20 ERADICATE Book Excerpts

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Read 20 Informative & Powerful Excerpts from Eradicate: Blotting Out God in America (highlights plus links)

Click here to Read the Full INTRODUCTION to ERADICATE (link)

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…. Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Romans 12:2, Ephesians 5:15-17

There are two things going on at the same time that contribute to America’s decline:  Christians are conforming to the world and the agendas to blot out God continue to advance at full speed.

In this book, we will examine how this is happening and investigate the people and organizations that are the driving forces of immorality. We will scrutinize the major reasons America has fallen away from God. We’re living in sad times when professing Christians know less about the Bible than ever before…

Decade after decade, the church has been less and less active and vocal in American society and today we’re suffering the consequences. We’ve backed out of culture and have made it easier for those who are hostile toward Jesus Christ to gain control of our country…

God is being blotted out of America. Christians are being silenced by accusations of hate and intolerance; and our very freedoms are being threatened. The government, media, Hollywood, the abortion industry, and academia are not going to defend Christian values—it’s up to you and me.


Your Worldview Affects Everything! What we believe about truth affects everything we do in this life.

How we view God, people, and how we understand the world – past, present, and future – depends on what we believe about absolute truth. If there are no absolutes, then anything goes! …Does truth depend on where we were raised, what church we attended, what a teacher taught us, or what the media says is true? Does truth change with the times, technology or circumstances? What is truth?

Jesus prayed to the Father in the presence of His disciples and said: Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.  John 17:17

…The truth established from the beginning is God. He is eternal. Though humanists have made progress in their goal to blot out God, ultimately it will be impossible! Even if they could eradicate Christianity from America one day, we know He is everlasting; He is the beginning and the end, and He holds the universe in His hands!

Can We Ever Be Good Enough?  (link)

But if God’s Word is true, and we really are sinners in need of rescue, then there must be right and wrong, true and false, good and bad, light and darkness, and moral absolutes. Our godless society has been heading full speed away from Christ, and many people seem to hate the very truth that could save them!

As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him,“Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone.  Mark 10:17-18

No one is good enough on their own to approach a holy God. He also made the point that we are incapable of keeping the commandments, so how can anyone be saved by trying to be good through their own efforts?


America’s future is being threatened by those who have successfully rewritten some of our history. Distortions about America’s origins and heritage have poisoned our education system, our government, and the national media.

Christians once per­meated every aspect of American culture, from academia and the arts to politics and the press. They were hard-working farmers, ministers, and small business owners. They had a strong, godly, moral influence in public life. That solid foundation began at home with educating their children with the Scriptures and strengthening their families. They taught about faith, love, honor, respect, and responsibility. Parents studied the Bible and took its application seriously.

Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 6:4-7

The sooner we spread the truth, the sooner a few more uninformed citizens will wake up. Humanism and secularism are on the rise and offer a very present threat. Much of our rich Christian heritage has been rewritten or removed entirely from text books and public education. Evil is at work.

Knowing how corrupt and deceptive man can be and how wicked the human heart, Thomas Jefferson once said:

“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”


Ninety-six. Remember this number. A baby is aborted at a Planned Parenthood facility somewhere in America every 96 seconds. In that same amount of time, Planned Parenthood receives $1,056 taxpayer dollars. That equals eleven dollars a second and allows them to abort 910 lives every day.

How did it get to the point in America where we kill our own and call it a choice? It sure did not happen overnight, but it does occur – Every 96 seconds….

What Adolf Hitler did to millions of Jews through eugenics and sterilization, Margaret Sanger has dwarfed by pioneering a movement causing the abortion of over one hundred million babies in the United States alone.

“The most merciful thing a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” –Margaret Sanger

America does not have a gun problem; we have an apathy problem. Our consciences have been seared, and protecting the innocent is no longer a priority. We have become desensitized to evil, the very evil that has led to life being devalued in the United States. If polls show that the majority of American citizens do not approve of taxpayer funding of abortion, why do we continually pay for this brutal act? If the average American doesn’t speak up, at least Christians should.

Hold on to your coffee while we connect some dots…


Reports have been done. Whistles have been blown. Information has been available over the last three decades that has been rightly critical of the NEA containing the same list of problems: decreasing test scores, poor academic performance, high dropout rates, ineffective curriculums, student violence, and even low teacher morale.

