Posts Tagged ‘GLAAD’

Like it or not, if you watch TV, get ready for more gay! A study ‘came out’ – pun intended – a year ago showing a rapidly increasing trend: record numbers of LGBT characters on television, particularly on prime-time, and more LGBT characters in leading roles.

They’ve been working on this for decades, but the agenda to normalize homosexuality goes back to the 1970s. And they won’t stop until the American public not only accepts and approves of their lifestyles, but celebrates them.

This week, GLAAD published its annual report on the status of LGBT infiltration of television and their plans to dominate the industry within five years. Gay rights activists, corporations, government schools, Hollywood, and media elites deny this is an agenda, but the facts tell a very – different – story.

GLAAD’s report is called, “Where We Are on TV,” and analyzes the number of LGBT and non-white characters on television. They are demanding one in five characters on primetime shows be LGBT by 2025.

GLAAD is calling on the industry to ensure the success of their agenda. Right now, 10.2 percent of broadcast series regular characters are LGBT. But according to a Gallup survey of adults in the U.S., an extremely liberal estimate of 4.5% of the population identifies as LGBT.

This means they are already over-represented on television by 227%. If their demands are met, five years from now there would be an over-representation of roughly four-and-a-half times the actual LGBT population.

…The laws and morality of the one true God are in the way of this immoral agenda. And so is anyone who follows the living God. Something has to give.

Over in Britain, you may not be surprised a judge in the UK recently ruled that belief in the Bible is “incompatible with human dignity.” Think about that. Human dignity exists because God made man in His image.

Remember, the more dark the culture, the more light Christians can shine on it. We’ve all sinned, but forgiveness is available to anyone who admits it, repents, and turns to God.


Video courtesy of Freedom Project Media

Leaving-NormalGay rights activists, government schools, Hollywood & media elites deny they have an agenda, but their actions tell a much different story…

The following is a book excerpt from ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA


Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Every one of us has the ability to fall into a life of sin. If it were not for God’s grace, we’d be lost and without hope. But while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8), and the Father’s love for us is so great that we are called His children (1 John 3:1). However, if any one of us is unrepentant and continues in a sinful lifestyle, whatever that sin may be, we will not inherit the kingdom of God and cannot be his child. Sadly, because of those who have promoted homosexuality as normal in our society, many have been confused or deceived. We need to pray they won’t be lost forever!

It is undeniable that homosexuality has gained acceptance, approval, and momentum in America. Thanks to the marketers of sin, morality has been redefined in our culture. In the span of just over five decades, America has displayed a radical reversal in standards and attitudes toward sin in general, but specifically toward homosexuality…


Radio host, Peter Heck, stated emphatically that both Bible-believing Christians and progress-seeking homosexuals cannot live in the same culture where there is such a sharp public disagreement about sin. Heck quoted a national leader in the gay and lesbian movement that stressed the goal of “pushing the parameters of sex” while “transforming the very fabric of society.” Heck clarified:

They know the success of their cause depends upon the total abolishment of the Judeo-Christian ethic and the Moral Authority it teaches. That is why any belief that the homosexual lobby is merely a passive group of individuals wanting to peacefully coexist with others who have different beliefs and values is naively absurd.

The apostle Paul writes that they “exchanged the truth of God for a lie” and worshiped themselves (Romans 1:25).
For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error (Romans 1:26-27).

God allows people to rebel and choose sin over him. It is repeated in these verses that a relationship between a man and a woman is natural and necessary. Indecent sexual behavior leads to severe consequences. In the Old Testament, homosexuality is called an abomination. In America today it is called “normal.”

I honestly cannot imagine the emptiness of a homosexual lifestyle where sexual activity is the primary thing that provides fulfillment. I have read the average male homosexual live-in relationship only lasts between two and three years. In a study published in Journal of Research, Paul Van de Ven studied the sexual profiles of 2,583 older homosexuals. The study found only 2.7% “claimed to have sex with one partner only.”

…the life expectancy for homosexuals is about twenty years shorter than that of the general public. The study, entitled “Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS,” has been published in Psychological Reports. Study after indisputable study has indicated that the average male homosexual has hundreds of sex partners in his lifetime. This further proves that behavior is the underlying issue. One classic study of homosexuality and lesbianism was done by A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg. They found that 43% of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28% having 1,000 or more sex partners.

The promotion of promiscuity is practically everywhere in our secular-progressive culture so who and what contributed to altering traditional beliefs in America? A pioneer of perversion, the man who regarded humans as animals is well respected today in colleges and universities. If you hear his name in the future, you’ll now understand that tragically, there may be no bigger and more damaging influence on sexuality in America than Alfred Kinsey.


How about Hollywood? Do you think it is a coincidence or intentional that you can hardly find a scripted show on prime time television that does not feature a friendly, likeable, well-adjusted homosexual character? Hollywood is one of God’s biggest offenders.

