness of Jesus Christ and loving arms of the Father. We also need to embrace and support struggling single moms, praying and caring for them however we can.

If you have had an abortion, here are some questions to consider: Would you now advise your best friend or sister not to have an abortion if she were considering it? If you were a Christian before having an abortion, has your relationship with God or with those in the church changed?

growing_growingA young woman who gets pregnant is often confused and intimidated into aborting her baby through emotional, financial, or relational threats. According to a 2004 study on post-abortive women reported by the Medical Science Monitor, 64% of the women felt pressured to have an abortion. Sadly, an often-neglected subject is how women are affected afterwards. As many as 91% of all abortions cause severe psychological problems, both immediate and long-term, according to reports of the Department of Education and Alan Guttmacher Institute.

Approximately 40% of minors who’ve had an abortion don’t tell their parents, and 51% of women having abortions are under twenty-five years old. This is another important reason to have open communication with your daughters. Conversely, in cases where young women do tell others about their abortion, they often try to act normal and hide the fact that they are unhappy or in any kind of pain. Many experience severe trauma soon after receiving an abortion. The following are post-abortion symptoms that may be experienced:

Alcohol or drug use to distract from the pain; anger, anxiety (probably non-specific or in forms of a panic attack), abusive relationships (believing she doesn’t deserve better).

Denial or repression (the “pushing down” of intolerable emotions), depression, deterioration of self-worth/self-image, disruption in relationships (increasing inability to be intimate or social with friends and family), anger, violent behavior.

Eating disorders, feelings of helplessness or powerlessness, flashbacks, grief, guilt, purposely having unprotected sex or increased sexual activity as self-punishment.

Nightmares about a baby or babies crying, the same nightmare over and over; preoccupation with the abortion procedure or thoughts of babies.

Regret, remorse, sadness to the point of inability to handle basic responsibilities, self-destructive behavior and suicidal thoughts or attempts; death.

In a study of post-abortion patients eight weeks after their abortion, researchers found 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor.[1] A New Zealand study that tracked women for more than three decades discovered 42% of women who aborted experienced major depression.

According to Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green State University,

Women who have had an abortion have an 81% higher risk of subsequent mental health problems compared to women who have not had an abortion. Also, women who aborted have a 138% (another study showed 160%) higher risk of mental health problems compared to women who have given birth.

Tragically, many so-called “counselors” at abortion clinics downplay mental and physical health risks the majority of the time in order to sell customers abortions, not to mention the fact the procedure will violently end their child’s life. My heart goes out to those who believe the godless lie that this “procedure” can be justified in any way.

I came across a familiar Bible verse from the story of Mary that you and I have probably read dozens of times through the years during Christmas. But something jumped out at me this time when I read Luke 1:43-44:

But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Notice babies in the womb are able to sense such feelings as “joy.”

It is also indisputable and documented that babies in the womb have a developed nervous system and feel pain. How irrational to think a baby senses or feels nothing until the very moment they are delivered, and then all of a sudden upon seeing daylight or when the umbilical cord is cut, pain receptors kick in. Abortion mills such as Planned Parenthood do not give a baby in the womb pain medication before they are destroyed.

Here is some eye-opening information about newly conceived babies:

Her DNA, everything she will grow into, was fully present at the moment of conception.

Her heart began to beat eighteen days after conception.

Her brainwaves were detectable forty days (six weeks) after conception.

Your baby could move at six weeks.

She could suck her thumb (and hiccup!) at seven weeks.

Eight weeks after conception, all of her major organs had developed.

Your baby’s respiratory system began to function, and she began to breathe amniotic fluid at nine weeks.[2]

…Abortion in America has created a culture that disregards the dignity and value of human life, endangers women, and demeans motherhood. Our sexually permissive and progressive culture encourages young women and teenage girls and boys to be sexually active. Those who have had abortions need our prayers, not our judgment. Being a product of America’s secular culture, post-abortive women, especially religious women, suffer enough for their sin. They first need God’s forgiveness; they then need to learn how to forgive themselves.

We hear little talk of purity and self-restraint. The teaching of biblical principles and abstinence education in churches, schools, and society is vital to effect positive change. Stop messing around, yes. Limit abortions, yes. Vote for pro-life candidates, yes. Stop funding Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars, yes! But we also need to remember the power of prayer and true, caring Christianity. People may not respond to debates, laws, or rules, but many will – eventually – respond to genuine love and truth.