Jay Greene, author of Education Myths, points out that if money was the solution, the problem would have been solved. More money has not helped American kids.

“We’ve doubled per pupil spending, adjusting for inflation over the last 30 years, and yet schools aren’t better…. National gradu­ation rates and achievement scores are flat, while spending on education has increased more than 100 percent since 1971.”

The NEA asserts itself as “non-partisan,” but critics point out the NEA has endorsed and provided support for every Democratic Party presidential nominee from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama. Conversely, the NEA has never endorsed any Republican or third party candidate…

Meanwhile, back at headquarters in Washington, D.C., the resigna­tion of Kevin Jennings was a major news story ignored by the media on May 23, 2011. Jennings was the “Safe Schools Czar” for the Obama administration, and after I read what he promoted in public schools, it almost made me sick to my stomach.

Jennings was the founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), and one look at GLSEN’s recommended reading list should cause alarm. There are books encouraging the sexualization of children regardless of “orientation” and a reading list for teachers on down to grade schoolers.

Kevin Jennings had been known to encourage sex between adults and minors. CNS News reported:

“In April, he spoke at an assembly at a public school in Mary­land where he compared those who oppose homosexuality to supporters of slavery and racial segregation.”

During his fourteen-year tenure at GLSEN, Jennings touted his homosexual activism and included the fact that since 1995, he increased the number of public school-based and student-led pro-homosexual clubs, such as Gay-Straight Alliances, from 50 to 4,300 today. Did you get that number?

When God is blotted out of education and government, immorality increases. Sin creates an atmosphere and an environment for more evil. If sin is not dealt with according to the Bible, it will infect everything in its path and will fertilize a culture of corruption…


The question should not be, ‘is someone a Christian or not’ because we can’t know a person’s heart. The question in this case should be, ’What kind of Christian is President Obama?’

Every one of us is under the same scrutiny because we worship a holy God. If we say we are a Christian, do our lives reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Word of God? In the chapter about truth, we established the fact that a person’s faith and worldview affects every decision he or she makes. It is ludicrous to ignore the religious [Black Liberation theology] background of the President of the United States, the most powerful public office in our country…

Let’s not be afraid to acknowledge that President Obama may accept parts of the Word of God, but his policies reveal a different worldview of Jesus and Christianity than many of us understand. By his own admission, he does not believe the Bible is inerrant and God-breathed.

The most pro-abortion president in American history, Barack Obama seems to have built his own brand of faith on a foundation of liberalism, Marxism, social justice, and post-modernism.

He needs God’s forgiveness just like you and I do, and if he is a backslidden Christian, he needs to return to the Lord and humbly repent. If, however, he is sincerely living out a differ­ent gospel than what the Bible teaches, then he’s turned his back on the truth and is leading many naïve Americans astray. God is not fooled.

So then, you will know them by their fruits.  Matthew 7:20


THIS is just one reason why I was compelled to write ERADICATE.

If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you (John 15:17-19).

People tend to believe half-truths or lies, if they are repeated often enough. What happened in 2008 should be taught in journalism classes and should go down as the final nail in the coffin of media objectiv­ity. The character assassination, personal attacks, and brutal political assault on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin should never have been allowed to happen. I’ve never seen so much hatred toward one person trumpeted by the media. It should be something fair-minded Ameri­cans won’t soon forget.

I discuss truth quite a bit in this book, and though we know the Bible is the ultimate truth, we should be no less concerned about truth in our country, culture, and media. They don’t even try hiding their bias anymore. The fact that the Christian worldview is not popular in today’s society shouldn’t be surprising to us, but we are American citizens, and we deserve to know the facts and the truth about issues affecting America.

Sarah Palin is hated, not for what she has done, but for who she is – a pro-life Christian conservative. She is also hated because she is a strong, family-oriented, successful career woman. Liberal Feminists can’t stand her because she accomplished so much in public office while raising five children. She seems genuinely happy with her life and that bugs them too. The foundational reason they hate her, however, may be that her joy comes from an authentic faith in Jesus Christ. Palin promotes a passion for life. She loves her God, her family, and her country.

The irrational hatred toward Sarah Palin cannot be explained in the usual terms of politics and ideology. The traditional divide of ‘liberal versus conservative’ or “Democrat versus Republican” cannot explain such dark, almost other-worldly expressions as ‘I hope she dies gnashing her teeth’ or death threats against the Palins’ children…


It is undeniable that homosexuality has gained acceptance, approval, and momentum in America. Thanks to the marketers of sin, morality has been redefined in our culture. In the span of just over five decades, America has displayed a radical reversal in standards and attitudes toward sin in general, but specifically toward homosexuality.