Because this has not been important to Christians in the past, we (believers, conservatives, families, parents, traditional Americans) have lost some ground when it comes to what kind of programming invades our living rooms via the TV. We must take our business elsewhere if companies sponsor shows and movies supporting anti-biblical and homosexual propaganda, but we don’t.

Hollywood continues to nominate and award Oscars to gay-friendly movies almost every year, even if some films are practically unknown to the public. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the Academy Awards are not geared toward conservative or traditional Americans.

How about the church? One of the saddest things to see in America today is the infiltration of gay ministers and pastors in churches, along with the growing openness to homosexuality in Christian churches. I did not say ‘openness to homosexuals’; we should be loving and compassionate toward any and every sinner. I said “openness to homosexuality” meaning it has become rationalized not only in culture, but also in some churches. It is the rise of apostasy: gay churches and leadership that preach accommodation and community instead of the conviction of sin. These deceived people are glossing over homosexuality and are not helping those in bondage… [I am not even sure if they know the Bible.]

Pastor Joe Schimmel of Good Fight Ministries shared some thought-provoking truths:

“We need to distance ourselves from two extremes regarding homosexuality. One extreme is the ‘God hates fags’ crowd, who treat homosexual behavior as the unforgivable sin. The other extreme to taking a cavalier attitude toward homosexuality, and fail to recognize that the Scriptures teach that sexual sin is destructive in a way that other sins are not (1 Cor. 6:18).”

I don’t understand why so many Christian leaders have remained silent or neutral, allowing evil to be pushed on young children.
Linda Harvey gave a plea to pastors and Christian leaders in which she shared concerns that homosexuality could destroy American culture and infect the Church. She, like many of us, believes the Church will have a lot of explaining to do on Judgment Day. In her article, “What’s at Stake for Christians in the War over Homosexuality,” [Mission America’s] Linda Harvey pleaded:

Why did you spend little or no time in the pulpit dealing with this and all the related sexuality issues – promiscuity, pornography, adultery, fornication – sins that are tearing apart the families and personal lives of even Bible-confessing Christians? Why did you constantly decry ‘political involvement’ when this is a deeply moral issue, one for which there are ready arguments to be made in the public square had more Christian leaders been willing to make them?

God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11) so He is patiently waiting for Christians to speak up about sexual immorality instead of ignoring it – or worse – accepting it. When pastors refuse to address sin, it is up to you and me.

God’s Word is our standard and the foundation upon which America shaped its original laws and values. Don’t allow the revisers of history to tell you otherwise, and don’t fall for their talking points. Someone’s natural identity (who a person is) is not the same as their chosen sexual behavior (what a person does). The Bible teaches that we are born in God’s image, and this includes the person struggling with homosexual behavior.

It is important to remember none of us is without sin, and Christians are called to love the homosexual. The Bible does not teach that gay people are inferior any more than it teaches abortionists, alcoholics, child molesters, idol worshipers, wife abusers or pornographers are inferior people. Sin is any behavior contrary to God’s law, and it is the very reason Jesus Christ suffered and died…

It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life (1 Timothy 1:15-16).

If you and I do not tell them the truth, who will?

*The above book excerpt is a very small portion, taken from 25 pages in this ERADICATE chapter, pp 171-196.

Related articles and blogs:

Intolerance in Matthew Shepherd’s Name: How Lies Become Laws


Get ‘Em While They’re Young: Promoting Homosexuality in Public Schools

gay straight alliance in high schools

Wake Up America – It Starts at the Top: President Obama Pushes Gay Agenda


Gay Marriage is not God’s Marriage

Robertsons praying

UPDATE: A&E has lifted their suspension of Phil Robertson – no surprise here. The Robertson’s released this statement to Fox News:

“The family is excited to keep making a quality TV show for our dedicated fans, who have showed us wonderful support. We will continue to represent our faith and values in the most positive way through Duck Dynasty and our many projects that we are currently working on. The outpouring of support and prayer has encouraged and emboldened us greatly.”

Much has been written regarding the fallout and many good points have been made. Most of us are tired of hearing about it however, this debate is way too important to dismiss.

I submit to you the biggest reason these public squabbles rarely get resolved: we now have a clear cultural, moral divide in America and both sides cannot coexist peacefully any longer. There is too much at stake.

Though I agree with Phil Robertson’s views of the Bible and sin, I wish he would have answered the question on homosexuality with more tact in the GQ interview. Regardless, what did we learn?

In one corner of the public battle are those that believe in the Bible as well as America’s founding principles of Christianity; in the other corner are those who not only oppose us, but claim they are offended (threatened) by the presence of practicing Christians. The minority has the loudest voices and the support of Hollywood, the mainstream media, and government. Because of this ungodly alliance, we sometimes think conservatives and people of faith are now outnumbered.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Less than 4 % of the U.S. population is LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender), and in a recent census of American citizens, less than 1% were verifiable same-sex couples. Moreover, about 73% of the media favor same-sex marriage while over 75% of Americans support Christianity.