Are we willing to confront abortion defenders and speak about some of these facts? Will we do a better job promoting the truth that every baby is a gift from God, created in His image and has value? We need to reach people with the message “every single life matters.” The root of this culture of death and of every problem is sin, and the only solution is Jesus Christ.

Read the entire excerpt here:

The Anguish of Abortion – part one of this book excerpt

all-lives-matterOne danger in our society is many people have gotten used to the back and forth debate over the most sacred of rights on earth – life. Though the pro-life movement has had some recent success, there is so much political give and take depending on who gets elected and who follows through on campaign promises, too many people tune out.

It’s tragic however, when Christians, religious folks, and true conservatives look the other way as well. Make no mistake: this is a battle of worldviews. Who should be born, how long should people live, and who determines the quality, productivity, and value of human life?

Pastor David Platt often emphasizes God’s heart for the unborn and recently said:

“Children are so precious. They are a treasure to be cherished. And yet, we live in a culture where children are a problem to be avoided.”

Most of us have heard the argument by some pro-abortion activists insisting pregnancy is comparable to a disease that must be cured and thus, a baby is something to be removed. The logical progression of this extreme thought process and its lack of value for human life doesn’t stop at the dismembering of baby body parts. Support for assisted suicide has also increased – even among church-goers in America.

First, in a story ignored by the media and that few paid attention to because it came out just before Christmas, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee published a 500-page report on Planned Parenthood. The report gives a small glimpse into a very dark, strange and chilling world of selling baby parts, a world where nothing goes to waste in this huge, profitable business.

And it is a sick, twisted industry. The law is very clear: it is illegal to make any profit from the body parts of fetuses or any body parts of any human. But the documents subpoenaed from Planned Parenthood and related companies show how the law was completely and willfully ignored.

Journalist and filmmaker, Phelim McAleer produced the Gosnell movie and co-authored a book about America’s most prolific serial killer, abortionist Kermit Gosnell. McAleer describes how the Committee documented how one $15 an hour “technician” spent his time on a summer day in 2014:

The ABR “technician” obtained a 20 week-old fetus at a [Planned Parenthood] clinic. From that one fetus, ABR sold its brain to one customer for $325; both of its eyes for $325 each ($650 total) to a second customer, a portion of its liver for $325 to a third customer; its thymus and for $325 and another portion of liver to a fourth customer; and its lung for $325 to a fifth customer. These fees are merely the service fees for the specimens themselves; ABR separately charged each customer for shipping, disease, screening, cleaning and freezing, as applicable. So from that single fetus for which ABR paid a mere $60, ABR charged its customers a total of $2,275 for tissue specimens…

…How long has it been since America lost its collective conscience and heart for truth? Just like Kermit Gosnell who was allowed to kill for years, most of us have turned a blind eye to the baby-part selling even though hundreds, perhaps thousands of professionals were part of it.

Incidentally, it costs $120 to send an aborted baby’s brain through FedEx Priority Overnight. The report does not detail where the parts were shipped but presumably they went to universities across the nation who kept signing the invoices and paying them.

And just today there was more breaking news – “Congressional panel publishes final report on Planned Parenthood body parts scandal.”

Representative Diane Black said the report should “incense all people of conscience.”

In another breaking story, Alabama becomes the seventh state (Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and West Virginia) to allow wrongful-death actions before the pre-born child becomes viable.

Next, two more unreported stories came out last month on the subject of euthanasia. One activist in Australia claims assisted suicide is not just for the terminally ill and the option should be available to everyone. Philip Nitschke once wanted to make suicide pills available in supermarkets, even to “troubled teens.”

It may seem like an extreme position to believe that individuals have the right to dispose of their lives for any reason, but this has more support than most of us realize.

Why discuss this issue in the same context as abortion and profiteering from baby body parts? For many decades, we have allowed the culture of death to spread across America right under our noses and with the approval of many Christians.

A majority of Americans – including 4 in 10 professing evangelicals – want doctors to help terminally ill patients end their lives and believe it is morally acceptable. A recent article reveals opposition to assisted suicide is dying and the heart of the problem is our apathy and indifference as a civilized society. It proves we may not have the will to take a stand for righteousness and truth.

Even the American Medical Association (AMA) has described physician-assisted suicide as a serious risk to society and “fundamentally incompatible with a physician’s role as healer,” but apparently millions of Americans disagree.

Man thinks he knows best about life and death and should be able to play God; what could go wrong?

Read the extensive post here:

*Photo credit: Times of Malta

There is an abortion every 26 seconds in America, and shocking new statistics show the black and Hispanic populations taking the hit. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) numbers indicate the horrific fact that nearly 72% of black babies are aborted in Mississippi. Whites outnumber blacks in Mississippi 2-to-1, but white abortions make up 26% of the total.