Either God, His Son Jesus Christ, and His Word are right – or Hollywood, the Human Rights Campaign, and the U.S. Department of Education are right.

Gay rights activists and media elites deny they have an agenda, but their actions tell a different story. Homosexuals not only want to legal­ize gay marriage nation-wide, they also seek to redefine marriage.

Peter Heck clarified:

 “They know the success of their cause depends upon the total abolishment of the Judeo-Christian ethic and the Moral Author­ity it teaches. That is why any belief that the homosexual lobby is merely a passive group of individuals wanting to peacefully coexist with others who have different beliefs and values is naively absurd.”

The homosexual movement receives support from corporations, unions, the media, and Hollywood, but bills are passed and laws are enacted through government. The Obama administration wasted no time whatsoever implementing pro-gay policies. The day President Obama was inaugurated, his “civil rights” goals were immediately posted on the official White House website.

Among his goals were to: allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military – repeal “Don’t ask don’t tell,” use the federal government to expand adoptions of children by homosexuals, and encourage the federal government to promote sex-education and contraception in schools. [And repeal the Defense of Marriage Act] Check, check, check!


Some refer to Alfred C. Kinsey as the Father of the “Sexual Revo­lution” in America, while others refer to him as the most influential bisexual pedophile and child molester in this nation’s history.

Early on, Kinsey conducted most of his research in the attic of his Bloomington, Indiana home. If you consider this horror, he truly inspired the future trend of pornography.

Dr. Judith A. Reisman is an author, researcher, historian, and teacher who declared “Kinsey’s fraudulent sex science research” led to the addicting of men, women, and children to pornography. According to Dr. Reisman, Kinsey said his mission was to remove the Christian influence in America and eliminate the sexually “repressive” legacy of Judeo Christianity. In her exhaustive study of Alfred Kinsey, Dr. Reis­man went on to conclude:

“In large measure, Dr. Kinsey’s mission has been accomplished, mostly posthumously, by his legion of true believers – elitists who have systematically brainwashed their fellow intellectual elites to adopt Kinsey’s pan-sexual secular worldview and jet­tison the Judeo Christian worldview upon which this country was founded and flourished.”

Kinsey’s work soon catapulted the homosexual movement in Amer­ica. His reputation continues to be protected today by academia, Hol­lywood, and the elite media even though many critics insist he should have been convicted of child molestation, incest, and pedophilia. No one seems to care his earliest privately conducted studies were not monitored. Kinsey’s work was also blindly accepted as fact through the engineer­ing of a Model Penal Code that reduced penalties for sex offenses, thus putting women and children at increased risk of harm.

Kinsey’s research caused a warped formation of society’s beliefs about human sexuality. Possibly most disturbing is the fact that his seldom challenged data is somewhat of a guide used at almost every level of education causing the expansion of the “sex education” industry. Kinsey’s live sex surveys involved illegal experimentation on hundreds of children.

A pioneer of perversion, the man who regarded humans as animals is well respected today in colleges and universities. If you hear his name in the future, you’ll now understand that tragically, there may be no bigger and more damaging influence on sexuality in America than Alfred Kinsey.


The battle for the soul of America has long been waged. If only we had seen it coming. If only we had been warned 100 years ago or fifty … or twenty-five years ago, or maybe even in 2008. If only somebody would have told us about the imminent danger and the threat to destroy America.

If only Christians could have seen the coming attack on Jesus Christ and assault on morality. Maybe concerned citizens could have resisted the transformation. If only one of the socialist leaders would have openly broadcast a call to arms for radicals to seize power so we, our parents, or our grandparents could have known their intentions and fought back.

If only the anti-American movement would have made their declaration of war public, then we would have stood against the enemy and resisted, wouldn’t we have? If only we could have saved the United States of America. Maybe it’s not too late; per­haps there is still time…

Sadly, the rapid decline of our culture continues with little resistance; it’s happening right under our noses and right before our eyes. The implementation of an anti-Christian socialist agenda has been thrust on America over the last fifty-plus years and if not stopped, will lead to communism.