This lopsided dichotomy was revealed a few years ago during the attempted intimidation of Chick-fil-A after the CEO had the audacity to say he runs his company on Christian values and believes in marriage between one man and one woman. Gay activist groups cried “hate” and after the intense, media-trumpeted backlash (bullying), millions of Americans supported Chick-fil-A by eating at their restaurants and rallying on social media.

You may also remember in 2009, Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was asked a question about legalizing same-sex marriage during the Miss USA competition. One of the judges, homosexual activist, Perez Hilton, viciously attacked Prejean and later admitted she would have won the Miss USA crown had she not answered the question in support of traditional marriage. What an interesting twist to ‘judge ye not.’

In the Duck Dynasty controversy, we again witnessed the political and public pressure by homosexual activists from GLAAD (Gay and Lesbians Alliance Against Defamation) and the Human Rights Campaign to not only force suspension of family patriarch Phil Robertson, but also insist he undergo sensitivity training and tolerance education.

Often ignored when discussing Robertson’s interview is the fact he also referred to many other sins even heterosexuals commit (1 Cor. 6:9-10). We all sin and fall short of God’s glory, and every one of us needs forgiveness. To Robertson, sin is sin no matter who you are, but opportunistic activists cried fowl.

The LGBT community claims it’s all about love and equality, but if you don’t agree with or approve of their lifestyle, they often resort to hateful attacks and refuse to permit speech that opposes homosexuality. This is totalitarian intolerance.

If we love someone, we’ll tell them the truth. If we believe Jesus is the only way to salvation (Acts 4:12) and we fail to warn others, we don’t really care about them. The way Christians demonstrate their love for non-believers is by addressing sin so they can repent and receive the grace God offers which leads to everlasting life (Ephesians 2:8).

One major issue at stake here is the First Amendment: Do all Americans, including Christian conservatives, still have legal speech protections or not? I purposely mention “conservatives” because there are far too many liberal Christians as well as those who profess Christianity and fail to accept the Bible’s authority or strive to live in obedience to its precepts. Some of these folks don’t think we should speak openly about our faith or quote certain Scriptures. Thanks to the emergent church, Christianity has been watered-down.

The foundational issue is whether or not the Bible is a divine source of inspiration and truly God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16). Are there moral absolutes or not? God’s truth never changes and cannot be altered or adapted to a compromising culture.

The reason sin has become such an explosive topic is many Christian and religious leaders don’t teach or preach the undiluted gospel – the whole counsel of God – as much as they used to and therefore, many Christians don’t talk about sin; especially homosexuality.

How selfish of us who believe the Bible if we don’t share with non-Christians the only good news that can save them! Ironically, sin is the reason God sent His only Son, Jesus, to be sacrificed for us. He was brutally tortured and crucified and we don’t talk about WHY He had to die? Sin separates all mankind from a holy God.

Did you know originally, A&E’s plan for Duck Dynasty was for viewers to laugh and mock a family of ‘backwards’ Christian rednecks? Instead the show became the most popular cable program in history averaging 14.6 million viewers. The very plan that backfired ended up making them millions. A&E knew what they were getting with the Robertson’s.

Sadly today in culture, evil is considered good and good is considered evil (Isaiah 5:20), and activists will no longer tolerate those who say their behavior is sinful. Some believe we’ve reached a tipping point.

As for the media in America, they freely give liberals a platform, but rarely report the whole story. For example, are they not being hypocritical by refusing to mention the intolerance of Islam toward both gays and Christians? Muslims hang homosexuals. They also burn Christians, and destroy their churches & villages; and gay activists are bent out of shape when someone warns them about their sinful behavior?

We cannot remain neutral any longer. The lines have been drawn in the sand. This present darkness is not about Duck Dynasty, A&E, the Robertsons or Hollywood. It’s not even political, it is spiritual and the battle has just intensified. Take up your positions or hide under a table.

Author Michael Brown suggests:

“Those of us who agree fundamentally with Robertson make clear that: 1) We are unashamed of our belief in Jesus and in biblical morality. 2) We stand against the mistreatment of all people, including gays and lesbians. 3) We will not support the radical redefinition of marriage, regardless of the cost involved, nor do we see cultural capitulation to gay activism as inevitable.”

This never would have been a debate 50 years ago, so what changed? God, or America? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). We’ve reached the point where activists are forcing conformity and calling it tolerance. I believe this is good for a comfortable Christian church.

Know this: God is at work orchestrating events and warning us to understand the times.

The problem has been diagnosed. The moral decline in America is evidence we cannot rely on church leaders because people are obviously not getting the message. If Christians fail to speak about the Bible, Jesus Christ, and the issue of sin; our society will only grow worse, the battle more intense, and the hostility more volatile.

One thing is certain: silence never saved anybody.

David Fiorazo is the author of ERADICATE: BLOTTING OUT GOD IN AMERICA

Phil Robertson silenced