In other heart-wrenching news, there are now more black babies aborted than born in New York City according to the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Vital Statistics. The number of black abortions in NYC is over 42% while Hispanics are not far behind at 31%.

The abortion figures are more staggering when you consider 82% of New York City abortions were on black or Hispanic babies; in Georgia, 73% and in Texas, 64% of abortions were on minorities.

If the liberal media, Hollywood, and pro-abortion Democrats are truly concerned about protecting women, why is there no outcry? Is it because abortion is big business or because their hearts have been hardened? Since wombs are dangerous places for black babies, isn’t there a story on racism here? Margaret Sanger sure would be proud.

A few weeks ago, a circuit court in Illinois ordered Planned Parenthood to pay $2 million to the Chicago family of 24 year-old Tonya Reaves, a botched abortion victim, in a wrongful death settlement. Reaves died at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in 2012 after hemorrhaging at a Planned Parenthood clinic. She did not receive proper medical treatment and the autopsy showed Reaves suffered from an incomplete abortion.

Thomas More Society’s vice president and senior counsel, Peter Breen, stated:

“The fact that Planned Parenthood has been allowed to merely pay ‘hush money’ to the victim’s family without any further consequences is a slap in the face to every woman who walks through the doors of the nation’s largest abortion provider.”

PlannedParenthood Tonya Reaves

Another tragic abortion-related death took place after a counselor strongly advised 18-year-old Marla Cardamone to abort her baby. Marla died at a Pennsylvania hospital from complications. Her Mother, Deborah Cardamone vowed to expose the truth so at Marla’s viewing, Deborah Cardamone requested an open casket even though Marla’s face and body were still swollen. She hopes to raise awareness about the abortion industry and wants people to understand abortions may be legal, but are not always safe. (Graphic photos)

Also largely unreported is the fact that the anguish and trauma of abortions often cause women years of emotional pain, torment, and guilt. Many young women try to act normal and hide the fact that they are in physical or emotional pain, often experiencing severe trauma soon after receiving an abortion. Moreover, countless women have experienced increased alcohol or drug use, eating disorders, depression, nightmares, self-destructive behavior and suicidal thoughts or attempts.

Is it a coincidence approximately 78% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in minority communities? Abortion rates should cause us to wonder if the original vision and work of Margaret Sanger to reduce minorities is becoming a reality right before our eyes. Sanger spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in New Jersey in 1926 and just three years later, Sanger’s American Birth Control League laid the groundwork for her first clinic in Harlem.

Sanger worked closely with William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, co-founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Col­ored People (NAACP). Prior to World War II, she was outspoken about her views on race, and used the influence of prominent blacks to reach the masses with her message. Du Bois was investigated by the FBI due to his socialist writings and later joined the Communist Party.

Du Bois helped Sanger with the “Negro Project,” for which Sanger invited black leaders includ­ing physicians, ministers and journalists, to form an advisory council to help direct the Harlem clinic and control births in the community. The prejudice blacks endured made their struggle even more difficult, which seemed to further justify reducing their population and restricting their reproduction. In his 1932 essay in Sanger’s Birth Control Review, Du Bois, wrote:

“The mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disas­trously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.”

What Adolf Hitler did to millions of Jews through eugenics and sterilization, Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger has dwarfed by pioneering a movement leading to the abortion of over one hundred million babies in the United States. Promoter of eugenics, Sanger is still celebrated by feminists and liberals today.

Margaret Sanger’s publication, The Birth Control Review, was founded in 1917 and through the years, she often published articles from eugenicists such as Ernst Rudin, a psychiatrist who worked as Adolf Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization and founded the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene (Germany’s racial purity program).

Ernst Rudin’s article, “Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need,” was also published in 1932 in Sanger’s Birth Control Review journal. The fol­lowing year, Rudin drafted the Nazi Sterilization Law in Germany. Rudin publicly praised Hitler for making his “more than thirty-year-old dream a reality” by imposing “racial hygiene.” It was only one year after Sanger delivered her infamous Peace Plan that Hitler signed the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring.

After World War II had concluded, the horrors of eugenics and Nazi atrocities were exposed. Sanger acted deceptively and quickly to distance herself and the Birth Control League from the Third Reich’s “Final Solution.” Her idea to change the name of her organization was a shrewd one because until that time, the birth control and the eugenics movements were nearly impossible to separate.