But why socialism, and why did they choose this time in our history to try to make their move? Generations must have been dumbed down because anyone with a remote understanding of history knows millions lived under abject poverty and suffered worldwide under socialism. Never before have so many innocent people died while being subjected to narcissistic leaders and tyrants who fooled them by saying all the right things. But the media buries it, and our kids are not being taught the whole truth in government-run public education.

Whether it is communism, socialism, Marxism, or progressivism, they all lead to man’s worship of the State as provider instead of the American system that allows for and encourages people to see God as provider…


The sad truth is many Americans today don’t care that prior to his election, Obama’s handlers concealed information about his college years and no official records were ever made available – a first in our history; No college transcripts, published records, or papers had been released. What were they hiding?

When Barack Obama boldly stated they were five days away from “fundamentally transforming the United States,” most of us know he wasn’t exaggerating. Some thought he sounded grandiose, and others assumed it was just campaign rhetoric, but an underground army of radicals was preparing to mobilize in Washington, D.C. and beyond. Obama’s election appeared to be the perfect storm for those who believe Christianity is oppressive, and America is unjust…

Christian friends, it’s not a game to these people. Radicals often camouflage their agendas by calling them something else or associating themselves with various causes (such as social justice), but the most consistent is “progressive.” The battle can be summed up in three words: God or man.


Most of us would absolutely agree that the church in America must do a better job of helping the poor and less fortunate, but progressives place more emphasis on man’s ability to fix the problem than on God’s power, provision, and sovereignty.

Social Justice is a code phrase of the left which believes in a class­less society and that all differences in wealth and property should be eliminated. It is a political movement that generally believes people are born into an inflexible social order.

Religious liberals have invaded evangelical Christian churches with their version of social justice. They claim to back up their fight for pov­erty and world hunger by the use of selected Scriptures about helping the poor.Every individual Christian is responsible to obey God’s Word and do what we can to manage our resources to help those in need, and humanitarian efforts should coincide with the preaching of the gospel. Christians need to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but poverty and hunger will never completely be eradicated.

The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have Me.  Mark 14:7

To liberals, social justice means a level of fairness as defined by them and enforced by the state. …The solution should never be government intervention.

Christians are to voluntarily tithe to the church and share their finances (distribute wealth) with the needy, not be forced by the government through taxes to unwillingly (redistribute wealth) give to whoever the government decides needs it the most.

Norman Thomas once said:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”

Jim Wallis, the Radical Reverend  (link)

Appointed by President Obama to his White House faith council, some say Jim Wallis is a progressive evangelical because his primary support is from leftists.

Wallis’s popularity is not surprising considering the advance of liberal theology via emergent church movements and the current state of apostasy the church finds itself in today. His progressive gospel may offer government handouts, but it does little for a personal relationship with the living God.

What an honor and privilege that God has chosen you and me to be alive during this trying and exciting time in America. We are not here to be spectators! …Do not allow today’s news or the agenda of the Left to cause you to lose your focus or your effectiveness for the Lord. This is all temporary. He is eternal. We are here for such a time as this and God has chosen us.


Bible publishers probably had good intentions when they highlighted the teachings of Jesus by printing them in red letters, but this has helped some emergent church leaders find another way to cast doubt on the entire Bible.

Every letter the apostle Paul wrote points to the perfect person of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament, the Gospels, and the New Testament are all in complete agreement and harmony.

Red Letter Christians teach that the sayings of Jesus are somehow more holy, sacred, or inspired than the rest of Scripture, but we know the whole counsel of God is perfect.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teach­ing, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

One obvious agenda for this false teaching is to justify homosexual­ity [and minimize abortion]. These popular evangelical authors [Tony Campolo, Brian MacLaren, Jim Wallis, Richard Rohr] pit God and the apostle Paul against Jesus by telling their followers Jesus didn’t specifically address homosexuality.

Olive Tree Ministry’s Jan Markell stated:

“Red-letter Christians champion ‘social justice’, the cause of illegal immigrants, environmentalism, high taxes, discrimina­tion issues, socialized medicine, and getting rid of the death penalty. …This crowd loves to spend other people’s money. They put down conservative Christianity when, in fact, it is conservative Christians who are first to step up to the plate whenever there is a disaster at home or abroad!”

LEARNING FROM OPRAH – from the chapter, “Emerging Into Confusion” (link)

“How can there be only one way to heaven or to God?” – Oprah Winfrey

Maybe you’re an Oprah fan and have always defended her or maybe you had no idea what she believes. In an interview with Oprah, New Age author and mystic, Eckhart Tolle criticized Christianity and also took live calls from viewers. Tolle stated:

“The moment you say ‘only me belief’ or ‘our belief’ is true, and you deny other people’s beliefs, then you’ve adopted an ideology… and then religion becomes a closed door.”

Oprah told the caller to simply realize Christianity is but one of many ways to achieve the higher consciousness, and the belief that one must follow a set of doctrines is a consequence of “ego consciousness.

Sadly, millions of spiritual seekers have been led astray, and due to Oprah’s popularity, people have opened themselves up to all kinds of practices, religions, and teachings contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ and biblical Christianity.

We need to pray for her and for those who may blindly hang on her every word, or the words of any secular celebrity.  Oprah is not the enemy – she is deceived – but she obviously believes she has the answers regarding God, spirituality, and eternity. People need to be warned; countless unsuspecting souls following her and those like her are being led away from the One true God and down a path of destruction.


You’d think the church would be a safe place for believers, but these are dangerous times in which we live. In the same way socialism has infected America, false teachings have infected Christianity.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.  2 Timothy 4:3-4

The better we know the Word of God, the quicker we will recog­nize false teachings. With a solid foundation rooted in absolute truth and a faith based on Christ the Lord, it will be harder for us to fall for counterfeits.

All the way back in the first century, the apostle Paul pleaded and warned believers to be on guard against men within their own ranks who would try to “draw away disciples after them.” They would dis­tort the truth of God’s Word, teach only selected parts of it, or take Scripture out of context to deceive the flock. These are also tactics of certain modern day evangelical leaders who some might describe as emergent, liberal, or postmodern.

The very existence of the Bible is divisive because it forces people to make a deci­sion about its message. It offers two options; accept it as God’s Word or reject all of it. Picking and choosing verses like a spiritual buffet is not permissible. Cafeteria Christianity won’t cut it.

Jesus never backed down when it came to facing prideful religious leaders. He challenged both their teachings and their actions. Every­thing we hear today must be held to the standard of Scripture because the enemy is active within the church working to blot out God. We must strive to continue in the Word of God and its authority.

Cotton Candy Christianity: Joel Osteen’s Gospel of Neutrality and Omission  [Counterfeit Christianity]

Many of us would like to hear Joel Osteen dig into the Bible and give a bold presentation of the gospel of Christ without apology. When Mitt Romney ran for president of the United States, Osteen received a few questions from people about Romney’s religion. From the Wash­ington Times interview:

“I believe that [Mormons] are Christians,” Mr. Osteen said. “I don’t know if it’s the purest form of Christianity, like I grew up with. But you know what, I know Mormons. I hear Mitt Rom­ney – and I’ve never met him – but I hear him say, ‘I believe Jesus is the son of God,’ ‘I believe he’s my savior,’ and that’s one of the core issues.

“I’m sure there are other issues that we don’t agree on. But you know, I can say that the Baptists and the Methodists and the Catholics don’t all agree on everything. So that would be my take.”

Even though denominations may not agree on a few nonessential doctrines, they all base their faith on Christ and the Bible, not the Book of Mormon. Osteen has stated on several other occasions that Mitt Romney, a Mor­mon, “believes in his savior just like I do.” What does that even mean?

Maybe you’re a fan of Joel Osteen. You may have read his books and have watched him on TV and are having a tough time accepting this. I strongly encourage you to pray about everything he or anyone teaches. If you sincerely seek God’s truth, He will reveal it to you. Osteen pres­ents a kind of self-help program under the guise of Bible instruction. There’s nothing wrong with optimism, but pastors [and teachers] need to stick with the Word of God.

Pastor Rick Warren, the Daniel Plan, and Emerging Mega-Churches

In 2011, Warren and Saddleback hosted the kick-off for the 52-week health program called The Daniel Plan. The problem is not with doing these things, it is with how they are done as well as who implements them. The “experts” called in to head the program go way beyond promoting physical health and are absolute advocates and proponents of eastern-style meditation… There is nothing wrong with taking care of our bodies while we work toward making disciples of Jesus Christ, but let’s look at this approach strictly from a Christian perspective. One doctor is Muslim, one Jewish, and one a proponent of New Age mysticism: What could go wrong?