People such as Sanger’s grandson, Alexander, as well as Planned Parenthood presidents have stated they intend to carry on Margaret Sanger’s work.

Recent polls show over 80% of Americans favor significant restrictions on abortion, the pro-life movement is growing, and dozens of abortion restrictions have been passed in the last few years. However; restricting the murder of the unborn is not enough because the heart of mankind is bent toward evil and the promotion of promiscuity will only increase.

The battle can be summed up in three words: God or man? Is Jesus the Truth and the Word of God our ultimate authority? In our anti-Christian culture, the concepts of abstinence, morality, purity, and self-restraint are seldom found. We need to reach people with the message that every single life is a gift from God created in His image and has value. The battle begins with Life.

David Fiorazo is the author of ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA, which includes the chapter, “Planned Parenthood’s Buried History.”


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America’s Culture of Death: We Need Abortion Control, Not Gun Control

killing babies with scissors

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of three first-degree murder charges for killing live babies, and involuntary manslaughter of a woman who died at his Philadelphia clinic. Eye witnesses testified Gosnell killed hundreds of babies born alive over the years, but physical evidence was only available to prove three of them. This is a guy that kept baby feet in jars as trophies.

Will this case lead to regulations being implemented in one of the least regulated industries in America? Gosnell is certainly not alone when it comes to seedy backroom abortion operations, unsanitary conditions, and untrained staff.

Right under our preoccupied noses and all across America; hundreds of abortion “providers” are making a killing in their completely legal, government approved businesses. Many are just living the American dream. Yes, it’s true some take advantage of confused and scared young girls, but with the average price of an abortion being around $1,300 per customer, delivering death adds up to big profits.

Various sources confirmed Gosnell performed thousands of abortions over a 30-year career, and his practice alone netted him about $1.8 million a year, much of it in cash. Authorities found $250,000 hidden in a bedroom when they searched his house. Gosnell also owned a beach home and several rental properties. 

Prosecutor Ed Cameron said “He created an assembly line with no regard for these women whatsoever.” For obvious reasons, many of the youngest customers end up paying cash.

Is Gosnell the only twisted abortionist killing babies born alive? Are we so naive to think his clinic was the only one operating in such horrific conditions? 

Susan B. Anthony List President, Marjorie  Dannenfelser insists Kermit Gosnell is not alone:

“Exploitation of women and complete disregard for their health and well-being are problems endemic to the entire abortion industry. There are numerous examples of negligence and even death in abortion facilities across the country. Now is the moment to realize that abortion is neither safe, nor rare. Abortion is a brutal, painful procedure, both for the child that it kills and the woman that it wounds.”

Gosnell’s radical pro-abortion views, similar to President Obama’s, clouded his respect for life causing a blatant disregard for one of God’s most basic laws: Thou shalt not kill. Obama even said, “God bless Planned Parenthood” in a recent speech, fully supporting their ‘work.’ 

When abortion was legalized via Roe v. Wade in 1973, at least the court had an (extremely weak) excuse that there was some confusion over exactly when life begins. With modern technological advances such as ultrasound however, and the fact that science proves a human heart begins beating at six weeks, this argument holds no weight whatsoever!

And yet, abortions that are neither safe nor rare continue every minute in America under the guise of ‘reproductive freedom,’ and ‘women’s health.’ A baby is aborted every 26 seconds. The media does their part by withholding the gruesome details and facts about killing our own and calling it a ‘right’. They hide the truth in part to protect the Democratic Party (abortion is a money-making platform), and most of us carry on with our busy lives without batting an eye. 

Apathy has spread like a heartless disease throughout the United States. We have become desensitized to sin.

The root of this depravity is pure evil and goes against what the Bible teaches, but for the average abortion practitioner, it’s just another day at the office. Abortionists don’t care about morals. We cannot expect unbelievers to live according to godly values.

To them, the Ten Commandments are merely ten suggestions. Their consciences have been seared and they are simply accommodating the desires of a selfish, depraved society. In today’s culture, they call it “choice.”

To Gosnell, he was just doing his job; helping young women, even underage girls, dispose of the growing lives within them at any stage of development.

To the generous taxpayers of America, we’re just helping fund the cause by generously providing Planned Parenthood with $11 every second through our tax dollars totaling over a half a billion dollars annually. The biggest abortion business in America just eliminated two more human lives since you began this article. They perform one abortion every 94 seconds totaling more than 335,000 abortions a year.