These three doctors worked with Warren to create a health plan that may already have been implemented by Purpose Driven Churches world­wide, and tragically, millions of people could possibly be introduced to their New Age influences. If he doesn’t support their teachings, Warren sure gave them a big platform with which to promote them.

This is not a concern about associating with unbelievers; Jesus obviously spent time with sinners. However, He did NOT give unbelievers a platform with which to promote their religion or teachings that do not line up with the Bible.

…Through Warren’s sincere attempts to live out his faith, this relation­ship [with a local Muslim leader] has led to invitations to speak at Muslim conferences. In addition to some of the concerns previously mentioned, throughout the Old Testament God commanded the Israelites not to enter into agreements or covenants including marriage with people of other religions. The reasoning still applies to us today: it is easy to be led away from the one true God to worship other gods.

The danger of compromise is always on Christians who desire to partner with other organizations that have fundamentally contrasting beliefs and doctrines. One reason God takes partnership very seriously is that the concept of holiness has always revolved around the idea of separation. Joel Richardson, Bible Prophecy expert and author of Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out, emphasizes his concerns about the direction Warren has taken:

“…If Warren was pursuing friendships for the purpose of evangelism, I would openly stand with him in this goal. But I think it is clear that Warren is pursuing an agenda far more in line with the spirit of the age than with the goals of the early Christian Church.”53

We are Christ’s ambassadors and are called to be salt and light. We should be praying for Warren as well as the evangelical leaders mentioned earlier in this chapter. These men are highly influential on Christianity in America. I don’t believe that Rick Warren is being purposely decep­tive, but I could be wrong.

“But wait,” one might argue, “look at the size and growth of our church buildings and [successful] marketing campaigns and fundraisers! Look at how hip and relevant we are! We even serve cappuccino and lattes! Our sermons are catchy, our services are attractive, the kids are having fun, and we’ve blended in with culture!” This is my point exactly about the dangers of conforming to the world’s ways [to attract the world].


Friends that love God and America:  IF we don’t learn from the past and take action today, we are in danger of continuing down this current path of moral, fiscal, and spiritual decline which will lead to the destruction of the United States. For Christians and others who still care about our faith, freedoms, and the future of this great country, I offer the following excerpts from selected chapters in my book…

First, some quotes from a 2006 interview:

“Jesus is an historical figure… I want my govern­ment to be operating for all faiths and all peoples, including atheists and agnostics… I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell… What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, that I will be rewarded. [‘Sin’ means] being out of alignment with my values; I think religion at its best comes with a big dose of doubt… I don’t presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die…”  Barack Obama

Former 1960’s Left-wing radical David Horowitz converted to conservatism in the late 1970s and knows the inside of the socialist movement extremely well. Raised by parents who were both members of the Communist Party USA, Horowitz created Students for Academic Freedom, whose self-stated goal is combatting leftist indoctrination in academia. Horowitz stated:

“Barack Obama is an enigma. He won the 2008 presidential election claiming to be a moderate and wanting to bring Americans together and govern from the center. But since he took office, his actions have been far from moderate…. He has used the economic crisis to take over whole industries and has attempted to nationalize the health care system. …these actions had already made his presidency one of the most polarizing in history.”

There are too many professing Christians that refuse to acknowledge the truth. There are others that will read this overwhelming evidence and continue to defend Obama and the Democratic Party, regardless of the fact they cannot provide biblical support for placing their politics above their faith. This is foolish, irresponsible, and reckless.


Unknown to most people, there were some well-established under­ground movements working to blot out God in America. Some past historical events were morally and spiritually devastating. I wonder how different things might be today if Christians had taken a stand or had put up a fight through the years. People of faith need to wake up fast.

The Lord is a patient and compassionate God, but His anger won’t be held back forever. We must choose this day whether we will serve our culture or Christ. America once had God’s blessing and covering; His protection and His provision, but believers don’t read, study, and live the Bible like we used to over fifty years ago. God is no longer top priority.

Though the forces of evil and the agenda to blot out God in America are advancing, He is sovereign and in control of all things at all times.

Lord returns, there will always be an agenda to blot out the God of Christianity. Will the church continue conforming to culture? It will depend on the choices individual believers make.

This goes beyond history. What is happening in the United States is impacting the Church and everyday citizens alike. We can no longer say ‘it won’t affect me.’ This is such a HUGE issue to Christians in America…

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