If you only care about money and you have no regard for God, the Bible, and life in general, it was a brilliant plan – and the devil is full of them. This dark agenda of death began with Margaret Sanger in the 1930’s and 40’s, which I expose in my book, ERADICATE, in a chapter called, “Planned Parenthood’s Buried History.”

A majority of American citizens believe abortion is wrong, and even say there should be more restrictions placed on abortion, so what now? It’s been over 40 years since the legalization of the destruction of human life in a Mother’s womb, supposedly the safest place on earth.

What about the women who walk into abortion clinics? Some have stomachs the size of basketballs. Should they escape any scrutiny? Why don’t we hear more about those who decided to kill the precious life inside them?

The root of this tragedy is a much bigger problem; we have a hyper-sexualized, promiscuity-approving culture from Hollywood to government-run schools to the mainstream media. Sadly, some Christians are conforming.

We continue tolerating depravity in America often leading to death, and we vote for those who support it. We allow abortionists to play God – and most of us say nothing. If such an appalling case as Gosnell’s doesn’t cause more folks to speak up, I’m not sure what will.

every abortion clinic offends God

gosnell philly clinic


Did you ever think the media in America would get to the point where details, facts, and news about one of the most horrific killing sprees in recent history would be covered-up, minimized, or omitted altogether?

Here are just a few of the disturbing facts about Gosnell and his killing clinic:

    • The remains of 45 babies were found by authorities at the Philly clinic.
    • Gosnell preyed mostly on poor and minority women.
    • Flea-ridden cats defecated freely, including in procedure rooms.
    • One 41 year-old victim of a botched abortion, Karnamaya Mongar died because the clinic was so crammed with junk, it took paramedics 20 minutes just to find their way out.
    • Gosnell collected baby feet in jars.

The murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell has cemented forever the fact that the pro-choice media has chosen ideology and politics over journalism and doing their job.

By now, most Americans have witnessed the media’s blatant disregard for the truth. Many liberals in the media even admit they didn’t want to report on the Gosnell horror story because they felt it would hinder progress for abortion rights. It’s been well established, documented, and proven that the majority of both local and elite media have a liberal, progressive worldview.

This is not exactly a newsflash. Earlier this year, I began a series on media bias and began with research showing their complete lack of fair reporting on the abortion issue:

Approximately 83% of Americans feel abortion should have some restrictions placed on it by law, but only 3% of media elites do. Translation: the media often believe or support the exact opposite of the majority of citizens to whom they report the news.

We should now take it a step further and look at the primary reasons for their bias. Journalism’s first obligation is to tell the truth and its first loyalty is to citizens. The fact is the media is not interested in the whole truth if it doesn’t fit their narrative, and their loyalty and allegiance is to their political party, not to the people they supposedly serve and inform.

Most mainstream media outlets are operated by pro-choice liberals and a so-called ‘journalist’ is surrounded by coworkers that are loyal to the left. In addition, most would rather obey their liberal bosses instead of report the news fairly and honestly.

As children progress though government-controlled public schools, most get plenty of indoctrination from teachers who are loyal to their union, the government, and the Democratic Party. Naturally, kids end up repeating liberal talking points even if they don’t know why they believe what they say they believe.

Due to heavy influence and pressure from peers, culture, and those in authority, most of these young people end up supporting abortion. For those who choose journalism and go to college, they receive one-sided instruction from progressive professors. As a result, when they graduate from college and get a job in the news industry, they’ve been converted.

How do you suppose they’d report on the issue of Life when prominent Democratic politicians oppose most restrictions on late-term abortions? Do you think a young news reporter would want to admit the radical abortion views of their hero and president, Barack Obama, who once fought a law that would have protected babies delivered alive during an abortion attempt?

It’s not complicated.

With the truth about the Gosnell clinic finally being exposed, we see the media with their collective pants around their ankles.

They’d naturally hide the fact that during the trial, a former Gosnell assistant, Stephen Massof – who does not even have a medical license – described how he jabbed medical scissors into the backs of babies’ necks or snipped their spinal cords to kill them. Calling it a “beheading,” Massof stated, “It is separating the brain from the body.”

They’d obviously refuse to report that a young woman who worked at the Gosnell clinic as a teenager testified that she saw a baby’s chest continue to move even after the gruesome snipping procedure Gosnell used to end the baby’s life.

It should not take a conservative firestorm to hold the media accountable, but it does. During the Gosnell trial, concerned Americans and citizen journalists used blogs emails, Facebook posts, and a ‘Twitterfest’ to call attention to a tragic story that should break our hearts. The public deserves to know the truth, but in this day and age in America, we must actively demand it from the media.

 Gosnell freezer